...Barack Obama is preparing a colossal new executive action that could print-up work permits for a huge number of foreign white-collar graduates every year, above and beyond the levels set by Congress.
This executive action, which directly bypasses Congressional lawmakers, is likely to reverberate across the presidential race, as GOP voters look to choose a nominee they believe will most effectively roll back the President’s still-expanding agenda. And it will certainly raise new security concerns as it covers categories of immigration utilized by migrants from the Middle East and nearby regions.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
PRIMAL SCREAM: Obama to Import Millions More Aliens to Replace U.S. White Collar Workers, Also Stop Deportations
CHART: State of the Road to the Nomination; Observations and Expectations; "Unleash the Dogs of War"

There are some very interesting observations we can make and several expectations we might have based upon these numbers and trends:
Larwyn’s Linx: The Coming War Between Trump And Hillary Is A Win For the GOP
The Coming War Between Trump And Hillary Is A Win For the GOP: RSYear of the Leftist Liars: Thomas Sowell
Why Rahm Emanuel is Causing Agita Among His Democrat Friends: Edward Klein
Hillary Clinton Is Not a Feminist: Katherine Timpf
Elites and media really hate Donald Trump’s voters: Michael Walsh
Trump takes aim at Hillary’s Bill problem: Joan Vennochi
House Democrats Strike to Implement First Federal Sharia Law: RWN
House demands answers on Israel/Congressional eavesdropping: Anna Giaritelli
Shocker: Regular at Houston Mosque Charged With Arson After Fire: JWF
Defining political child abuse: A tale of two Cruz families: Michelle Malkin
The Establishment GOP might actually win elections if it emulated Ted Cruz: David Leach
In Iowa, Whispers of an Anti-Cruz (and Pro-Rubio) Alliance: Tim Alberta and Eliana Johnson
GOP May Try to Pause Refugee Resettlement, Until Background Checks Actually Work: Ace
Bill paid $8M for speeches by those who had matters before Hillary State Dept: WSJ
Why Is Bill Cosby Finished While Bill Clinton Is Not?: Jeff Poor
A New Year’s Present for California Trial Lawyers: AmIntTitanic: Shot in the Dark
Planned Parenthood's 2015: 323,999 Abortions; $554 Milllion in Your Money: Penny Starr
Scandal Central
Agents nab Pakistanis with terrorist connections crossing U.S. border: Stephen DinanGun groups sue feds over terror watchlist: Jared Morgan
Hillary Clinton's Sex Scandals: Western Journalism
Jew-Hating Obama Administration Monitored CONGRESS To Target Israel: Ben Shapiro, DailyWire
Why Ban Guns When Pillows are Available?: Norman Hooben
Obama-style ‘national security’: Allow Iran to self-inspect; Spy on Netanyahu: Doug Powers
Climate & Energy
Greenland retained 99.7% of its ice mass in 20th Century!!!: David MiddletonTIME Magazine Screws the Pooch on North Pole Temperature: Patterico
Is Global Warming Fear Killing Wild Bees and Raising Sea Level?: WUWT
The Worst of the Worst: The Best Notable Quotables of 2015: MRCMedia Bias Against Gun Owners: We’re All Tinfoil Hat Rednecks: GunsAmerica
Journalists snipe at 'staged' question about gender pay equity from 9-year-old boy: DailyMail
Fox News Contributor Rocks Hillary With Nineteen Sexual Improprieties of Bill’s: PC Graveyard
The New York Times Featured Syrian Refugee of the Week: Ann Coulter
The Phrase That Could Sink Trump: RS
Salon: A disgrace disguised as a website: iOTWreport
The Worst of MSNBC in 2015 SuperCuts!: WFB
Ex-NBCer: Bill Cosby paid off women, invited young models to dressing room: NYDN
U.S. Carrier Harry S. Truman Has Close Call With Iranian Rockets: NBC NewsRotherham: The Perfect Storm: Gates of Vienna
So you're feeling a little scared, U.S. Muslims? Welcome to the Club: Alec Rooney
Cruz/Sessions bill would stop sneaky Obama sabotage of skilled U.S. workers: Michelle Malkin
My daughter's wedding: Lenny Goldberg
History of the Muslim Brotherhood Penetration of the U.S. Government: Clare Lopez (2013)
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
Explore the Standard Model of Particle Physics: SymmetryMicrosoft keeps its users' encryption keys stored on servers: Jeremy Seth Davis
Ransomware: the Future of Cybercrime: Chris Brook, Threatpost
BREAKING: Celebrity Says Dumb Things about Subjects He Knows Nothing About: Ian TuttleFiltering the Internet so you don’t have to: 2016 is SO 1984 all over again: MOTUS
They Just Wanted Tacos: Ace
Image: Rotherham: The Perfect Storm
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: #ConstitutionMan: Ted Cruz for President
QOTD: "The Border Patrol nabbed two Pakistani men with ties to terrorism at the U.S.-Mexico border in September in the latest instance of illegal immigrants from so-called “special interest countries” using the southern border as a point of entry to the U.S.
