Friday, August 01, 2014

Invasion by Design

By Investor's Business Daily

Border Crisis: A new report shows the vast majority of unaccompanied minors aren't unaccompanied at all, have family members inside the U.S., are not victims of human trafficking and thus can be deported immediately.

Rep. Luis Gutierrez of Illinois and other Democrats have repeatedly made the argument that Republicans shouldn't complain about the current border invasion since it was a 2008 law that automatically entitles minors from noncontiguous countries to asylum hearings before they face deportation.

Gutierrez and his liberal colleagues in Congress and the media should read the law to find out what's in it.

As the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) points out in a recent report, under the definition of what constitutes an unaccompanied child (UAC) in the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, most children from countries other than Canada or Mexico do not qualify to stay here while they await a hearing.

According to CIS, the law says that to receive the UAC designation the illegal alien must be under 18 and without "a parent or legal guardian in the United States." Yet, CIS notes, about 90% of the non-Mexican and non-Canadian children pouring across the border are placed with family members or guardians in America.

"An illegal immigrant who arrives at the U.S. border who is not a victim of trafficking and has family inside the United States should not be benefiting from protections in the 2008 trafficking law," said Jon Feere, legal policy analyst at CIS.

Indeed, there's no need to amend this law to deal with the current crisis. The problem could end by strictly enforcing the letter of the 2008 law.

Human trafficking involves the transport of children against their will for illicit purposes and without the consent of their parents. The law was designed to prevent the sexual exploitation of children.

CIS notes that smuggling is not trafficking. It is not human trafficking when the families pay fees to smugglers who bring the children into the U.S.

"The Obama administration appears to be hiding behind the 2008 law and acting like it requires them to allow the current wave of illegal immigration to continue," according to the CIS report.

In fact, it does not — plus the administration's position is contradicted by its own Homeland Security secretary, Jeh Johnson.

At a press conference Tuesday, Johnson admitted that nearly all the 50,000-plus Central American youths who have crossed the Texas border since October are accompanied by smugglers hired by the youth's parents or families. "It is our observation and our experience that almost all of them are smuggled," he said.

Families are paying smugglers as much as $10,000 a pop, Johnson also said, which undercuts the escaping poverty argument. "Nobody is freelancing," he added.

The 2008 law, Feere told the Daily Caller, was designed to protect the small number of youths who are forcibly imported and abandoned in the U.S. by criminal groups, such as prostitution rings. White House officials "are hoping no one reads through what the 2008 law requires, and they're happy to act as if their hands are bound by the 2008 law," Feere said.

A July 7 report leaked to from the El Paso Intelligence Center, a group composed of members of various law enforcement agencies, said most migrants planned their border-crossing in cooperation with family members inside the U.S.

"Large number of migrants interviewed claimed family members in the United States encouraged their travel," the report said. "The majority of migrants interviewed in late May indicated that they made arrangements with smugglers in their respective countries through the assistance of family members and friends in the United States."

This border invasion is by design, facilitated by another willful misinterpretation of the law by the Obama administration.

Read more at Investor's Business Daily

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