Thursday, November 04, 2010

Larwyn's Linx: Beware the Lame-Duck Blizzard of Far-Left Bills

Have a great link you'd like me to review? Drop me an email. Bloggers: you can install a Larwyn's Linx blog widget!


Beware the Lame-Duck Blizzard of Far-Left Bills: PJM
How Much Were Democrats Loathed? RWN
Reflections on the Election, By Monty: Ace

What the Election Was Not About: Hanson
When Compromise Is Not Called For: BigGovt
20 Most Memorable Moments From Campaign 2010: RWN

Who Gets the First Subpoena?: AT
Huge Losses for Dems in South, Midwest: PJM
Obama's Deck of Race Cards: AT


California Wins Dumbest State Award in Landslide: PJM
DeMint: Sure, Raise the Debt Ceiling--With Massive Cuts: Ace
Yet Another Union Payoff: Taxpayers Send GM $45B More: WSJ

Tuesday's Election Was a Vote to Bring the 19th Century to an End: AT
2 out of 3: Voters reject Obamacare mandate in AZ, OK: Malkin
MI voters repudiate 8 years of Granholm's quackery: BlogProf

Climate & Energy

Time For the GOP to Go On Offense: AT
‘Greenest President Ever’ trip to India has carbon footprint bigger than residents of many US cities: WUWT
Day of Reckoning for Climate Fraud Democrats: Politico


Evan Bayh Slams Obama and the Radical Left: Riehl
Boehner’s Emotion; Rubio’s Future: Anchoress
Pass the Popcorn: Democratic knives come out in the House.: Moe Lane

A Radical Gets Rolled by His Own Rules: Driscoll
California Conservatives: Why Do You Still Live Here?: Patterico
Bummer. Carville’s 40 Year Prediction Was Only Off By 38 Years: GWP

What is MSNBC afraid of?: Big Journalism
MSNBC Staff: 2012 GOP Candidates Are “Nothing”–NOBODY Can Beat Obama–Not Even “Fat Boy” Christie: GWP
WaPo's Milbank Trashes Fox News 'Victory Party,' Ignores MSNBC's DNC Echoes: MRC

Hilarious Liberal Blogger Reactions To The Shellacking They Just Suffered: RWN
Endangered Magazine: C&S
DeadOcrats Confess! "I voted Democrat because...": AmDigest


Modernity’s Uninvited Guest: City Journal
The Obama Liquor Cabinet: iOTW
Cuban Tax Reform and Unfreedom of the West: AT


Fuzzing proprietary protocols not that hard #sectorca: InternetNews
How to Replace Your Laptop with an iPad: Apps and Accessories: PopMech
YouTube yanks Islamic cleric's jihad videos: Maktoob


I Believe This Is Your Donkey: iOTW
President Gaining Immense New International Respect as a Blow-Up Sex Doll: AmDigest (NSFW)
The Mini-Cannon That Will Blow Your Mind: Ace

Image: iOwnTheWorld.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Mumbai vs. Wounded Warrior Project


  1. Anonymous1:47 PM


    Perhaps this should be included:

    "Poll: GOP candidates top Obama in hypothetical 2012 race"

    Most are competitive against Obama, except Mrs. Palin, who has O'Donnell like weaknesses.

    "In a possible general election showdown, Obama leads Palin 52-44 percent among all registered voters.

    "Looking ahead to 2012, it may be too early to count Barack Obama out, particularly if Sarah Palin is his opponent," said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. "The former Alaska governor gets a lot of attention, but she is in third place when Republicans are asked to pick a presidential nominee, and in a hypothetical matchup with Obama she is arguably the weakest candidate of the top-tier GOP hopefuls."

    In a hypothetical 2012 matchup, Huckabee leads Obama 52 - 44 percent, while Romney has a 50-45 point advantage, which is within the poll's sampling error. Obama holds a 49-47 percent margin over Gingrich."

    This is a CNN offering, and anything can happen in 2 years, but we cannot be blind to political reality - and we cannot enable the Democrats with offering another poor candidate - like McCain was in the past.

    On another note, who are these supporters of Huckabee? That RINO actually is more like a Democrat, who spent and taxed more than Bill Clinton during the same length of tenure in ARK. In fact Huckabee wanted to fund education for Adult Illegal Immigrants with taxpayer funds, and his PARDON policy was basically an open door to monstrous criminals who ended up striking again and again. Huckabee is a disaster, and has exploited a Religious Identity to get ahead. We better do better than the Huckster.

    But the fashion around Palin reveals similar aspects to the fashion which provided some very weak offerings in this last Midterm, which only aided the Democrats. We have to get beyond the hype and back to substance.

  2. Anonymous2:37 PM

    This could be a very important offering:
    "Tea Party Candidates Must Learn the Art of Fencing"

    Mrs. Elizabeth Scalia tries to give a very constructive, kind, helpful offering for the fashion. She could be more blunt in my opinion, but this is her superior nature. She has many great points.

  3. Anonymous2:38 PM

    "This is a CNN offering"

    Why thanks for offering, how very fashionable of you.

  4. Awesome post! Keep up the GREAT work!!

    Common Cents

  5. Anonymous3:07 AM

    "Why thanks for offering, how very fashionable of you."

    LOL !

    I stated this was a CNN offering, for it is to be taken with great cynicism.

    However, the reality of the poor offering of the FASHIONABLE IMAGE - IDENTITY game is clear.

    Palin, much like O'Donnell, is the weakest offering we have today.

    Much can change from now, until then, but right now she would lose in a dramatic manner.

    I had the same objections to McCain, knowing he would lose.

    Today we see fashion amongst us, and it is weakening all, enabling the Democrats.

    We cannot afford to be blind, or live in an echo chamber.

    We have to offer the best, or we will see continued Delaware flops again and again, on a larger scale.