Muhammad Azeem and Mukhtar Ahmad, both in their 20s and from Gujrat, were caught Sept. 20 by agents south of San Diego and just over the international border from Tijuana. When agents checked their identities through databases they got hits on both of them: Mr. Ahmad popped up as an associate of a known or suspected terrorist, while Mr. Azeem’s information had been shared by a foreign government for intelligence purposes.
Both men had been processed two months earlier by immigration officials in Panama, suggesting they took advantage of smuggling networks or other routes increasingly used by Central American illegal immigrants to sneak into the U.S." --Stephen Dinan
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

I have no doubt that you are the same conniving, self-serving person you were twenty-two years ago when I had the misfortune to meet you. When I see you on television, campaigning for the New York senate race, I can see the same hypocrisy in your face that you displayed to me one evening in 1978. You have not changed.
I remember it as though it was yesterday. I only wish that it were yesterday and maybe there would still be time to do something about what your husband, Bill Clinton, did to me.
NO-FIRST AMENDMENT-ZONE: New York City Adds to its Legacy of Defiling the Constitution, Bans Free Speech
Did you call a transsexual person “he” or “she” when they preferred to be called “zhe?” According to a newly updated anti-discrimination law in New York City, you could be fined an eye-watering $250,000.
In the latest, astonishing act of draconian political correctness, the NYC Commission on Human Rights have updated a law on “Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Expression” to threaten staggering financial penalties against property owners who “misgender” employees or tenants.
What part of the First Amendment did you miss?
WHY, THIS DOESN’T SEEM STAGED AT ALL: 9-Year Old Asks Hillary About Gender Pay Equity at Town Hall
Nine-year-old Relic Reilly posed a detailed scenario about gender pay equity to Hillary Clinton on Tuesday in New Hampshire...
EUGENE ROBINSON’s EMBARRASSING CASE OF AMNESIA: Forgets That Democrats Once Sided With American Workers
The Washington Post's Eugene Robinson seems to delight in the Republican Party's torment. In his latest column, Robinson was aghast that while GOP positions had once "dovetailed nicely with the views of business groups such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce," now it has gone the other way with the populist revolt against proposals to give legal status to illegal immigrants and to increase immigration.
RATHER PROBLEMATIC: Rubio Endorsement Puts Trey Gowdy's Radical Open Borders Policies Back in Spotlight

Gowdy’s extreme immigration declarations come in addition to his long-standing support for donor-class Republican lawmakers. For instance, in a closed-door GOP leadership election in November of 2014, Gowdy seconded Rep. John Boehner (R-OH)’s nomination as House Speaker. Similarly, Gowdy was the Congressman who nominated Paul Ryan for Speaker. According to Politico, Boehner “secretly urged Gowdy to run” for House Majority Leader.
Larwyn’s Linx: It's time for candidates to discuss the enemy within
It's time for candidates to discuss the enemy within: Daniel HorowitzYes, Democrats Want To Ban Your Guns. Here’s The Bill They’ve Proposed.: Bob Owens
The "linguistic contortions" the adminstration uses to mask "boots on the ground": Althouse
The End of Things: The Z Man
The Riot Ideology, Reborn: Fred Siegel
Obama WH Turns To Islamists Who Demonize Counter-Terror Efforts: John Rossomando
YouGov National Poll Bolsters Trump; Trump Protects Cruz: Treehouse
The Collapse of the Carson Campaign: Nora Kelly
Donald Trump goes after Chris Christie and NH newspaper: CBS News
*Sniff*: Obama Says Thrill Of Trappings Of Fame, Celebrity & Power Have Faded: Shifra
Trump: Bill Clinton's affairs, 'abuse of women' are 'fair game' in Hillary showdown: Today
O'Malley: The Democratic Primary Is ‘Rigged’: Rob Garver
Scandal Central
A millennial’s guide to Bill Clinton’s 20+ sex scandals: Ryan GirduskySpecial Report: Pentagon thwarts Obama's effort to close Guantanamo: Reuters
Somali Charged in ISIS Terrorism Ring Worked at Major U.S. Airport as baggage handler: MFS-TON
Climate & Energy
Climate Scientists Devolve Into Crying Jags Over “The End Of The World”: William TeachMedia
Not Coincidental – Trump’s 2015 Conservative Critics Were Obama’s 2009 Fan Boys: TreehouseGeorge Will Is Right—Donald Trump IS A Threat, To Cuckservatism Inc.: James Kirkpatrick
GOP/MSM Trump vs Cruz, Bush, Rubio, Christie, Kasich, Fiorina etc Double Standard: DTG
Little Man, Big Head: MOTUS
Dinner at Denny’s in the Land of Black Privilege: MB
The New Republic | The evil Republicans should stop being mean to those nice Islamists: C4P
