Saturday, June 01, 2013

The Crimes of the Koch Brothers

I was over at BadBlue scanning the headlines when I noticed this ad:

Don't tell anyone, but I clicked on the link. I wondered who exactly would target these private citizens I've heard of -- described in hysterical tones by Leftist bloggers -- but otherwise have no familiarity with. A click-through brought me to a site operated by the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee.

The billionaire Koch brothers and their secret donor allies are on a mission – to recruit, train and fund ultra-conservative Tea Party Republicans at the local, state and national level. It’s a blatant attempt to drown out the voices of ordinary Americans by using unlimited, secret contributions to pursue their special-interest agenda.

Enough is enough. Add your name using the form below to demand that these Koch-backed special interest front groups publicly disclose their donors!

Apparently, it is now a crime to "recruit, train and fund" men and women who believe in a different political philosophy than Democrats. In this case, those who support the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. You know, the same documents that politicians take an oath to uphold?

As an aside, this site appears to be operated by some company called Salsa Labs (and you boys should be ashamed of yourselves).

Bruce at Gay Patriot wonders, as did I, who originated the anti-Koch Brothers hysteria? A little research revealed the following timeline behind the fomenting of KBDS ("Koch Brothers Derangement Syndrome"):

11-Feb-2009: CBS News' Scott Pelley interviews Bill Koch on 60 Minutes ("Rich In Cash, Poor In Family Love"), who airs his grievances against the family. Bill had sold his shares in Koch Industries in 1983 and was presumably bitter that he had lost out on the vast gains his brothers had rung up since he'd sold.

20-Feb-2009: The union website Mid-Atlantic Labor pinpoints a major opponent to the ill-fated Obama Stimulus program, Americans For Prosperity:

The compromise version of the $787 billion economic stimulus plan passed the House and Senate Friday and is expected to be signed by President Obama tomorrow in Denver. Despite Democratic leaders’ efforts to reach out for Republican support by dropping various controversial provisions and beefing up tax cuts, the measure passed with no Republican votes in the House and only three Republican votes in the Senate.

Public opposition to the plan was led by a group called Americans for Prosperity, which delivered 400,000 signatures on a petition to the Senate opposing the measure... [and who is AFP?]... the group was founded in 2003 with money from the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation, which is run by the billionaires behind Kansas-based Koch Industries — the national’s largest privately held oil and gas company...

27-Feb-2009: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine at claim the nascent Tea Party movement is the brainchild of the Koch Brothers, not a grass-roots movement.

Last week, CNBC correspondent Rick Santelli rocketed from being a little-known second-string correspondent to a populist hero of the disenfranchised, a 21st-century Samuel Adams, the leader and symbol of the downtrodden American masses suffering under the onslaught of 21st century socialism and big government. Santelli’s “rant” last-week calling for a “Chicago Tea Party” to protest President Obama’s plans to help distressed American homeowners rapidly spread across the blogosphere and shot right up into White House spokesman Robert Gibbs’ craw, whose smackdown during a press conference was later characterized by Santelli as “a threat” from the White House. A nationwide “tea party” grassroots Internet protest movement has sprung up seemingly spontaneously, all inspired by Santelli, with rallies planned today in cities from coast to coast to protest against Obama’s economic policies...

...What we discovered is that Santelli’s “rant” was not at all spontaneous as his alleged fans claim, but rather it was a carefully-planned trigger for the anti-Obama campaign. In PR terms, his February 19th call for a “Chicago Tea Party” was the launch event of a carefully organized and sophisticated PR campaign, one in which Santelli served as a frontman, using the CNBC airwaves for publicity, for the some of the craziest and sleaziest rightwing oligarch clans this country has ever produced. Namely, the Koch family, the multibilllionaire [sic] owners of the largest private corporation in America, and funders of scores of rightwing thinktanks and advocacy groups, from the Cato Institute and Reason Magazine to FreedomWorks...

For years now, the Koch Brothers have been targeted by the left because they are politically active for conservative causes. In 2010, Americans For Prosperity -- a group with 2 million members -- was attacked directly by President Obama:

Right now all around this country there are groups with harmless-sounding names like Americans for Prosperity, who are running millions of dollars of ads against Democratic candidates all across the country. And they don't have to say who exactly the Americans for Prosperity are. You don't know if it's a foreign-controlled corporation. You don't know if it's a big oil company, or a big bank.

Obama's attack on AFP was, in so many words, an assault on the free speech rights of two guys named Koch -- and all of us. Read the ad at the top again: "Demand That Koch-Based Front Groups Disclose Their Donors!"

The left wants your name. They want millions of names. They want to politically target -- through the IRS, Obamacare, the EPA, and every other lever of a massive, centralized authoritarian government -- you. You have no free speech rights under this administration. No freedom to assemble. No freedom of religion.

In short, within 16 f***ing days in 2009, a politically active family was targeted by every instrumentality the Democrat Party could bring to bear: antique media in the form of CBS, labor unions, new media and the President of the United States himself. That the Leftist tools and sycophants have since endlessly pantomimed their hatred for free speech is troubling, but not unexpected.

After all, we know what the hard left Democrat Party's end game is. But don't bother clicking here if you can't handle the truth.


  1. Anonymous7:49 PM

    WHO started targeting the Koch Bros?

    Why Soros of course.

  2. Anonymous1:48 AM

    yeah typical leftist projection, they have monopolized the public square with front groups funded by billions from evil rich scumbags like soros, then conservative traditional americans start orginizing and fighting back with the help of the koch brothers and now suddenly participation in the political process is shady? scary? nefarious? only now that they are getting push back to all their destructive agendas are they crying.
