Alexa's traffic rankings, the following represents a tabular view of the top 150 conservatively focused news and blog sites. Each column can be sorted by clicking the column header. And just click on the site-name to open a new window and visit the website. And, yes, I know that some of these sites are truly left-leaning (e.g., Politico). That said, conservatives often cite and reference them, so I've included them for purposes of completeness.
Top 150 Conservative Websites - 2Q11
Great job, Doug. But you deserve to be higher on the list. I'd say top 10 at least!
No LGF !!!!!!!!!!!!
One can nitpick these lists all day, but I really wouldn't call "Climate Audit" a conservative site.
Keep up the great work Doug and Biff !!
Conservative websites? Did McCain get to select a few? Political? The Hill? National Journal? Mediaite? Good grief man. - conservative? really?
Thank GOD you didn't include LGF! :)
Great list - thanks! Linking.
Congrats, Doug.
Politico. Really? It's Obama's Baghdad Bob.
Congrats Ross. You are a good blogger and you work your butt off to provide readers good commentary that is entertaining. Rare feat, my friend.
According to this list, both Astute Bloggers and Infidel Bloggers Alliance should be way up in those ratings.
WZ, the guy that HATES Palin (probably one of the most conservative minded people on the planet) rates just below Coulter...???
Whatever. Glad you're on it. Enjoy reading your stuff.
Thank you, Doug Ross!
I am grateful to have this '150 List'. I rather foresee the hours I'll spend nitpicking my personal favorites.
I'm an independent senior blooger from Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and a former "desert rat", retired from the Mojave High Desert in Southern California.
Check out my effort...if you're not "too busy". - Cordially, reb
___ ___
Bo Peep Says:
This 150 Listing is fabulous; however, if a friend prints out this 4-page listing, the right-hand
column snatches a quarter of the ink cartridge. Not good.
Black text on white, would exhibit a preferred format, and far less expensive! - A friendly blogger
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