Intelligence Report Warns of Russian Naval Buildup: Bill GertzAnd This is Different from the US, How?: CoyoteBlog
Islamic State in West Africa murders 52 with jihad suicide bombings: Robert Spencer
Germany, Migrants and Angela Merkel’s Big Lie: Brad MacDonald
Liberals Let Muslim ‘Refugees’ Stay in Their Home… Get a Nasty Surprise: RWN
The cross has to go before the asylum seekers arrive: Speisa
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
China’s armed drones appear built from stolen data from US cyber intrusions: Bill GertzAnatomy of the South Korean MERS outbreak: Tina Hesman Saey
Another Scandal Resulting from E-mails Gone Public: Bruce Schneier
32 of the Greatest Military Quotes of All Time: Lamar UnderwoodDeclassified: How Pentagon planned to nuke Soviet Union, China during the Cold War: Thomas Gibbons-Neff
Hoverboard: The New Weapon of Mass Destruction: MOTUS
Image: Floodwaters push rivers higher; Mississippi overtops levee in Missouri
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: #ConstitutionMan: Ted Cruz for President
QOTD: "As 2016 gets underway, we must reaffirm our commitment to the principles of open society and resist the siren song of the likes of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, however hard that may be." --George Soros
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
SERIES OF NEW BOOKS CONFIRM: Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton Gave Birth to ISIS
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi... would eventually become the most feared man in the Middle East ... In the insurrection after the toppling of Saddam Hussein, Zarqawi's al-Qaeda in Iraq announced itself to the world by blowing up the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad. Attacks on mosques in Baghdad, Karbala and Samarra inflamed sectarian tensions between Shiites and Sunnis. Video of his personal beheading of the American businessman Nick Berg in 2004 became a global viral hit, and the U.S. put out a $25 million bounty. He took to calling himself "sheikh of the slaughterers."
OBAMA’S IRAN DEAL: The World’s Most Dangerous Hoax
The mainstream media blindly championed the Iranian deal at the expense of reason, celebrating its “signing” and every prospective step for implementation. But the not-so-surprising revelation is that there is, in fact, no Iran deal. There are just a number of political commitments made by each of the so-called P5+1 countries, in the hope that Iran will somehow reform itself.
Iran, on the other hand, seems barely, if at all, committed to the non-agreement. Rather, it is poised to receive international sanctions relief while continuing on its belligerent course.
Larwyn’s Linx: The Sleepwalkers
The Sleepwalkers: American Digest‘Religion of peace’ is not a harmless platitude: Douglas Murray
Visibly unsteady Granny Clinton clings to walking aid while wearing a throw rug: JWF
The Great Republican Revolt: David Frum
Why Some Senators are Falsely Claiming They Opposed the Omnibus: CR
I’ll be glad to explain to you why conservatives are supporting Trump: Herman Cain
Marco Rubio’s Path to Victory: Erick Erickson
Clout Research Poll: Trump Leads With 40%, Leads Among All Key Demos: Treehouse
Kornacki: To Stop Trump And Cruz, An Establishment Candidate Must Win NH: RCP
It's Not ISIS We Need to Defeat: It's the Caliphate: Daniel Greenffield
“The Effect Of Constitutional Carry On Crime?”: Extrano's Alley
Florida Muslim Leader Commemorates Hamas, Calls Jews Monkeys and Pigs: Joe Kaufman
Guns vs. Cars (and Drugs): Robert VerBruggen
BREAKING: No More Colt 1911s In California?: Bob Owens
Exercising your Second Amendment rights is now a taxable activity in Seattle: Matt Vespa
Tamir Rice Shooting: Can You Pick Out Which Is A Real Gun?: William Teach
OHIO: Muslim Supremacists Won’t Take No For An Answer: Shoebat
Jihadists Do the Strangest Things: Dr. Stephen M. Kirby
More than ten percent of your income is going to Obamacare: WyBlogMissouri: Seven Muslims plead guilty in $1.7M food stamp fraud: Creeping
Minimum Wage Increases Spell Disaster for America's Retail Companies: CR
Scandal Central
Muslim ACLU Director: 'I Emphatically Refuse' to Condemn Terrorism: Trey SanchezState Dept. counts 'bringing peace' to Syria as a 2015 win: Eliza Collins
CIA Fooled by Massive Cold War Double-Agent Failure: Bill Gertz
Climate & Energy
A Physics view of Climate Change: Ed BerryRemember: Al Gore Said The Oceans Will Erupt In Flames Next Month: Extrano's Alley
We’re All Fascists Now: James E. MillerNew York Times Tries to Blame Congress for Obama's ISIS Failure: Daniel Greenfield
And They Wonder Why No One Believes Media “Fact Checkers”: RS
How Polls Manipulate Voters, No Matter The Results: Mandi Ancalle
More Lies by Politicians: Kirby Said
Retired President Decides to Run Her Mouth While, Get This, On Vacation: Ace
Major Evangelical Leader Throws Support Behind Trump Plan to Suspend Muslim Immigration: Hannity
