Saturday, November 06, 2010

Larwyn's Linx: How the New Congress Can Roll Back Obama’s Agenda

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How the New Congress Can Roll Back Obama’s Agenda: PJM
Politicians need Reagan's words: OAOA
Minority Leader Pelosi: TigerHawk

The State-Level Tsunami: AT
Face it, GOP ‘Moderates’ Are Party Traitors: RWN
Congratulations Chris Van Hollen on a Job Well Done!: GWP

Why the Establishment GOP Still Hates the Tea Party: RWN
a dose of reality and a fact for lindsey graham: Winter Soldier
MO: Ed Martin Vote Fraud Update: RebootCongress


Voters speak: No to soak-the-rich schemes: Malkin
Collective Lunacy: Blumer
The Ghost of Ronald Reagan: AT

The Keynesians Get Their Wish: AT
Ron Paul Questions Fed, Vows Another "Audit the Fed" Effort: Mish
Labor Dept. Comes Begging for Another Unemployment Extension: ZH

We Must Bar Public Sector Unions From Campaign Donations: WashExam
The Fed’s $600 Billion Dollar Plan For Economic Suicide: RWN
Dollar at Risk of Crashing, Triggering Inflation: Strategist: CNBC

Climate & Energy

CO2 is not a pollutant, and the notion of 'carbon-free' energy is inherently harmful and anti-scientific: WUWT
If Al Gore’s Chicago Climate Exchange Suffers Total Failure, Does the MSM Make a Sound?: PJM
I'm a Denier: WZ


L.A. Times: Poor Nancy Pelosi Just Doesn’t Get Any Credit: Patterico
Keith Olbermann Suspended Indefinitely: JoshuaPundit
David Brooks illustrates how clueless Easterners can be without local knowledge about My Midwest: AidWatch

Divisive New GOP Majority Already Swelling Unemployment Ranks: Driscoll
Peggy Noonan Calls Sarah Palin A 'Nincompoop': JoshuaPundit
Merriment at the NYT: Visit the Marxist Center for Real Fun!: PJM

Figures: Obama's Terrorist Pal Bernardine Dohrn Says Conservatives Are Armed Racist Terrorists: GWP
Mr. Obama is No Bill Clinton: AT
Arena League Slams NFL: RWN


D-Day at the UN: Obama Submits America to “Human Rights Review” by World’s Most Despicable Regimes: WZ
Geert Wilders Case Reveals Deeper Problems in the West: AT
Hate Imam ‘Hook’ Hamza Keeps British Citizenship: WZ


How to prevent drunk Facebook postings: CNet
Get Ready for the Fat Police: AT
Microsoft CEO Ballmer to sell off 75 million shares: CNet


November 5, 2009: Ace
No More Using California Welfare Cards to Buy “Medical” Marijuana: RWN
Mayor Bloomberg on President Obama: “I Never Met in my Life Such an Arrogant Man.”: WZ

Sorry your birthday cake was accidentally racist: Someeecards
Are You Ready For An Illegal Mexican Immigrant Private Detective TV Series?: GWP
Nuns get $220,000 from sale of rare baseball card: CNN

Image: Maggie's Farm
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: The NRCC Learned Nothing – They’re Blowing Off Renee Ellmers


  1. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I don't get it, what is that arrow pointing at?

    If I see one more picture of this greasespot disrepecting the Oval Office, my head will explode.

  2. I believe it's a box o' tissues.
