Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Larwyn's Linx: Mark Levin Goes Nuclear Over Trump Debate Comments

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Mark Levin Goes Nuclear Over Trump Debate Comments: Scoop
GOP Has A Duty To Reject Obama’s SCOTUS Pick: David Harsanyi
Tragedy and Choices: After Scalia, the Case for Cruz: Thomas Sowell

Time for the Senate to Tell Obama Where He can Put his Phone and Pen: Leon H. Wolf
Yesterday Men: The Z Man
Trump Threatens (Again) to Go 3rd Party: Ben Howe

The GOP Sitcom Just Got Serious: Kurt Schlichter
Capitalism Is Freedom; Socialism Is Slavery: John Hawkins
Ted Cruz’s Secret Army: Erick Erickson

Chelsea campaigns to empty seats in Cleveland: Olaf Ekberg
Harry Reid allies to Team Clinton: Don't slam Nevada's caucus: Annie Karni
You’ll Be Shocked to Learn That Chuck Schumer Is a Massive Hypocrite: Alex Griswold

South Carolina: Trump and Cruz in Virtual Tie: CR Wire
Republicans have no constitutional duty to vote on SCOTUS nominees: Paul Mirengoff
Liz "Hiawatha" Warren Tells Republicans Not to Obstruct Obama: Doug Powers


The Welfare State Has Doomed Us to Ever Increasing Debt: MB
Top Dem turns on Obama over unsafe cuts to counterterror budget: Carmine Sabia
An Embarrassing Exercise in Budgeting. Obama Should Be Ashamed.: Elephant

Scandal Central

Islam and socialism creepily similar: David L. Hunter
Illegals leave Texas detention with free Samsung Galaxy 4 phone – for safety!: BPR
Valerie Jarrett rides big-money public transit pension express from part-time government job: Marathon


Trump Warns W: 'Better for Him If He Stayed Out': Daniel Halper
Levin: If GOP Won't Deny Obama's SCOTUS Pick "You Can Kiss What's Left of the Constitution Goodbye": CR
Why Amy Schumer Is So Popular: Captain Capitalism

Spoiled Rich Blowhard Threatens Third-Party Run Unless People Stop Being Mean To Him: Ben Shapiro
Polls: Cruz Would Fare 5 Points Better Versus Clinton Than Trump Would: Jeffrey H. Anderson
Hot Air to move to Facebook comment system: Ed Morrissey

Dana Loesch “Womansplains” Guns To Cosmo: Bob Owens
Watch Cruz’s New Ad Troll Trump: Steve Berman
1980s Pop Star Vanity Dies at 57: NBC 4


Obama Last Year Countdown: His Budget Cuts Funding of Anti-Terror Program by Half: Brenda Walker
ISIS Gets Syrian Air Defense System: Bill Gertz
Five Hospitals And Two Schools Hit By Suspected Russian Airstrikes In Syria: Interpeter

Confirmed: Iran and Russia to Co-Produce Su-30 Fighter Jet: Franz-Stefan Gady
Tommy Robinson Attacked, Hospitalised One Week After Revealing Islamists Are Out To Kill Him: Liam Deacon
Trump Earns Praise of Code Pink Leader After Debate Remarks About Bush and 9/11: Stephen Kruiser

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Rise of human civilization tied to belief in punitive gods: Bruce Bowers
Sony’s pico projector makes a big, bright picture: Leander Kahney
$300 3D printer lets kids design and print their own toys: Luke Dormehl


The Best Of Antonin Scalia: The Justice's 10 Most Insightful Quotes: Hannity
Hillary Clinton Literally Starts Barking Like a Dog During Campaign Rally: Blaze
At this garage, people pay $116,500 for a parking spot:

Image: Trump Earns Praise of Code Pink Leader After Debate Remarks About Bush and 9/11
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Help Protect Our Constitution: Ted Cruz for President

QOTD: "In the South Carolina Republican presidential debate, Donald Trump used "liar," "lie," "lies," "lied," or "lying" a whopping ten times. Five of those were directed at Ted Cruz (mostly in response to Cruz's correctly noting that Trump supports federal funding for Planned Parenthood), four were directed at Jeb Bush (in response to Bush's saying Trump went bankrupt, when—more exactly—several of his business ventures did), and one—the most memorable and consequential—was directed at the George W. Bush administration. About the Bush administration, Trump amazingly said, "They lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction, there were none."

Marco Rubio used "liar," "lie," "lies," "lied," or "lying" five times—half as many times as Trump did—directing all five uses at Cruz. Rubio accused Cruz of lying about Rubio's positions on immigration, about Ben Carson, about Planned Parenthood, about marriage, and—as a catch-all—"about all sorts of things." In none of these cases did Rubio even try to substantiate his accusation—he simply accused Cruz of lying and left it at that." --Jeffrey H. Anderson


  1. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Doug, only 11 links to Trump bashing to Cruz support? What's wrong man?

    The only post I'd read by EE would be his suicide note.

  2. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Hillary probably took a page from Bud Clark's book with the barking:

    I think she should make it a theme, and be greeted by barking crowds.

  3. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Whoop Whoop:
    It's the new Democrat rallying cry:


  4. Michael Savage asks today why no Republican is screaming for a Scalia autopsy. We have no Republican party. They stand for nothing. This is insane.

    We are given no explanation whatsoever for the sudden, unexpected death of the most important conservative figure in the country! Even ordinary Joes get autopsies.

    What a pathetic Republican party and what a pathetic country this is!

    What's on the cover on the NY Post and the NY Daily News here? Eliot Spitzer's latest hooker!

  5. 90% Remission Rate! Excitement at new cancer treatment - BBC Video

