Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Larwyn's Linx: This is How Democrats Will Absolutely Destroy Donald Trump if He’s the Nominee

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This is How Democrats Will Absolutely Destroy Donald Trump if He’s the Nominee: CR
Hoosier Values are On the Line: Steve Deace
$20 Million to Bury Trump in June: Erick Erickson

Cruz Will Win Indiana if Media Spin is Ignored: JD Rucker
A Dark Time in America: Dennis Prager
Indiana: Last Chance to Save the Country: Leon H. Wolf

Clinton Was Never Intended to be the Democrat Nominee: Joe Herring
One Year of Silence on Hillary Clinton Uranium Deal: Peter Schweizer
Obama Jokes About Making a Ton of Money Giving Speeches At Goldman, Like Hillary: Ace

Time to Tutor Trump: Jed Babbin
Who Will Be Trump's VP?: Roger L. Simon
Appeals court reverses ban on Sheriff Joe Arpaio workplace raids: AZCentral

Tom Cotton on the revised leniency for drug felons bill: Paul Mirengoff
‘Dreamers’ flip off Trump supporters, shout expletives at passing cars: Kyle Olson
CNN Finally Admits: There's No Way in Hell Donald Trump Can Win the General: PJM


In 6 Months Since Budget Deal: Debt Up More Than $1 Trillion: CNS
Obama Admin to Open Federal Jobs to Criminals: Daniel Horowitz
Detroit teachers: Illegal sick-out Monday, illegal sick-out on Tuesday: Marathon

Scandal Central

Obama Budgets More for Illegal Alien Minors Than Retirees Get From Social Security: MB
Heads up: Major analysis of Clinton Foundation scandals coming: Thomas Lifson
Does this DOJ memo hint that criminal action against Hillary is forthcoming?: Rusty Weiss

Climate & Energy

Big Green's Dirty Power: Sultan Knish


Video: Ted Cruz vs. Low-IQ Trumpkin: Patterico
A short comment on Forward Observer's "Introduction to Counter Intelligence": Stop Shouting!
Hillary Clinton's Latest 'Racist' Gaffe: Hannity

Michael Savage: Obama will sabotage economy on way out: WND
Fox is Bleeding Viewers – I Wonder Why?: Brent Smith
Krauthammer: We've 'Always Known' Saudi Arabia Is Responsible for 9/11: Nicholas Fondacaro


Thanks, Obama: Doctor who helped CIA track bin Laden still languishes in Pakistan jail: Telegraph
''Traitor'' - German Minister chased away by angry mob: Speisa
ISIS member executes his own mother in public: Speisa

FBI Informs 3,600 New Yorkers They Are on ISIS Hit List: Clarion
New report from CIS: Obama’s illegal aliens disguised as refugees: Ann Corcoran
Who is the Host and Who is the Guest?: Hugh Fitzgerald

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Foreshock? A Significant Earthquake Just Hit The New Madrid Fault Seismic Zone: Michael Snyder
Venture Into a Surreal Salt Mine 2,000 Feet Below Lake Erie: Laura Mallonee
Breitling Exospace B55 Connected Watch Review: Ariel Adams


“Nature, Mr. Allnut, is what we are put in this world to rise above.”: MOTUS
Muslim woman suing Long Beach Police for allegedly removing her supremacist headbag during arrest: BNI
Portrait of the director as a young man: J. Edgar Hoover's FBI file (Part 1): Beryl Lipton

Image: Venture Into a Surreal Salt Mine 2,000 Feet Below Lake Erie
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Help Protect Our Constitution: Ted Cruz for President

QOTD: "Yesterday morning, a CNN panel finally admitted what many Cruz supporters have been saying for months: there's absolutely no way in hell that Donald Trump can win the general election.

...[One key] weakness that won't just "decrease" his chances of winning but annihilate them: his horrendous favorability ratings among women...

...An astonishing 66% of female voters have an unfavorable opinion of Trump. That's two thirds. Now, if Trump wins 75% of the male vote, he may still be able to win, but that's not going to happen. The electorate is simply too divided for him to do so." --Michael van der Galien


  1. Sorry, but Trump will destroy the Democrats, not vice versa.

    Go to Trump's websites to listen and read his platform for yourselves.

    All his positions are serious, conservative and are written down in black and white. They refute all the Cruz lies and show Trump is the true Conservative.

    https://www.youtube.com/DonaldTrump - many videos with Trump at his desk talking directly eye to eye to the viewer!

