Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Larwyn's Linx: Donald Trump wins in landslide in Indiana, Ted Cruz drops out

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Donald Trump wins in landslide in Indiana, Ted Cruz drops out: W. James Antle III
Trump at 56 Percent Among Republicans Nationally: Keith Koffler
Why Trump won, and how the pundits missed it: Samuel Gonzalez

Bernie Sanders pulls off upset in Indiana: Ariel Cohen
DNC chair: We should go to closed primaries: Ed Morrissey
Hillary Gets Thumped in Indiana, Then Begs on Twitter for Money: Jim Hoft

Aztlan Rising–Anti-American Movement Among Mexican-Americans: James Kirkpatrick
Everybody Take a Deep Breath: BattleSwarm
Trump clinches, Cruz bails and the media face a new Republican reality: Howard Kurtz

Congratulations to Mr. Trump and Therefore Hillary Clinton: John Hawkins
Democrats in Disarray: Sanders Wins Indiana in Upset: Tammy Bruce
Unhappy with Trump as the Nominee? Some good advice here.: Instapundit

They Are Both the Devils We Know: John Podhoretz
Trump Has Already Written Off Conservatives: Amanda Carpenter
How Ted Cruz Got Indiana Wrong: Adam Wren


The Trump Campaign Shows Its Policy Chops: Betsy McCaughey
There Is No Charity in Bureaucracy: Theodore Dalrymple
Money Down a Hole: John Stossel

Scandal Central

DHS admits deportations of illegal immigrants cut nearly in half: Paul Bedard
Tale of Two Tribes: ‘Climate Refugees’ vs. EPA Victims: Michelle Malkin
“Climate Hustle” demolishes climate alarmism: AIM


Trump: I'm Not Saying Ted Cruz's Dad Killed JFK, But I'm Not Saying He Didn't Kill JFK, Either: Ace
FOX News Allows Trump to Smear Ted Cruz: LevinTV
A Stupid, Fact-Free Accusation from a Stupid, Fact-Free Candidate: Jim Geraghty

After Indiana Victory, CNN Badgers Sanders on When He'll Quit: Nicholas Fondacaro
Beck: "Huge Drudge Font Size" Mocking My Fast For Cruz A Sign America Is "Done": Tim Hains
Donald Trump steamrolling toward nomination despite negative ad blitz: Michael Beckel


Iran: US using the Islamic State “to destroy Islam’s attractions”: Robert Spencer
Palestinian Children Kill Israelis in Hamas “Play”: Steve Emerson
Report: Missile launcher that downed MH17 belongs to the Russian army: Georgi Gotev

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

How to tease out patterns in divergent data stacks: Noel Yuhanna
10-year-old uncovers Instagram security flaw, earns top bug bounty reward: Charlie Osborne
Full Width Justification: xkcd


When I met Bill Clinton and the first time we were together: Sally Miller
Prediction markets bet against brokered convention, choose Trump: Paul Bedard
A Bad Goodbye: MOTUS

Image: Iran: US using the Islamic State “to destroy Islam’s attractions”
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Help Protect Our Constitution: Ted Cruz for President

QOTD: "The most important criticism to be made of the welfare state is that it protects people from the consequences of their bad choices and therefore fosters and encourages those very choices, which generally follow the line of least resistance or favor instant gratification over longer-term desiderata. The welfare state undermines the taking of individual responsibility, especially where the economic difference between taking it and not taking it tends to be rather small, at least in the short-term.

Moreover, charity given as of right, for that is what the welfare state does, favors the undeserving more than the deserving, in so far as the undeserving have a capacity and even talent for generating more neediness than the deserving. (They also tend to be more vocal in their demands.)

The welfare state in fact dissolves the very notion of desert, because there is no requirement that a beneficiary prove he deserves what he is legally entitled to. And where what is given is given as of right, not only will a recipient feel no gratitude for it, but it must be given without compassion—that is, without regard to any individual’s actual situation. In the welfare state, the notion of a specially deserving case is prohibited, for it implies a distinction between the deserving and the undeserving. In my career, I was many times startled by the unfeelingness of welfare bureaucrats in the face of the most appalling, and non-self-inflicted, suffering." --Theodore Dalrymple


  1. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Quick... We need to beat THE PEOPLES CUBE !!!

    Hillary's new, pink WOMAN'S METROCARD....

    What does it do? Keep woman "off the subway of life".... auuugh... not funny enough.....

    How about an all pink PEOPLES METROCUBE for NYC?

    Respond with your much better ideas below.

  2. Anonymous11:45 AM


    I was way too late... They put their first parody up last night.