The Liberal Ivy League Gun Study That’s Been Kept Locked Up: Raise the Flag Report
DHS Likes Me Too: Joe Huffman
In WABC Report, Palestinian Assailants Are the Victims: CAMERA
The New York Times Joins the 'ISIS Is Too Scary For Free Speech' Movement: Anthony L. Fisher
QQQ: MagFarm
Globalist George Soros Fears Nationalist Donald Trump…: Treehouse$2,957,000,000: U.S. Taxpayers Will Fund Lion’s Share of UN Budget Again in 2016: CNS
Sweden, November 2015: Rapes, Acquittals and Severed Heads: Ingrid Carlqvist
Why Russia and China Aren’t Friends: AmInt
The Ugly Truth About Avoiding War With China: John Glaser
A Nervous George Soros Lashes Out At Donald Trump: He Wants You To Be Afraid: ZH
The Palestinian Authority Will Find No Friend in ISIS: Pinhas Inbari
Report: Palestinians Using Laser Pointers to Blind Israeli Drivers: David Daoud
Family Planning in the New Europe: Mark Steyn
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
Extremely rare giant squid sighting caught on camera: The WeekYear in review: Not all bodies act their age: Meghan Rosen
Fiorina: I rushed out HP servers to power NSA snooping. Mwahahaha!: The Register
“Colored” Guns Are Racist: MOTUSTwo Teachers Charged for Having Sex With 16-Year-Old Boy: JWF
How Can We NOT Endorse Donald Trump? He Just Endorsed iOTWreport: iOTWreport
Hey, You Guys, It Is Now ‘Anti-Feminist’ to Say Feminists Are ‘Not All Lesbians’: R.S. McCain
Huckabee and the Hooker!: Enquirer
#BlackLivesMatter Get Trolled in Epic Prank: Diogenes
Image: The best video game women of 2015
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: #ConstitutionMan: Ted Cruz for President
QOTD: "With control of -- or a significant presence in -- roughly 30 percent of districts across the nation, according to Western and Afghan officials, the Taliban now holds more territory than in any year since 2001, when the puritanical Islamists were ousted from power after the 9/11 attacks. For now, the top American and Afghan priority is preventing Helmand, largely secured by U.S. Marines and British forces in 2012, from again falling to the insurgency.
As of last month, about 7,000 members of the Afghan security forces had been killed this year, with 12,000 injured, a 26 percent increase over the total number of dead and wounded in all of 2014, said a Western official with access to the most recent NATO statistics. Attrition rates are soaring. Deserters and injured Afghan soldiers say they are fighting a more sophisticated and well-armed insurgency than they have seen in years." -- Sudarsan Raghavan
Monday, December 28, 2015
GREAT NEWS: Crime-Free, Gun-Free Illinois Beta-Testing Gun Confiscation Law, Overriding Second Amendment!
Representatives Emanuel Welch, Pamela Reaves-Harris, and Jaime Andrade, Jr. are behind the resolution and claim that Chicago's epidemic of gun violence is due to insufficient gun control laws, claiming that "The Heller decision and other pro-firearm industry court rulings have resulted in a proliferation of guns in numerous communities and have diminished the security and freedom of our citizens to enjoy a life free of gun violence.”
The representatives fail to explain how Chicago, which historically has the most restrictive gun laws in the United States, has seen more than 2,000 people shot in 2015 alone, almost all of the violence gang- and drug-related shootings. The resolution, which reads as though it was crafted by an enemy of America, reads as follows:
SEEMS FAIR: EPA Sends 185 to Prison for "Environmental Crimes" as its Own Toxic Spills Go Unpunished
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) enforcers helped convict 185 Americans of environmental crimes this year, with each of these eco-convicts getting sentenced to eight months in prison on average for crimes ranging from biofuel fraud to illegally removing asbestos.
EPA enforcement data for 2015 shows the agency opened 213 environmental cases which resulted in 185 people convicted and sentenced to 129 years in prison. EPA has been opening fewer cases in recent years to focus more on “high impact” cases.
These Are The Most Persecuted People in the World
The most persecuted group in the world today is Christians. Christians in Nigeria, Egypt, Syria and other nations are murdered, raped, kidnapped, enslaved and persecuted on a daily basis. The reason for the vast majority of all of this violence is that they are Christians among Muslims.
But their abuse does not stop with the violence. The perpetrators of violence are measured in the thousands, but the greatest abuse is at the hands of those who should demand that the violence stop. The silence in the face this persecution is denial and justification. The persecutors are few, but the deniers are in the billions.
HERE THEY ARE: The 2015 Fabulous 50 Blog Award Winners #Fab50
The votes are in. The anxious nominees' fingernails have been chewed down to the quick.

