The new leadership of the EPA
proposed yesterday that the White House declare carbon dioxide a health danger. Carbon dioxide, which plants absorb and animals exhale, would be ruled a

It is a lie and fraud. You can't live without carbon dioxide and you can't live without water. Never mind that almost all greenhouse gas is water vapor.

But since the Statists can't measure water vapor and condensation, they attempt to wrestle control of carbon dioxide instead, by claiming it's toxic. But the point is, they
want to control you.

William Kovacs, vice president of environmental technology and regulatory affairs at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, says such an effort would be "
devastating to the economy... once the finding is made, no matter how limited, some environmental groups will sue to make sure it is applied to all aspects of the Clean Air Act."

The economy is on life support, so what does the Enviro-Statist do? He
grabs more power. Because they don't care about the economy, they care about power! They're not about preserving or improving our society, they're bent on destroying it.
What does the hard left, environmentalist believe? I want you to know that they are responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of children all over Africa and Southeast Asia. Because they successfully banned DDT.

DDT saved hundreds of millions of lives. DDT was used in the United States to destroy malaria.

National Park Service ecologist David Graber, writing in
The Los Angeles Times in 1989, well articulated the perversity of the extreme environmental movement.

He wrote, "we contaminated the planet with atmospheric hydrocarbons and metals beginning in the Industrial Revolution."

"The atomic age wrote another indelible signature in radio-isotopes on every bit of the Earth's surface... DDT and its kin appear even in Antarctic ice. I, for one, cannot wish upon my children or the rest of Earth... a human-managed planet, be it monstrous or, however unlikely, benign."
"I am not interested in the utility of a particular species or free-flowing river ecosystem to mankind..."
They have intrinsic value, more value to me than another human body or a billion of them."
"Human happiness and certainly human fecundity, are not as important as a wild and healthy planet," wrote Graber. "I know social scientists remind me that people are part of human nature,
but it isn't true. Somewhere about a billion years ago... we quit the contract and
became a cancer."
We have become a plague upon ourselves and upon the Earth..."
"...Until such time as Homo sapiens should decide to rejoin nature, some of us can only hope for the right virus to come along."
The extreme environmentalist prays for the death of all of humanity.
A few years ago,
Tina Rosenberg of The New York Times wrote, "Today, westerners with no memory of malaria often assume it has always been only a tropical disease. But malaria was once found as far north as Boston and Montreal. Oliver Cromwell died of malaria, and Shakespeare alludes to it (as ''ague'') in eight plays..."

"...Malaria no longer afflicts the United States, Canada and Northern Europe in part because of changes in living habits -- the shift to cities, better sanitation, window screens. But another major reason was DDT, sprayed from airplanes over American cities and towns while children played outside."

In 1970, the National Academy of Sciences wrote in a report that ''to only a few chemicals does man owe as great a debt as to DDT'' and it
credited the insecticide with preventing as many as 500,000,000 human deaths.

But all of that changed in 1962, when Rachel Carson -- a rabid opponent of pesticides -- succeeded in spreading widespread hysteria about DDT's effects on wildlife and especially children. In her book
Silent Spring, Carson decried the use of DDT.

She claimed DDT resulted in birth defects and mental retardation... and, yet,
not one case has ever been proven. Not one.

Thus, it is a sickening irony that Carson's focus on children helped kill the use of DDT, when malaria causes the deaths of millions of children in the developing world. You see, the developing world is the target of the Enviro-Statist. For it is there that the Statist can more easily shape policy and control lives.

And the mainstream media gobbled up Carson's lies. The Environmental Defense Fund and the Sierra Club brought litigation to pressure the government to ban DDT.
An administrative law judge heard the case for months -- and ruled against the extremists. He said that DDT was not a carcinogenic hazard to man; that it was not a mutagenic hazard to man. He said the use of DDT does not have deleterious effects on freshwater fish, organisms, wild birds, or othe wildlife, let alone human beings.

the judge's ruling was rejected by the EPA administrator in 1972, William Ruckleshaus. He attended no hearings and reportedly never read the relevant documents.
Evidence was later discovered that Ruckleshaus had a fatal conflict-of-interest: he served as a fundraiser for the Environmental Defense Fund, the very group spearheading the anti-DDT campaign.
Finally, in 2006, after tens of millions of children had died, the
World Health Organization changed its position on DDT.

