Wednesday, December 22, 2010

House Interpretive Dancer and Camera-Seeking Missile Anthony Weiner: Republicans Must Start 'Acting Like Adults'

It would appear that CNN's Spitzer-Noonan has at least one viewer, because the heroes at Weasel Zippers braved the boredom to record a diatribe by Another Weiner, who was screeching like a little girl about Republican threats to shut down the government. I ask you: would anyone know if, say, the Department of Education ceased to exist for a few weeks?

"The Republicans are against health care, they're against financial regulation... what these agencies are going to get done... they still have rule-making... and these programs are a net savings for the American people, so I'm not sure what they can do. But they can make mischief... Every so often, we hit the statuatory debt ceiling, now it's the Republicans' job to raise that ceiling so the full faith and credit of the American government is still behind our currency... this is... the Republicans have to start acting like adults and realize they have to start governing now.

Many of us in the Democrat Party are gonna take some pleasure watching them try and figure out who they want to be when they grow up."

As if the month of November wasn't sufficient to educate you, schmuck, what we want from federal officials -- irrespective of party -- is limited, Constitutional, fiscally responsible government.

I know that's extraordinarily complex for one Anthony Weiner to comprehend, seeing as how he's been on the public dole since graduation from college. Yes, it's true. Read his bio. He's never worked an honest day in his life. He's your prototypical Statist on a mission. He wants to replace Chuck Schumer in the Senate and, eventually, run for the Presidency. Pity: the only Marxist President was just elected. We won't be seeing any others for a long, long, long time.

Related: Anthony Weiner Sit Down Remix.


  1. "Pity: the only Marxist President was just elected. We won't be seeing any others for a long, long, long time."
    From your fingertips to God's monitor, Doug!

    I can't stand Anthony Weiner. i live in NY so I see this weenie on TV entirely too often.

  2. Here's your Weiner-link, FIFY. I had no idea - though I should know well enough to assume as much by now - that he's been on the dole ever since graduation.

  3. Oops.

  4. "Many of us in the Democrat Party are gonna take some pleasure watching them try and figure out who they want to be when they grow up."

    Riiight. Little delinquents are always full of big talk until their parents come home. We'll see who the adults are and who's peeing their pants after the 112th shows up, cuts up all their credit cards and sends a few of them to jail. Now THAT's going to be a real pleasure.