So we're more than pleased to announce the winners of the 2015 Fabulous 50 Blog Awards, the most prestigious new media awards in the conservative blogosphere.
Or, at the very least, in the 993 area code.
These awards recognize a variety of blogs and websites operating in the conservative hemisphere of the Internet, all of which have worked tirelessly to promote conservatism, free market capitalism, fiscal sanity, the sovereignty of the individual, and otherwise protect America from the cockroach-like Statists -- some in very unique ways.
So, without further ado, may I have the envelopes, please?
Larwyn’s Linx: Bitter Clingers 2.0
Bitter Clingers 2.0: Victor Davis HansonJihadist in NYC bomb plot may have stabbed child as ISIS tryout: Dean Balsamini
South Carolina: Syrian Muslim/ISIS invasion begins courtesy of Lutheran Services: Creeping
Trump: Hillary’s bullying of Bill’s women may become campaign issue: LI
This Could All Be Over Very Fast: Peter Robinson
You Can’t Be a ‘Conservative’ OR an American and Vote Hillary Over Trump: Publius
Don’t Let Liberals Tell You What You Can and Can’t Say About Hillary: Kurt Schlichter
Looking Back At 2015: The Best, Worst And The Rest: Derek Hunter
Media fails to identify race of 1,000 to 2,000 teens that shut down Kentucky mall: RWN
"Trump Voters Are Not Just Angry - They Want Revenge": Frank Luntz
Ron Coleman Wins Historic First Amendment Victory in Trademark Case: Patterico
They don’t trust you with a gun: Joe Huffman
Death Watch Illinois: Despite Stock Market Rally, Pension Liabilities Skyrocket: MishHas there ever been a more selfish generation?: Great Recession
Flashback: Obama pledges to not to take vacations if elected President: WZ
Scandal Central
Media Silent as Muslim Persecution of Christians Continues: CreepingCleric Who Said He Barely Knew San Berno Terrorists Exchanged Dozens of Messages: JWF
Virginia Advice for Out-Of-State CHP Holders: AmmoLand: VCDL
Climate & Energy
10 reasons that show global warming is not man-made. Physics Prof explains his switch to skepticism.: JoNovaObama’s Energy “Experts” WRONG Again!: Russ Hepler
A Virginia Reader Calls Out His Representative (Barbara Comstock) For Her Endorsement Of Rubio: VDARE'Allahu Akbar': It Means Almost Everything -- Except What The Establishment Media Says: Robert Spencer
Jim Webb: Why Is No One Going After Hillary for ‘Inept Leadership’ on Libya?: Josh Feldman
ISIS Ruling Says Muslims Can EAT Their Enemies' Flesh: Ben ShapiroISIS Unveils Training Camp in Philippines: Clarion
Horrifying Moment When ISIS Snatches Girls from Families: Clarion
Unicorns, Skittles and Fairytales: Deconstructing Dishonest DOD Final Report on Afghanistan: Stop Shouting!
Hezbollah threatens to launch terror attacks anywhere in the world: Elder of Ziyon
German MPs angry at Nato plane mission: THE LOCAL de
Misunderstanderers of Islam mercilessly beat girl accused of Koran abuse, then set her on fire: Daniel Greenfield
What It’s Like to Have Russian Jets Bomb the Crap Out of Your Town: Michael Weiss
Duma and the Return of the King: Daniel Greenfield
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
My Love-Hate Relationship With Space X’s Elon Musk: Bre PaytonFirefox is this year's Darwin Award winner: Don Surber
A Baltic Sea Monster Surfaces: Samir S. Patel
Kimberly Morin: GraniteGrokBook Excerpt: Gun Control in The Third Reich: Stephen Halbrook, Ph.D.
Explosive Documentary Links Peyton Manning, Major Athletes To Doping Ring: Travis Waldron
Image: What It’s Like to Have Russian Jets Bomb the Crap Out of Your Town
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: #ConstitutionMan: Ted Cruz for President
QOTD: [Why Jewish refugees from World War II have nothing in common with Syrian and other Muslim refugees]
"... Jewish refugees had no conflict or grievance with the West. The Arab world is in the midst of an open conflict with the West. The United States has been sponsoring some of the fighters operating in Syria. There is no way of knowing whether refugees have allegiance to one faction or another...
...Jewish refugees were not accompanied by any terrorist problem in America. Islamist terrorism has already expressed itself through those who have immigrated here legally and illegally...
...Jewish refugee traffic was never exploited to embed people who were simply taking advantage of chaos to slip across borders with criminal or terrorist motivation. That has already been demonstratively the case with the Syrian-Turkish Muslim migration..." --Dr. Michael Weiner
Sunday, December 27, 2015
MISUNDERSTANDERERS OF ISLAM: Israel Will Be A “Graveyard” For Jews
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, threatened to invade Israel and massacre Jews, The Times of Israel reported on Saturday.