    During the debates, when he was asked, ‘Are you a Conservative?’ - Trump replied: (paraphrase) “To me, conservative means ‘to conserve'”

    Only Trump wants to CONSERVE American Jobs, Industry, Economy, Security, Culture, Sovereignty and Identity.

    Only Trump has said and shown (by spending his own money, energy and time to run for office) that he believes all that is worth conserving!!!

    The rest of the candidates in the race (Cruz/Carly and Kasich) are Bush doctrine globalists, cheap labor, outsourcing, debt, trade imbalance, etc.

    Time to do an about-face and restore US solvency.

    The Democrats do not have policies or a candidate that draws the crowds that Trump does.

    They only have riots and violence, lies and coercion....same old leftist cr4p.

  2. Anonymous8:52 AM

    It is a sign of desparation to over-spin. Cruz clearly lost the discussion with the Trump supporter.

    Cruz created the "CRUZ RULE". Candidates must drop out when mathematically eliminated.

    He then applied the CRUZ RULE to Kasich to insist that he drop out when he could not obtain enough delegates.

    Now that Cruz cannot not obtain enough delegates, will Cruz obey the CRUZ RULE and drop out? Or, is he a GOPe elitist that firmly believes that restrictions he places on others do not apply to him?

    Will Cruz follow the CRUZ RULE ?

    We will find out after tonight's result:

    ----- If, Cruz is honest he will drop out.

    ----- If, he really is "Lyin GOPe" Ted Cruz paid servant of McConnell, Boehner, and Goldman Sachs that will be PROVEN when he Disobeys the CRUZ RULE and stays in.

  3. Cruz has never been an outsider – that was just a pose/ploy. He’s always been a Bush man from the beginning of his career. His campaign has many Bush people, including Neil Bush.

    Ted Cruz has never been a conservative either.
    From a Texan and Christian, and a former Cruz supporter who worked on his TX Senate campaign - http://www.politijim.com/2016/04/fact-check-cruzs-cred-on-constitutional.html

  4. Watch Fox News Live Streaming - Republican and Democrat Indiana Primary Results:


  5. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Initial results in. Called for Trump 53 to 37 percent (as of now). The Indiana firewall strategy has not worked for Cruz.

    How will Cruz react:
    -- Keep fighting?
    -- Concede gracefully?

    Has anyone heard of a set speach time for Cruz?

  6. Commoncents: I'm DONE with Fox News, the Drudge Report, Laura Ingraham, Gateway Pundit, et al...... and maybe even Rush. Trump is a Democrat, and anyone who thinks otherwise is just fooling themselves.

  7. Donald J. Trump will be the nominee.

    The Canadian Ted Cruz, who is and always has been ineligible for the office of president, has now suspended his campaign. I would feel sorry for him (I do feel very sorry for his daughters; they will suffer, but they are innocent of their parent's falsity.)

    Bill Still sees it clearly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DUdn1-NUVI

    Now it's time to choose. Are you for America, and therefore Trump; or screw the country, you're supporting the unindicted felon Hillary Clinton.

    Choose wisely.

  8. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Dennis Prager's article of dark times fails to mention that every key point has happened on the watch of Barack Obama.

    To lift a line from the movie "Monuments Men": "when a people's culture and way of life, their history and achievement are destroyed - it's like they never existed".

    We're being told that America wasn't important enough to save.

  9. Eskyman: Bill has been in the tank for Trump from the get go, even though he pretends to be neutral - like Hannity, Greta, etc. etc. It will be interesting to see just how many viewers Fox News will lose because of their support for Trump, and I feel certain it will be many.

  10. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Ok, whatever...Cruz supporters; your boy lost; now, you can either allow Hillary (or Warren, because I'm wondering) to get the WH (and you know what that would do) or you can support Trump, because like it or not, he won.
    And if you don't -- then you can take the same browbeating you gave people for not voting for Romney and giving Obama the WH back in '12. Except honestly, I think Hillary or Warren might be worse, because 1) Hillary is nuts, Obama is just corrupt; 2) Romney was a stinker of a candidate anyway and wasn't much different than Obama (and Trump's positions are pretty far from Hillary or Warren, and he will likely not roll over and pee on himself like Mitt did).

    There it is; there's your choices. Go home, think about it.

  11. Anonymous1:35 AM



    Today we now must come together to build a party of Christian Americans for its Christian Citizens.

    This will leave the Democrats with the 1% Elitists, Muslims, Multiculturalists, Megabanks, and aethiest SJW's. An unworkable morass of conflicting priorities.

    Today, we must reach out to Cruz supporters and Bernie supporters that will oppose Clinton at a visceral level. Victory is not assured, but HOPE lives again in America.
