Sunday, March 11, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: Barack Obama to Khalid Muhammad: Two Degrees of Separation

Have a news tip or great story? Drop me an email. Bloggers: you can install a Larwyn's Linx blog widget!


Obama to Khalid Muhammad: Two Degrees of Separation: PL
The media trashed Reagan too – he won in a landslide: Scoop
CalGuns Foundation Sues LA County Sheriff Lee Baca: CDN

Illegal 'Women of the 99%' Robo-Calls Target Rush in Illinois: RSM
Shady group behind illegal calls likely tied to DNC: GWP
Genocide in America: Can We Talk?: JPA


Hearing Shines Light on Food-Stamp Fraud: Foundry
Food Stamps Exchanged For Drugs, Weapons, Contraband: JW
Who's behind Sandra Fluke?: VS

The One Chart Liberals Hate: Surber
Whiny Liberal Punk Whines About Obama Unemployment Chart: Cove
Unemployment Definition - Abbott and Costello: AmDigest

2012 Elections

Bauer to GOP: Clear the deck for Santorum: Exam
Kansas Republican caucuses results: Rick Santorum wins: Politico
Conservative leaders 'all in' for Santorum: Politico

Climate & Energy

Top 10 Obama energy blunders: Events
Thanks Fracking: NJ Citizens Saving $100 Million On Their Gas Bills: SAB
Enviros Whack 100 Coal-Fired Plants: Townhall

Obama Weekly Address: “Soon You’ll Be Able To Only Afford To Fill Up Every Two Weeks!”: STACLU
Dear Energy Chief Chu: You know where you can shove your $50 lightbulb?: CDN
Global warming may drive you nuts: Surber


Team Obama Really Excited To Treat Women As An Uninformed Voter Block: RWN
Carbonite’s Saturday Night Massacre: LI
Time's Alinsky Attack on Breitbart: Riehl

Damage Control: Obama’s Harvard Pal Says He Was Joking About Hiding Damaging Video: JWF
Soledad O'Brien & That Guy From Cheers Get Really, Really Mad: AmSpec
Hey, Remember When NBC Thought Calling Someone a 'Slut' Was Hilarious?: NB

The Feminazis Go Hunting For Rush: Wolf Howling
Andrew Breitbart: a White Plume Over the Battle: Jason Jones
Nation of Islam Attacks ‘Minion of the Synagogue of Satan’ : Blaze

Fossilized Feminist Hags Jane Fonda And Gloria Steinem Call For FCC To Ban Rush Limbaugh: WZ
Aide Jason Recher on ‘Game Change’ Palin Portrayal: I Would’ve Quit: C4P
Governor Palin Dismisses Game Change In An E-Mail To Jake Tapper: C4P


Is Obama stabbing Israel in the back?: Power Line
Gaza jihadists fire 40 rockets into Israel, wound 8 people: JihadWatch
At least 90 Iraqi teenagers stoned to death for “emo” haircuts: Creeping

The Skeletal Outlines of Islam's Rage: Gates of Vienna
Some 100 rockets hit Israel since Friday: ynet
Israel…Jews saving Christians from Islam: CFP

Reza Aslan equates Rick Santorum with murderous Iranian Supremo: JihadWatch
The Revival of (Islamic) Blasphemy Laws: Creeping
Honor Killings: National Geographic Video: Creeping


Cool cars from Europe that you can't have: Fox
New Titanic Map Shows 'Entire Crime Scene': ABC
Quake shifted Japan coast about 13 feet, knocked Earth 6.5 inches off axis: USA Today


Thoughtcrime: Western Rifle Shooters
What will happen to your investment if Obama is re-elected: Munch Ado About Nothing
Lurid Lawsuit Against Arpaio & Steven Seagal: Courthouse News

Image: JihadWatch: Reza Aslan equates Rick Santorum with murderous Iranian Supremo
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Rick Santorum for President

QOTD: "By the [2008] general election, very rarely did we communicate through the press anything that we didn't absolutely control." --Anita Dunn, former Obama communications director and avowed Maoist

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