ISIS forces are “coming closer” and will “soon meet [the Jews] in Palestine,” al-Baghdadi declared in an audio recording released online. “Israel will pay a heavy price at the hands of our fighters.”
RYAN AND RUBIO: American Companies Will Go Bankrupt If We Don’t Import More Foreign Workers!

Bennett pressed Ryan on the details of the H-2B visa expansion, slipped 700-pages into Ryan’s 2,009-page omnibus spending bill—asking Ryan directly, “Do you believe there are not enough Americans to fill these jobs?”
In response, Ryan described the H-2B visa expansion as “a very small, discrete provision.”
GEORGE WILL AND CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: Don’t You Get It? You Fools Helped Create Donald Trump!

Similarly, Krauthammer has been a constant critic of Trump's run, calling him a "rodeo clown" and "deeply bigoted" for his proposal to suspend Muslim immigration* until the San Bernardino terror attack can be deconstructed.
Larwyn’s Linx: Just Asking about Islam and Terrorism
Just Asking about Islam and Terrorism: Andrew C. McCarthyA Congressional Overture to Censorship: CJR
Ted Cruz’s Opponents Use the Heads-I-Win-Tails-You-Lose Attack: RS
Progressivism Makes Immigrants Unwelcome: John O. McGinnis
Building a Berlin Wall of Regulations: Instapundit
Jim Webb Attacks Clinton With Eye on Independent Run: Ben Brody
The Great Truth-Teller of 2015: Donald J. Trump: John Nolte
Smoking Gun: The GOP Establishment Cannot Beat Hillary Clinton. Period: John Nolte
Anyone who would rather see Hillary in office is not a conservative: Daniel Greenfield
Illinois: Muslim National Guard member plotted Paris-style jihad attack: Robert Spencer
Homeland Security seeks thieves who stole 43 propane tanks: Fox 43
VA GOP May Strip McAuliffe Of His Protective Detail Over Concealed Carry: Bob Owens
Big Government Leaves Our Nation Poor in Money and Spirit: Walter WilliamsTed Cruz’s ‘Big Problem’: The New York Sun
Suicide, Crime, Unemployment Soar As Alberta Economic Crisis Builds: Michael Snyder
Scandal Central
Bowe Bergdahl: Taliban Asked Me If Obama is a Sodomite: StandardCambridge Professor Refuses to Answer Israeli School Girl's Question About Horses: Tiffany Gabbay
Just Before Passing Surveillance Expansion, Lawmakers Partied With Pro-CISA Lobbyists: Lee Fang
Trey Gowdy adds insult to treachery: MFPThe Wall Street Journal Hates Ted Cruz. Here’s Why.: Aaron Bandler
Disappointing -- But Not Unexpected – Trey Gowdy endorses Marco Rubio: FAM
Here’s What A Liberal ‘Gun-Grab’ Would Look Like And Why It Would Ultimately Fail: Kurt Schlichter
Influential Florida GOPer endorses Cruz: Kristen East
The Organic Food Zealots are Wrong: Elephant
Elites and media really hate Donald Trump’s voters: Michael Walsh
Trump thinks he can win without get-out-the-vote operation: Ed Straker
It's Time to Rally Around Donald Trump: Diana West
Republicans Slam Administration For Caving To Iran On Visa Waiver Program: David GerstmanMuslim Brotherhood’s USCMO Launches 2016 Political Campaign: CSP
Obama’s ‘deal partner’ Iran hacked NY dam system in 2013: Doug Powers
"A New Kind of Palestinian Terrorism": Stuart Schneiderman
2 Palestinians attack soldiers near Nablus, are shot dead: Times of Israel
Meeting Refugees Coming Ashore In Greece: Mirit Hadar
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
These truisms proved false in 2015: ScienceNewsMarc Andreessen: 'In 20 years, every physical item will have a chip implanted in it': Madhumita Murgia
Comcast just had a major breakthrough that could mean super-fast internet: Steve Kovach
More Dim Sum: MOTUSAnd He Won: Ted Cruz
Boxing Day: Everybody’s Got a Plan: MOTUS
Image: Ted Cruz’s Opponents Use the Heads-I-Win-Tails-You-Lose Attack
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: #ConstitutionMan: Ted Cruz for President
QOTD: "We asked Trump to disavow a third party run. He's done it. Maybe it's time to start asking Republicans to disavow any Georgewillian schemes to hand Hillary the election. Because anyone who would rather see Hillary in office is not a conservative." --Daniel Greenfield
Saturday, December 26, 2015
The 10 Dumbest Gun Control Political Cartoons of 2015
Say, you mean stricter gun control laws will stop terrorism? No one tell the 300+ victims of the terror attack in Paris, where civilian ownership of guns is prohibited.
Christmas On The Cross
Amel Shimoun Nona saw all this coming, and now it is upon us.
