Saturday, November 06, 2010

Juxtaposed Post-Election News Stories o' the Day

It's good to know that the Democrats haven't forgotten their old, time-tested tricks.

• 4-Nov-2010, Bridgeport, CT: "Bag of uncounted ballots discovered in Bridgeport"

• 5-Nov-2010, Bridgeport, CT: "An overnight tabulation of Bridgeport's ballots in the governor's race appears to have brought a razor-thin victory to Democrat Dan Malloy..."

• 5-Nov-2010, San Antonio, TX: "Ortiz trailed his Republican challenger... But he gained seven votes two days later, when previously uncounted ballots from Robstown — all marked for Ortiz — were found and certified.."

• 3-Nov-2010, Santa Clara County, CA: "The estimated number of uncounted ballots in Santa Clara County rose instead of dropping as the day went on Wednesday, leaving the results of several races in balance...."

• 5-Nov-2010, Los Angeles, CA: "L.A. District Attorney Steve Cooley has lawyered up in preparation for a drawn-out fight with Kamala Harris in the still too-close-to-call race for attorney general... The Harris camp is probably hoping the election doesn't come down to those 75 ballots found yesterday floating in a pond at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco.."

• 4-Nov-2010, Springfield, IL: "As of Wednesday afternoon, with 99 percent of precincts reporting, Quinn was leading Brady by about 16,200 votes, out of 3.6 million cast. Most of the yet-uncounted ballots are in Democrat-rich Cook County. Quinn is from Chicago."

Just once I'd love to see a GOP candidate win a tight race through the discovery of a bag of uncounted ballots. Then again, Republicans don't seem to have any equivalents of ACORN, the SEIU, Mi Familia Vota, and the rest of the front groups that seem to conjure votes for Democrats out of thin air.


  1. Anonymous2:11 PM

    This is utter BS. I worked at polling stations as a party observer and (well, at least the ones I've worked at) the handling of the ballots was extraordinarily professional. Any ballots that start to "turn up" outside the process need to be disallowed regardless of the reason and an investigation with severe consequences to the party or parties responsible. Unless and until somebody actually goes to jail over this type of crap it will just continue.

  2. 4-Nov-2010, Bridgeport, CT: "Bag of uncounted ballots discovered in Bridgeport" More would be found if needed.
    The Dems are complaining about "outside money" coming into the GOP campaigns. I would like a way to figure the value of MSNBC, and their pals, biased and misinformation broadcasts.

  3. Anonymous11:43 PM

    My thoughts exactly. How does it happen that the only party to "discover" ballots are democrats.

    Impossible statistically.

  4. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Washington has these issues every single voting cycle since mid-1990s because of King County (where Seattle is located). The only way a Republican win here is if they have at least a 10% lead on election night or don't have to count ballots from King County. It is very sad.
