Sunday, June 02, 2013

Larwyn's Linx: Former Prosecutor Pirro Draws Up a Six-Count Indictment of Eric Holder

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Former Prosecutor Draws Up Six-Count Indictment of Eric Holder: Scoop
Obama Deputy Campaign Manager Attended Meetings With IRS Chief: GWP
Gowdy: Holder Nothing But a Political Tool of Progressive Movement: Scoop

Four Mexican Nationals Sentenced in Large Idaho Narco Operation: Breitbart
Washington Bureaucrats Unconstitutionally Making Public Policy: Foundry
Rand Paul outlines agenda, potential 2016 presidential platform: Times

Rep. Peter King: Holder May Be Guilty of Perjury: RWN
National, NYC immigration bills could add thousands to voter rolls: Fox
NJ Doctor With Occupy Ties Indicted on Explosives Related Charge: LI


Congress has 2016 deadline to save Social Security Disability: Times
Empire of the Entitled: RWN
Supporters Spin Obamacare Disaster into Good News by Book-Cooking: Mead

Sen. Ted Cruz: Time to abolish the IRS and move to the flat tax: Scoop
How to Identify Toxic Cirriculums: Adam Cahnman
The Little Dictators: John David Lewis (2006)

Scandal Central

Top aide to House Dem resigns in ballot-fraud scandal: Hot Air
IRS commits political sabotage: John Eastman
D.C.'s Racist Hiring and Targeting of Conservatives and Pregnant Women: J. Christian Adams

Meet The Gentlemen Who Plan to Prosecute You if You Upset Muslims: NER
Obama EEOC violates American Rights in Favor of Sharia Law: Atlas
Former U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald takes the Fifth: IP2P

Climate & Energy

The End of Snow, 13 Years On: Walter Russell Mead
Science: Democrat Rep. Raúl Grijalva borrows lab coat, makes ‘best pro-Keystone XL video ever’: Twitchy
Elon Musk, of Tesla Fame, Is Broke: Dealbook


WaPo's Surreal Report on Holder's Off-the-Record "Press Freedom" Meeting: Guy Benson
The IRS Just Dug Big Government’s Grave: Glob
Weekly Featured Profile – Barack Obama: NoisyRm

Politico contributor Evan Thomas calls Obama a hypocrite and dishonest: Scoop
Journalism Prof Misfires on NRA Speech Claims: Pagun
G-Mac, Steal This Idea: Second City Cop


Obama’s SEAL Team 6 Coverup: Black Sphere
Obama administration to blame for jailing of hero Bin Laden doctor, says Pakistani report: Fox
The Great Race Card Getaway: Daniel Greenfield

President Obama Set to Sign UN Arms Treaty While Texas AG Threatens to Sue: TPNN
Hezb'Allah Chief Hassan Nasrallah: "Our Plan...Is To Establish An Islamic State Under The Rule Of Islam": Atlas
Iran Terror 'Sleeper Cells' Are Infiltrating South America, Argentine Prosecutor Says: Fox News Latino

A ringside seat as Istanbul protests: Hugh Pope
Turkish police retreat from central Istanbul square as more protesters pour in: Times of Israel
Islamism's Decade of Spreading Polio: Pipes


Here's Why We Stopped Wasting Time on Facebook: Social Media Today
If companies had realistic slogans what would they be?: Reddit
A stroll back in time to NYC, 1939 [video]: Alltop


Nixon-Obama: Twin Sons of Different Mothers???: MOTUS
The End Of Tim Tebow’s Career?: OTB
Mike Zullo Reveals Media Threatened Over Obama Birth Certificate: Western

Image: Anthony Weiner - Streets Blog
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Protein Wisdom

QOTD: "Recently, law professor Jonathan Turley took to the pages of The Washington Post to warn about the growth of the administrative state. “The growing dominance of the federal government over the states has obscured more fundamental changes within the federal government itself,” Turley wrote. “Our carefully constructed system of checks and balances is being negated by the rise of a fourth branch, an administrative state of sprawling departments and agencies that govern with increasing autonomy and decreasing transparency...”

...As Heritage’s Joe Postell puts it, there are four major constitutional problems today:

• The administrative state combines the powers of government in the hands of the same officials in violation of the separation of powers principle.
• It is based on unconstitutional delegations of legislative power from Congress to bureaucrats and administrators.
• It violates the principle of republican government, which requires that power—especially legislative power—be derived from the consent of the governed, expressed directly or indirectly through elections.
• The administrative process it follows to adjudicate disputes is fundamentally opposed to the protections offered by the rule of law in the traditional judicial process." --Rich Tucker

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