Amel Shimoun Nona is the Chaldean Catholic Archbishop of Mosul. When the Islamic State captured northern Iraq, it drove 30,000 Christians from the Nineveh plain where they had lived since not long after the time of Christ. In August 2014, Nona predicted that the same thing would happen to Christians in the West: “Our sufferings today,” he said, “are the prelude of those you, Europeans and Western Christians, will also suffer in the near future.” And now, as the few remaining Christians in the Middle East prepare to celebrate Christmas and hope that Muslims won’t murder them for doing so, that future is now.
Larwyn’s Linx: At Christmas 2015, causes for conservative joy
At Christmas 2015, causes for conservative joy: Timothy P. CarneyAgainst Despair: A Christmas Credo for Republicans: Dan McLaughlin
Donald v Hillary: No Democrat is Prepared To Face The Unpredictable: Treehouse
Christmas on the Cross: Robert Spencer
Living with the Muslim Hum: David Solway
Obama's 'Paper Tiger' Doctrine: Thomas Lifson
Cruz Accused of Supporting ‘Amnesty’--But Here’s What the Facts Say: Justin Green
Does Rubio’s Gang of Eight membership doom him?: Paul Mirengoff
Conservatives’ Biographies Show How History Can Move Right: Michael Barone
2016 – 4 More Years of Obama vs GOP?: Dave Jolly
Triggering Decline: Arthur Milikh
Guess which candidate had 101 NH events but still has zero supporters?: Ed Straker
Scandal Central
DHS Documents: Innocent Americans Targeted: Tim BrownU.S. - Overall Deportations Drop in 2015, 27% for Criminal Aliens.: MFS-TON
Hillary [redacted] Benghazi [redacted] and “Hispandering”: Leslie Eastman
Climate & Energy
"Unstoppable" California Gas Leak--Worst Catastrophe Since BP Spill?: ZHWhere is the due diligence on 600 billion dollars invested in “decarbonisation”?: JoNova
Addressing ‘Climate Change’ Is Not Enough Or Something: William Teach
Weekly Paper Freaks Out Over Cabela’s Gun Ad: Michael Stickland, ProgsTodayWhat Donald Trump Should Have Tweeted: Jared Taylor
Ted Cruz's colleagues don't like him. Do voters?: Alan He, CBS News
Happy Kwanzaa: The Z Man
Image On Church Window Resembles Virgin Mary, Draws Throngs Of Spectators: CBS Atlanta
‘Concussion’ Director Defends Controversial Film: ‘The Best Defense Is the Truth’: Marlow Stern
ISIS sanctioned organ harvesting from 'infidels' in document taken in US raid: HayomSharia is Here: Barbaric Practices Happening Around the World--Including the U.S.: Shae McMillan
Muslims Protest ‘Creeping Christmas’ and ‘Charlatan Santa’ in Istanbul: GWP
Operation CUT: Bosnia versus the Islamic State: The XX Committee
Muslim Gang-Rape Marathons Continue Across Europe: Where's the Press?: Baron Von Kowenhoven
Muslim of the Year: Larry Klayman
Jihad: "All the Fault of the West!": Lars Hedegaard
France Passes New Law - Strips Islamic Terrorists' Citizenship ...Obama Golfs: GWP
Official: Militant pullout on hold from area near Damascus: Zeina Karam
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
Facebook Censors Story About ‘Refugee’ Raping Swedish Woman: Paul Joseph WatsonIsraeli Device to Quiet Snoring Attracts Support from Crowdfunding, High-Tech Sector: The Tower
Eras and the Now: Backwoods Home
Snopes denies visiting White House during White House visit: CubeChristmas in History: First Media Reports of Nativity Story: Cube
Difference between Democrats, Socialists, and Communists: Cube
Image: ISIS sanctioned organ harvesting from 'infidels' in document taken in US raid
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: #ConstitutionMan: Ted Cruz for President
QOTD: "[Hillary's] critics were not impressed. Soon, the hashtag #NotMyAbuela was circulating as a critique of what some saw as a tone-deaf move to pander to a powerful butmarginalized bloc of voters. Her critics pointed out that Mrs. Clinton did not grow up poor like their relatives, and was not separated from loved ones by country borders. Others just made their points with the magic of memes.
Mrs. Clinton is not the only politician who has attempted playful acknowledgment of Latino culture: Jeb Bush, a Republican contender whose wife is Mexican-American, sold a “guaca bowle” on his website, and supporters of Mrs. Clinton’s main challenger, Bernie Sanders, have long referred to him as #TioBernie on Twitter. (On Wednesday, Mr. Sanders’s campaign took steps to distance him from the hashtag.)
