Saturday, August 02, 2014

Larwyn's Linx: Shocking images show corpses of illegal immigrants left to die in border crossings

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Shocking images show corpses of illegal immigrants left to die: Daily Mail
Feds Fly Unaccompanied Minors to Alaska: Breitbart
IRS, Atheist Group Work Together To Silence Speech from Church Pulpit: GWP

Obama military downsizing leaves U.S. too weak to counter global threats: Times
Nancy Pelosi Goes Nuts on House Floor: Scoop
Clinton Corruption Bombshells: JW

The Next Front in the Battle over Obamacare: RWN
John Boehner: Scammer of the House: CFP
U.S. aid workers with Ebola headed to Ga. hospital: USA Today

Chris Christie Refuses To Talk About Cuomo’s Moreland Problem: MenRec
Obama Executive Order: Detain Americans With "Respiratory Illnesses": DCC
CDC designates El Paso as quarantine site, including for Ebola: KVIA


Don’t Buy This Dip: The Fed Is Not Your Friend: David Stockman
Russia, India Negotiate to Bypass Dollar: ZH
UK: HSBC Shuts Down Islamist Bank Accounts: Gatestone

Scandal Central

Lois Lerner’s Vendetta: FPM
Mexican Drug Trafficker Assaults Border Patrol, Charges Dismissed: Breitbart
U.S. attorney general to Gov. Rick Scott: We're watching you: Tampa Bay

Climate & Energy

Real, Live Endarkenment – Redux: WRSA
How the Obama Administration Has Actually Broken the Law Hundreds of Times: Blaze
“Climate Change” Means Hot And Cold Snaps!: Cove


Obama's 15 Worst Excuses For His Failed Presidency: John Hawkins
Jackie Mason Goes Off on Anti-Israel Celebrities: Hollywood Reporter
Bill Whittle describes his journey from mental illness to the truth: Scoop

Double standards, moral cowardice: Hayom
NY Times Notes Rising Anti-Semitism In Europe: RWN
Why Democrats Are Ditching the 'War on Women': NatlJrnl


Hamas Issues All Of Its Followers Terrorism 101 Training Manual: WZ
Levin: Why aren’t there calls for ‘cease-fires’ in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, or Ukraine?: Scoop
‘Get lost! The whole world goes to HELL because of you!’ Arab states turning away from Hamas : Scoop

Obama And The US Army Open The Door To The UN: NoisyRm
Canada: Muslims scream “Heil Hitler” at Jews while police stand idly by: JihadWatch
UK: Families barred from cinema for not being Muslim: JihadWatch

Quarantine: Here’s Where They’ll Send Those Suspected of Ebola or “Respiratory Illnesses”: SHTFplan
"International Health Regulations Emergency Committee on Ebola Viral Disease, 7 August 2014": WRSA
You Don't Say: WRSA

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

10 Dramatic Moments In Black Hat History: Dark Reading
The early design history of NASA's spacesuits: Engadget
Motoped motorized survival bike will get you there and back: Fox


Know Your Rights! For Undocumented Aliens And Unidentified Aliens: James Simpson
Coping: Prepping for the Great Shut-In?: Urban Survival
Devout Muslims Perform Comedy Routine With Severed Head: BCF (Graphic)

Image: Shocking images show corpses of illegal immigrants left to die
Sponsored by: Tell Congress the conditions for approving Pres. Obama's emergency funding request!

QOTD: "Two federal judges have made it clear IRS stonewalling on the issue is no longer acceptable. On July 10, U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan gave the agency 30 days to submit a written explanation—under oath—explaining how it lost the emails. The ruling was a response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit brought by Judicial Watch. A day later, U.S. District Judge Reggie B. Walton demanded to know what became of Lerner’s hard drive. If it was destroyed, he wants a sworn affidavit to that effect. He also wants information about the IG’s investigation. Walton’s ruling was in response to a lawsuit filed by True the Vote, who is also asking the judge to appoint an independent expert to investigate the lost emails. True the Vote’s lawyer, Cleta Mitchell, explained why. “We don’t trust the IRS,” she told Walton.

Judicial Watch’s Jay Sekulow is calling for the appointment of a Special Prosecutor based on emails between Lerner and the DOJ regarding the targeting of conservative groups, as well as the reality that the DOJ investigation (such as it is) is being conducted by Barbara Bosserman. Bosserman is an attorney from the DOJ’s Civil Right division, not the Public Integrity Section of the Criminal Division that handles public corruption. She has also been a campaign contributor to President Obama and the Democratic Party, presenting what Sekulow, as well as members of the Committee, consider a blatant “conflict of interest.” “There could be no more clear example of the need to appoint a truly objective and independent prosecutor than in this case,” Sekulow contends." --Arnold Ahlert

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Some pertinent questions for our socialist friend on the nation’s left:

    It’s been a long of enough time that even the president who only learns of his scandals in the newspaper should know about the deluge of aliens over the boundary of the country.

    There really should be no excuse for not knowing of the ongoing exigency wholly manufactured by the administration, so these questions are being posed to you.

    Why is Obama attempting to destroy freedom and America with his invasion of illegal aliens?

    Do you Lefty’s have an Alternate Elucidation for the man’s Deportment over that past few weeks?

    Can you explain his conduct as something other than an undertaking of the country?

    Are we supposed to believe that he’s only going to know about this in a few months when he reads about it online?

    Please bear in mind that you people who voted and continue to support Barack Hussein Obama are collaborators in the country’s destruction.

    The consequence for you conceited communists is that the downfall of a stabilizing influence over the world will be that the rest of the planet will suffer the same fate.

    Those of you adherents of Obama are guilty of complicity in the man’s crimes.

    But just think about it, years from now you can look back and think about how you helped destroy freedom.

    Just as the barbarians who brought down Rome and initiated the dark ages, you can lay claim to the bringing down of a stabilizing force in the world.

    You can brag to your children (if you and they survive) how there once was a nation that kept the peace and you in your arrogance thought that it should be punished for it’s alleged past crimes and laid low.

    Are you proud of yourselves?