The Enviro-Statists are responsible for the needless deaths of tens of millions of children from malaria, typhus and other diseases that could and were wiped out in other locations -- safely! -- by DDT.

In World War II,
U.S. troops used to lather up with DDT. Years ago,
Dr. J. Gordon Edwards wrote: "[In 1944,] I was ordered to dust every soldier in our company with [DDT]. For two weeks I dusted the insecticide on soldiers and civilians, breathing the fog of white dust for several hours each day. The body lice were killed, and the DDT persisted long enough to kill young lice when they emerged from the eggs...
Fortunately, no human beings have ever been harmed by DDT."

The Sierra Club and the rest of the Enviro-Statists
have never apologized for the tens of millions of needless deaths caused by their genocidal policies. Because, like Graber, the extremists seek the eradication of the human cancer.
Because that is the religion of environmentalism: and global warming is no different.

The Enviro-Statist seeks to destroy our economy and our way of life.

These are people that do not care about the misery they spread. They are doing this to control mankind and make humans poorer... because they believe
you and I are cancers.

If there is global warming, humans have absolutely no control over it. The sun is a massive fireball, constantly changing its output of energy, warming and cooling the Earth as it waxes and wanes. And yet our bureaucracy marches on, no matter how cold the winters, no matter how clear the evidence.

But the EPA just issued a finding to the President that states that carbon dioxide -- which can't be any more of a pollutant than oxygen or water -- is toxic! And so the Enviro-Statist continues to grab our industry by the throat to crush the economy and impoverish mankind.

