Now that
Weinergate has begun
seeping leaking into traditional media (e.g.,
WaPo and
National Review), the intended recipient of the Weiner-shot, Twitter user @GennetteNicole, has
posted her side of the story.
In short:
• Her online relationship with Weiner had been mocked by a person who had "harassed" her "after the Congressman followed me on Twitter a month or so ago"
• She lays the blame for the Weiner photo on this person, never explaining how Weiner's account was hacked or compromised
• She says that she was not Weiner's girlfriend, had never met him, nor had "any inappropriate exchanges between Anthony Weiner and myself" occurred
Her statement avoids all of the incriminating details, prompting several questions:
1. Had you and Weiner exchanged
direct messages before on Twitter? If so, can you reveal the nature of those messages since there weren't "any inappropriate exchanges"?
2. Why did Weiner add the
#Thats545InSeattleIThink hash-tag to the tweet just before
he the hacker sent the crotch shot? And why did you re-tweet that particular message?
3. Were you aware that
porn star Ginger Lee boasted that she has received direct messages from Weiner in the past?
4. Would you agree that there are, as Robert Stacy McCain
lays it out describes it,
only two alternatives to this story?
- Weiner, a member of Congress with a high security clearance, was the victim of a federal crime involving a breach of his online communications accounts; or
- Weiner sent a picture of his penis to a college girl.
Since you obviously believe the first alternative, would you join us in
requesting that the FBI investigate this egregious hacking incident immediately?
Come to Now that I think of it,
have you contacted Rep. Weiner to find out why he hasn't contacted federal authorities regarding this breach of his verified account?
Gennette, I thank you for your public statement. Now it's time to tell the rest of the story. We only want to get the facts straight, right? And ensure this doesn't happen to other young innocents who receive lewd photos from
Weiner malicious hackers?
Weinergate: Two more coincidences.
Update II:
The New York Post reports:
it appeared that Cordova and Weiner — a prolific user of social-networking sites who has run for mayor and indicated he will do so again — had some interaction on Twitter before.
Cordova began following Weiner on Twitter during the time his own tweets previously placed him in Seattle, and according to her statement, he began “following” her on the site, too.
Update III:
Gennette Was Not Alone… Weiner’s Twitter Friends Include Pages of (Very) Young, Cute Female Fans