In Mrs. Clinton’s case, the Internet soon gave new currency to the word“Hispandering.”" --Via Leslie Eastman
Friday, December 25, 2015
BEWARE, IOWA: GOPe Super PACs Targeting Ted Cruz With Laughable Swarm of "Attack" Ads
First, let's hear from the GOP establishment hack and failed consultant Nick Ryan, quoted at CNN:
"Ted Cruz has been parading around Iowa trying to hoodwink conservatives, and these ads showcase that he's willing to say anything to get elected," said Nick Ryan, the Iowa strategist behind much of the advertising. "Fact is, he's wrong on the issues and values that Iowa conservatives really care about."
Cruz has looked to characterize recent attacks like these in Iowa and elsewhere as a validation of his campaign's strength, taking the most pride in the daily hits from Rubio's campaign...
LATEST KEY STATE POLLS: Trump and Cruz Surge, Rubio Falters; Paradox for the GOPe

In South Carolina:
• "Cruz and Trump are tied at 27 percent. Rubio and Ben Carson roughly tied at 12 percent and 11 percent each, respectively. Bush had 7 percent support; 5 percent backed other candidates and 11 percent were undecided."
Larwyn’s Linx: Muslim Immigration is Exactly What ISIS Wants
Muslim Immigration is Exactly What ISIS Wants: Daniel GreenfieldDHS preparing immigration raids by, er, noting them a month in advance: Ed Morrissey
Democrats Pass Resolution Condemning Anyone Who Speaks Against Islam: Creeping
Desperate RINOs Scheme to Deliberately Throw Election to Hillary: Dave Blount
Thanks To Obama’s Anti-Gun Push, Guns Are Big Presents For Christmas: Cove
Hispanics Upset at Hillary’s Political Play as a Grandmother: Spencer Irvine
Is the Republican Party Over?: Ben Shapiro
Exclusive: It's Time to Rally Around Ted Cruz: Brent Bozell
Rubio reassures nervous donors his floundering campaign is on track: Alex Isenstadt
Trump, Dictatorship and Competing With An Illiberal Left: Daniel Greenfield
Fearless ‘Viking Warrior,’ Sgt. Eden Pearl Was a Marine Legend: Dave Urbanski
2016 Forecast: The Experts Will Be Wrong: Scott Rasmussen
Why the War on Poverty Is So Unwinnable: Robert SamuelsonGray Lady Sings the Blues: AmInt
Clueless Dems Want to Take In Refugees From Non-Existent Town: Patterico
Scandal Central
2015: Hillary Clinton's 111 Scandals, Lies, and Flip-Flops: The LidClinton aide key focus in FBI server investigation: Fox News
Ethics complaint seeks to uncover facts in Hillary influence-peddling scandal: Thomas Lifson
Climate & Energy
The Cult of Magic: The Z ManMaurice Strong, communist billionaire behind global warming and Agenda 21, is dead: Fellowship of the Minds
Merry Christmas to all, and to all, keep up the good fight: Anthony Watts
Reminder: Republican Staffer Who Criticized Obama’s Daughters Was Fired: ProgsTodayChris Matthews Fears ‘Horror’ of Ted Cruz Presidency; Calls Him ‘Enemy of the State’: Kyle Drennen
The “schlonged” brouhaha: LI
The ‘Brilliant’ Fool McGeorge Bundy: R.S. McCain
Military to Military: Seymour M. Hersh on US intelligence sharing in the Syrian war: London Review of Books
Seafood Restaurant Robber Gets Popcorn Shrimp, Bullets: Bob Owens
AQAP leader says America is the ‘primary enemy’: Thomas JoscelynWhy is the world obsessed with the Election of Israel?: Spengler
Ex-captives held in Iran during 444-day hostage crisis finally get compensation... from the U.S. Taxpayer: WaPo
Grim Life for Christians in Muslim Pakistan: Raymond Ibrahim
Brunei bans Christmas as sharia law takes hold: Creeping
China Deploying Blinding Lasers?: WeaponsMan
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
Musk: Tesla autonomous car could arrive in two years: Justin KingNASA postpones next Mars mission for at least two years: Ryan Whitwam
The Ultimate BMW M3 Review: E30 vs E36 vs E46 vs E92 vs F80: Horatiu Boeriu
Take A Break From Politics With Two Wonderful Flash Mobs: RSUFO captured? Man says he has proof: Phil Drake
Ancient Romans landed in America: Staggering discovery will 'change history': Oli Smith
Class vs. Crass: HillBuzz
Football’s War on the Minds of Black Men: Antonio Moore
Washington’s Christmas Poem: Ali Meyer
Image: InTrumpet.com
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: #ConstitutionMan: Ted Cruz for President
QOTD: "Almost by definition, a “raid” involves the element of surprise. The idea is to catch one or more people unaware in order to ensure that law enforcement can find them. That may be especially true for potential targets who are well aware of their fraught legal status — such as illegal immigrants who have remained in the US in defiance of court orders for deportation.
So … is a month’s notice about the “raids” considered a sporting chance, or what?" --Ed Morrissey