They were wrong about DDT... and
they're just as wrong about global warming. Or whatever the hell it is they call it these days.
Call your representatives and tell them you oppose repression in green.Based upon Mark Levin, 3/25/2009:
"The Enviro-Statist poses as a defender of clean air, clear water, penguins, seals, polar bears, glaciers, the poor, the Third World, and humanity itself... But he is already responsible for the death and impoverishment of tens of millions of human beings in the undeveloped world." -- Dr. Mark Levin, Liberty and Tyranny.
Do you really believe what you're writing?? I didn't suspect until now that there are still these ignorant and escapist conservatives in the USA who still believe in conspiracy theories. And let me guess, your are white.
Yo, Anonymous:
Like a typical liberal, you can't articulate a coherent argument, so you belittle the author.
So, brilliant one, which exactly are the false, ignorant, escapist fantasies disguised as facts in this story?
Answer in 3... 2... {never}
One irony here is Rachel Carson begged Congress not to ban DDT but just to reduce the levels. She correctly believed that DDT was not the problem, but since it was so cheap it was the massive amounts that were used. But if Congress banned DDT, millions would die. When she died of cancer, Congress banned DDT in her honor - WHICH SHE ASKED THEM NOT TO DO.
The FACTS are there is NO BAN on DDT, except in the US and a few developed nations. So it is wrong to argue that somehow environmentalists are to blame for deaths in the 3rd world WHERE THERE IS NO BAN.
DDT fell out of use largely becuase insects rapidly develop immunity to it, typically within 7 years.
C'mon Director Blue, c'mon - go "study" all crackpot theories you can "lay your hands on" - go rabidly seek support for your insanity. Anonymous owns you, so completely, but what a shame that you probably won't ever wake up, not even the slightest stirring... Wake up in 3... 2... {ever!?} Anonymous got you in the way that every crackpot is so easily gotten. (NB. I know the rules of our shared language, and knowingly break them, unlike some bad boy blue). I, Mr. Blue am a hypocrite, and aware of it. You whine (like a beach) about Anon's (personal!?) attack on you, so you come back with... what? What, what, what - you loser!? 'Like a typical liberal...' Wake up; the person, Anon, his/ her arguments, he COULD be a neo-Hitler for all we know, but to you, you 'KNEE JERK REACTIONARY, IGNORANT & HYPOCRITICAL, POLITICALLY DANGEROUS, SOURCE OF GROSS MISINFORMATION, PROPAGANDA & INSANITY. THE REASON WHY THE USA/ CONS SHOULD BE DETESTED BY EVERY RATIONAL, DECENT BEING', you have empty monikers, hypocritical counter attacks as your rocks to lean on.
(Note the QUESTION coming) - do you support some or any Republicans!? Because you should be their poster boy or girl.
PS. So thanks to Anon, we can safely heed that you are wrong about the DDT debate. And I would just like to add that, even if I were to NOT give a damn about "protecting the planet" - unbridled materialism is incredibly ugly, a sin in all holy books, and if we (deeply) respect the right to human survival & life - let us not put it ABOVE the very nature, animals, ecosystems that support us, etc. You are scum the way you attack that nature adoring guy - YOU are the aggressor my friend, YOU are the enemy of the people, regardless of scientific fact being on your side or not. (And unfortunately for your weakest of positions, of course, not even Science sides with you. Why don't you just stick to quoting the bible, even if you're an unbeliever - you would still make more sense that way).
C'mon Director Blue, c'mon - go "study" all crackpot theories you can "lay your hands on" - go rabidly seek support for your insanity. Anonymous owns you, so completely, but what a shame that you probably won't ever wake up, not even the slightest stirring... Wake up in 3... 2... {ever!?} Anonymous got you in the way that every crackpot is so easily gotten. (NB. I know the rules of our shared language, and knowingly break them, unlike some bad boy blue). I, Mr. Blue am a hypocrite, and aware of it. You whine (like a beach) about Anon's (personal!?) attack on you, so you come back with... what? What, what, what - you loser!? 'Like a typical liberal...' Wake up; the person, Anon, his/ her arguments, he COULD be a neo-Hitler for all we know, but to you, you 'KNEE JERK REACTIONARY, IGNORANT & HYPOCRITICAL, POLITICALLY DANGEROUS, SOURCE OF GROSS MISINFORMATION, PROPAGANDA & INSANITY. THE REASON WHY THE USA/ CONS SHOULD BE DETESTED BY EVERY RATIONAL, DECENT BEING', you have empty monikers, hypocritical counter attacks as your rocks to lean on.
(Note the QUESTION coming) - do you support some or any Republicans!? Because you should be their poster boy or girl.
PS. So thanks to Anon, we can safely heed that you are wrong about the DDT debate. And I would just like to add that, even if I were to NOT give a damn about "protecting the planet" - unbridled materialism is incredibly ugly, a sin in all holy books, and if we (deeply) respect the right to human survival & life - let us not put it ABOVE the very nature, animals, ecosystems that support us, etc. You are scum the way you attack that nature adoring guy - YOU are the aggressor my friend, YOU are the enemy of the people, regardless of scientific fact being on your side or not. (And unfortunately for your weakest of positions, of course, not even Science sides with you. Why don't you just stick to quoting the bible, even if you're an unbeliever - you would still make more sense that way).
Excellent article.
And judging by the rabid comments from some rabid commenters, you've pissed off the right folks!
Keep up the good work!
I think avoiding absolutes may lessen the severity of comments. I do not think DDT would be a good thing, but may have been overblown only to bring more nasty chemicals on the scene.
Just a guess, as with those who read altered history, many agenda's cleaned up with slight alterations.
