Thursday, November 04, 2010

Secret Steganographic Message for @RalstonFlash Regarding Harry Reid, Harrah's and a Mysterious Spreadsheet of Casino Employees' Voting Status

The unofficial publicist of the Nevada Democrat Party is a Las Vegas Sun columnist-slash-spokes-hack named Jon Ralston. During the heat of the 2010 campaign, Ralston ran a series of advertisements for Harry Reid, all of which were cleverly disguised as op-eds. His marketing efforts culminated a couple of days ago, with a prediction that Reid would win despite long odds against him at the omniscient InTrade prediction market.

Earlier today, Ralston tweeted the following.

I couldn't help myself: wondering whether this crack newspaperman would delve into credible reports that Harrah's and MGM Mirage bused thousands of workers to the polls and urged them to vote for Reid, I tweeted Ralston:

Ralston's direct message cut me to the quick.

At which point I humbly recanted.

Having been utterly humiliated by the rapier-like wit of the RalstonFlash, I've determined I should conduct the rest of this conversation with Ralston privately.

For that reason, I've decided to employ steganography.

In short, steganography describes various methods for hiding secret messages within other, visible messages.

Using Biff Spackle's new steganographic algorithm (he calls it SpackleBoy 3000 -- humor him), I've crafted a secret message for Jon Ralston which is cleverly disguised within this photograph.

As an aside, is there a U.S. District Attorney anywhere in the western half of the United States to investigate this maddening criminality?

Hat tip: Uncle Ben.


  1. Anonymous8:01 PM




    Can we ask how many tears Nancy Pelosi ordered various Union Leaders to shed for her removal from the Speakers Position?

    By the way, suddenly Obama is sounding a little like REAGAN.

    LOL !

    Too bad about the Senate, but I encourage ROSSI to demand a recount, and call for a Federal Investigation. He should go all the way to the Supreme Court, to challenge the various walking 'dead' votes coming out of KINGS COUNTY. The guy was clearly ripped off in the first GREGOIRE theft, and he should cut loose on this - not shy away. He won't have a real career after anyhow. Three loses and such.

  2. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Reid won, right? So Ralston was right, right? And the Intrade market whatever was wrong, wasn't it? And the Republican gains elsewhere are irrelevant to the point at hand (Ralston's prediction on Reid), aren't they?

    I can't help laughing at conservatives. When they win, they gloat. When they lose, they change the subject and try to scurry away like Sharron Angle running from reporters.

  3. No 8:53 ---

    You Democrats believe in winning by any means possible.

    Having companies bus in voters and coercing them to vote Democrat is illegal.

    Kinda like having felons vote. And the dead. And illegal aliens. And every other Democrat constituent group.

    And if you don't believe in the sanctity of the ballot box, you need to move to Cuba.
