Saturday, September 03, 2011

Late night TV commercial seen on MSNBC

Tired of the dirty looks you get on the expressway?

Sick of getting flipped off, even though your only 'crime' is having an Obama bumper-sticker on your car?

Now there's an answer: remove that divisive bumpersticker -- that you regret ever slapping on your vehicle -- with the new AlinskyOff 3000, available exclusively through this TV offer!

Having trouble with an extra-difficult sticker that won't stop grabbing you? The propane-powered JeremiahBegone 4000 could be the cure. It's 4,000-BTU blast will melt nearly any free-range sticker made in the last four years!

Struggling with the Obama-Biden commemorative stickers made with heat-proof tiles from the abandoned Space Shuttle program? There's only one way to get those bad boys off -- the HopeyChange Jihad 5000 rocket-propelled adhesive remover (not available in the District of Columbia).

Act now, and we'll throw in a rare, collector's edition 2008 Michelle Obama bathing suit calendar!


  1. Robert2:10 PM

    that last one made me throw up all over my keyboard...

    just the thought of that disgusting sasquatch pig living in our White House with her hateful race-baiting Marxist attitude.

    cannot wait until we get those slimebags out of there. in Moochelle's case, it would be, I can't Weight to get her fat ass out of that house and out of our lives.

  2. If I saw anyone screwing with my Obama sticker... I'd wait around to see what car was theirs and take my key out for a long, hard walk. :-p

  3. booktheif, can't spell your use name right. Har! I would assure you if youn equate a sticker with a paint job, you're in serious mental trouble.Secondly, you should be a little more introspective about your threats as you may not have control of the situation and might incur more than sticker damage. Punk.