Conspiracy theory is becoming a weird concept.The finger pointers seem to be making up the "conspiracies" and white washing fact. They come from every angle and collide with truth via non truth, not political parties. Unfortunately the left has been hit hard with weirdness, we do not require right/left or enemies, we are following "the rules".
Conspiracies or not we do face some real problems with the decline of the Honey Bee. Man made or caused by nature we will be hard pressed to find a way to do without some of natures helpers we will starve or at least suffer dearly. So my vote goes toward less Conquering nature and more living with it. In the past man has squandered many resources like the vast herds of Buffalo, elk and such. We indeed should look closer and think longer about how our actions will affect use all. A little less greed and focus on the need.
What about the rest of the arguments there DAVO????
DDT is a silly argument now, it's banned. What should we do about that pesky CO2? you know, that thing thats mostly water vapor... Proven over and "puke" over again? What about the rest of the arguments? Care to enlighten us with your wisdom??
And animus... If you REALLY believed any of your statements, you'd not respond.
The more you have to explain the bigger the lie.
I have spoken, YOU have been enlightened and THANK ME!
Why do most argumentative liberals refuse to identify themselves. They all have the same family name, "Anonymous"
Norm Hooben
Thank you Norm ... I was wondering if anyone noticed!!
Good true article. In Hawaii, DDT saved so many lives, my wife, and ALL the kids played behind the trucks, she is 70, NOT one person has gotten sick from it, used cor rectally. It stopped disease worldwide, now, in Hawaii, the old diseases are coming back... because of idiots. So, the "smart" people, put the [pesticides in our dam food, and people wonder why so many are sick.. STUDY HISTORY PEOPLE! dam!
Anonymous--- The issue, has been politicized and as well, is in need of a where did this start? a clue to the
deciphering of the true agenda. For your viewing,
As many before, this material is vetted, and as an analyst, I assure you that you can investigate whatever you choose. As well, the slides# 8 & # 15 are especially to be noted. The UN requirement of the destruction of Christianity is from the UN's own tome.
What is this nonsense about a "crackpot theory"? Rachel Carson's book and continued influence is mentioned in this EPA article.
Another EPA article, which states "In 1972, EPA issued a cancellation order for DDT based on its adverse environmental effects" and also that its current status has changed, via the "Stockholm Convention on POPs. The Convention includes a limited exemption for the use of DDT to control mosquitoes that transmit the microbe that causes malaria".
And.. decline of the honey bee has to do with a mite pest that has been introduced into the Americas that is destroying the bees. They are very important to crop pollination and also as a food source (honey). Also important to the rest of the world, this article just has the facts.
amazing article.
Great article, thanks.
CO2 is plant food, not a pollutant. To classify CO2 as a pollutant is a perversion of science.
Pollutants harm the quality of life, or destroy life. CO2 is the base of ALL land based life on Earth.
Rachel Carson was a fraud. She completely & deliberately mangled the science.Read Dr. J. Gordon Edward's debunking of her disgraceful travesty. Her mind was mangled by dying of cancer perhaps? Did she get a large advance for this fraudulent book? Whatever, she became the poster girl for the "humans are cancer" fake side of the worthy environmentalist push.
The Eugenicist Nazis who want to exterminate billions of humans took up her disgusting book as a banner for their disgusting cause. She has been directly responsible for between 50 to 150 million deaths from malaria, mostly women & children in the third world.
She has a lot to answer for.
Earth would be a mess of impenetrable jungles or woodlands without mankind to clear farms & build irrigation systems, to write novels & symphonies, poetry, tragedies & comedies, to learn science & transmit that knowledge down the generations.
Anyone who calls mankind a cancer is an ignorant pervert.
Anyone who advocates mass depopulation policies conspires to commit mass murder.
Anyone who authorises or implements, knowingly, such policies, is a Nazi mass murderer.
DDT was never officially "banned". It was much more sneaky than that. It was done through US AID. Foreign rulers were told:"Order DDT, you get no more foreign aid."
They were bribed to let their people die. And they did let their people die. By the million.
DDT was shown safe during WWII. In the Pacific theater, the US was losing as many marines to malaria as to the Japanese. In the Sicilian/Italian campaign, DDT was a godsend.
Calling CO2 a pollutant is a perversion of science on a par with the "ban" on DDT.
A Novel, State of Fear, Michael Crichton. A gentle intro to the fake science behind global warming.
Human Caused Global Warming, the biggest deception in history, Dr. Tim Ball, climatologist.
A lovely booklet, lots of colour graphs etc. Another gentle intro to the science.
Heaven and Earth, global Warming: the missing science, Prof Ian Plimer, geologist.
The history and science, with over 2,200 refs to peer-reviewed papers etc. Great book.
Merchants of Despair, radical environmentalists, criminal pseudo-scientists, & the fatal cult of antihumanism, by Robert Zubrin, PhD nuclear engineer. The grim realities.
The Ultimate Resource 2, by Julian L. Simon.
Mankind is a boon upon the Earth.
The Ultimate Resource is Human Ingenuity.
John Doran.
I read this article twice. Being stupid I can't understand the whole of it.
Nor the politics of it. But I like it and walk away thinking about this while scratching my 71-year-old bald head.
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