Saturday, June 01, 2013

THANK GOODNESS: Obama EEOC Now Enforcing Islamic Sharia Law!

The massive fourth branch of government -- the administrative state -- is officially out of control. Please consider the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, under the direction of the Obama administration, which is now doing the work the Taliban won't do.

The EEOC is suing Star Transport for rightfully terminating two Muslims who refused to do their job. If these Muslim truck drivers don't want to deliver alcohol, then they shouldn't have taken a job in which part of their duties would be to deliver alcohol. It's that simple.

PEORIA, Ill. - Star Transport, Inc., a trucking company based in Morton, Ill., violated federal law by failing to accommodate two employees because of their religion, Islam, and discharging them, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) charged in a lawsuit filed today.

The lawsuit alleged that Star Transport refused to provide two employees with an accommodation of their religious beliefs when it terminated their employment because they refused to deliver alcohol.

The drivers refused to deliver legal products in America? So where, pray tell, does this end? I suspect the EEOC hasn't quite figured out where they'll draw the line on their enforcement of Sharia law:

Alcohol (line already crossed)
• Ham sandwiches?
• Bibles?
• Televisions?
• Single women on buses?
• Magazines that depict "un-Islamic" images?
• Slot machines and other devices related to gambling?

Perhaps you could contact the Office of the Inspector General of the EEOC and ask them where exactly this line will be drawn.

E-mail Address:

P.O BOX 77067
WASHINGTON D.C. 20013-7067

OIG Main Number: 202-663-4327
OIG Fax Number: 202-663-7204
OIG Hotline Number: 800-849-4230

As attorney Mark Levin has frequently observed, we now live in a post-Constitutional Republic.

Related: IT'S COME TO THIS: Holder Justice Department Says It Will Help Enforce Islamic Sharia Law


  1. Anonymous2:38 AM

    FUCK ISLAM. Plain and simple. And if you don't like my attitude, please reference the first part of my statement. Cannon Man

  2. Anonymous8:54 AM

    What fools that voted this crew in.

  3. Anonymous10:20 AM

    I took a job as a stripper but its against my beliefs to be naked in pay me! ridiculous

  4. 'Obama EEOC'. A faceless blameless bureaucracy. PEOPLE made these shitty tyrannical decisions. PEOPLE are responsible. PEOPLE are accountable for their actions. PEOPLE should be punished for this horseshit. Yet in the moderne degenerate obfuscatory orwellian garbage that passes for "journalism" today, the PEOPLE perpetrating this tyrannical abuse of government power go unnamed. Safe and unmolested while they carry out their treasons to the American ethos.

  5. BatGuano6:55 PM

    Read "The Gulag Archipelago". Documentary proof that people can make the most tyrannical decisions on the most petty offenses and put innocents in prison for long terms. This too will be coming to us, courtesy of the maniac moo slum in the white hut.

  6. Anonymous7:35 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Lanse5711:22 PM

    So, the Catholic church must provide contraception irregardless of religious principals but muslims are exempt from even the most modest job requirements.

  8. Lanse5711:23 PM

    So, the Catholic church must provide contraception irregardless of religious principals but muslims are exempt from even the most modest job requirements.

  9. Lanse5711:23 PM

    So, the Catholic church must provide contraception irregardless of religious principals but muslims are exempt from even the most modest job requirements.

  10. Lanse5711:24 PM

    So, the Catholic church must provide contraception irregardless of religious principals but muslims are exempt from even the most modest job requirements.

  11. Lanse5711:24 PM

    So, the Catholic church must provide contraception irregardless of religious principals but muslims are exempt from even the most modest job requirements.

  12. Lanse5711:25 PM

    So, the Catholic church must provide contraception irregardless of religious principals but muslims are exempt from even the most modest job requirements.

  13. Lanse5711:25 PM

    So, the Catholic church must provide contraception irregardless of religious principals but muslims are exempt from even the most modest job requirements.

  14. Lanse5711:26 PM

    So, the Catholic church must provide contraception irregardless of religious principals but muslims are exempt from even the most modest job requirements.

  15. Thank You Lanse57, it did bear repeating...

  16. coarsehair10:38 AM

    Let's extend the logic on this a bit.

    The employees' religious conscience is offended by what the employer insists, and the government says that the employer can not enforce that insistence. Therefore, the employees can't be fired.

    But, if an employer's religious conscience is offended by what HHS/IRS insists on, they should be forced to do what HHS/IRS insists on? And if you think I am referring to health insurance and contraception, you are correct.

  17. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Is this footage real? Obama seen praying the Islamic Prayers!
    check this footage here

  18. Anonymous1:09 AM

    Are you people crazy? One of the tasks of the EEOC is to protect religious rights in the workplace. That is why you fundamentalist Christians are allowed to wear your crosses on a chain around your neck. Yes, I am a Christian but I don't believe in stepping on religious beliefs of others in the workplace.

    1. Anonymous12:58 PM

      I have to agree with you Anonymous 1:09. And the job of EEOC is to protect religiois rights no matter what religion they practice. This sounds very similar to Sherbert vs Verner case. Unfortunately, as an employer myself, its important to know the laws. Should this have happened at my place of business, they would have been let go for other reasons. Ethical? Maybe not, but it would have saved the company days in court and thousands of dollars. These days arming yourself with knowledge is a necessity.

  19. Anonymous12:02 PM

    technically speaking being fired because you wouldn't break your religious beliefs is wrong. I'm not advocating sharia law by any means, but a man or woman in America has the legal right to practice whatever religion they see fit within reason. Being fired for that can easily be seen as religious oppression. its a very grey area we are walking in. I don't wanna say chopping of hands and raping 9 year olds is ok. but according to our own constitution we cannot refuse or restrict the beliefs of another American....quite the conunderum. however this is about not driving a truck, not radical Islam. so I actually side with the drivers here. but that's just following my own moral compass. I however unlike most hardcore in religion (Jew,Muslim,Christian, or whatever) look at things logically and accept all in moderation. freedom to pray to Allah is ok, freedom to publically beat your wife with a brick is not. that's just common sense. but some could argue if you allow one, you in a way condone another. its hard to find the moral high ground.
