Wednesday, February 28, 2018
COLLUSION DELUSION: Trump Squeezing Russia Like a Lemon
In her daily press briefing Tuesday, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders rejected the contention that Special Counsel Robert Mueller's indictment of 13 Russian nationals for interfering with the 2016 election proves the Trump administration is soft on Russia.
To back up her point, Sanders drew a distinction between former president Barack Obama's policies towards Russia and President Donald Trump's Russia policy, and insisted Trump has been much tougher on Russia than Obama was.
Larwyn's Linx: Rethinking Watergate
Rethinking Watergate: Victor Davis HansonJeff Sessions Affirms Inspector General Review of FISA Court Abuse by DOJ: CTH
Schiff memo in direct conflict to what then-FBI Director James Comey testified: Fox
Report: Deputies Were Told Not To Go Into High School: Justin Caruso
Profits of Doom: Rising Serpent
Gun Rights Are Women's Rights: Katie Pavlich
Assault On The Constitution: John Spiropoulos
Comey, Brennan and Clapper Have Until Friday to Disclose Dossier Intel: GWP
One School Shooting Killed Hundreds Despite Gun-Grabber Wish List: David Codrea
Justices Vote Immigrants Can Be Detained Indefinitely Without Bond: OAN
NY State Dems propose giving illegal immigrants legal protections: Post
Accused MS-13 members laugh in court near victim’s family: Post
Heritage Foundation: 64% of Trump's agenda already done, faster than Reagan: ExamU.S. consumer confidence rises to highest level since November 2000: Paul Wiseman
The Trump revolution is here to stay: Sebaktain Gorka
Scandal Central
Broward County & Sheriffs Shameful Response: Rich LowryEvery Government Authority Failed In Parkland. So We Should Forfeit Our Self-Defense Rights?: Ben Shapiro
The Slimy Trail of Marc Rich: How a Clinton Buddy Gave the Gift That Keeps on Giving: ALR
The Trumpian Rorschach Test Never Ends: Roger L. SimonDavid Hogg asks to be proven wrong: Thomas Wictor
Hannity and Tucker Most-Watched Cable News Programs in February: Mediaite
A Tidal Wave of Refugees Is Coming: SpenglerJapanese Fighter Jets Intercept Nuclear-Capable Russian Bombers Near US Base: The Diplomat
Venezuelan Inmates Eating Rats and Pigeons to Avoid Starvation: Ben Kew
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
Amazon Paid Zero in Federal Taxes in 2017, Gets $789 Million Windfall from New Tax Law: ITEPThe Feds Can Now (Probably) Unlock Every iPhone Model In Existence: Thomas Fox-Brewster
Why a Tiny Kentucky Firm Rules a Corner of the Crypto Market: Erin Griffith
#TransformationTuesday: MOTUSNaked man on ATV goes on wild ride in Kansas City: Fox2Now
Man armed with AR-15 stops attack by neighbor in Oswego: WGN-9
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Broward Sheriff got 45 calls about Cruz and his brother and did nothing.
— Razor (@hale_razor) February 27, 2018
Broward Sheriff had a policy that when students commit a crime, to do nothing.
Broward Sheriff was at the school during the massacre, and did nothing.
Clearly, the problem is the NRA.
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA: More Ties Between Democrats and Russian Oligarchs Poised for Exposure
The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee is requesting an interview with a Washington-based lobbyist who served as an intermediary between a Democratic senator and two key figures in the Russia investigation, dossier author Christopher Steele and Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska.
“The nature and extent of the relationship between Mr. Steele, Mr. Deripaska, and you are of potential relevance to the Committee’s work,” Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, wrote Monday to the lobbyist, Adam Waldman.
Waldman emerged earlier this month as a figure in the Russia investigation after it was revealed that he exchanged text messages last year with Virginia Sen. Mark Warner regarding Steele and Deripaska.
Larwyn's Linx: The Russians Colluded Massively — with Democrats
The Russians Colluded Massively — with Democrats: Deroy MurdockNunes: 'Chasing...Russian Ghosts,' But There's Only One 'Obvious Felony': CNS
Sheriff Scott Israel Exemplifies The Failures Of Our Institutions: Ben Domenech
Jack Cashill: “Incompetence Wasn’t The Problem in Broward County”: CTH
Obama-Era Education Policy Questioned After Parkland Shooting: Kerry Picket
Sheriff Israel Pushes Gun Control While His CAIR-Deputy Arms Muslims: S. Noble
Book timing suggests Michelle Obama running for president in 2020: Thomas Lifson
Walter Williams on Mark Levin’s Show: 'We Have Betrayed the Founding Fathers’: CNS
Supreme Court refuses to hear Trump challenge on DACA: The Hill
Kamala Harris Aide Arrested for Running Fake Police Force in Santa Clarita: KTLA'Angel Dad': Oakland Mayor Should Be Charged for Warning About ICE Raids: FNI
Some Stockton students become violent during anti-gun protest: KCRA
Delta Airlines Loses Tax Break After Politicizing School Shooting In Florida: Bre BaytonGoldilocks is Dead: Jim Quinn
20 states sue to kill Obamacare, citing Trump’s mandate repeal: Times
Scandal Central
Soros Buying a Texas DA Seat to Undermine Immigration Enforcement: Matthew VadumFla. Governor orders investigation of terror-tied CAIR Sheriff Scott Israel: Geller
Dimwit Florida Sheriff Was 'Once a Proud Member of Team Obama': Jack Dunphy
Climate, Energy & Regulations
Report: NOAA Caught Lying About Arctic Sea Ice: Climate DepotMedia
Important free speech case filed against Twitter: Ann CorcoranCPAC Recap: John Hinderaker
Exposing Parkland Crisis Actor David Hogg gets you 3 Day Suspension From Facebook: Jack Mullen
China’s terrifying and deadly arsenal of weapons: Matthew DunnPolice 'Don't Know' Why Rape Is up 20 Per Cent in Sadiq Khan's London: Breitbart
UK grooming gangs were allowed to abuse 700 girls because police blamed the victims: Telegraph
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
The Doomsday Inention: Raffi KhatchadourianAI apocalypse where robots take over and ‘treat humans like guinea pigs’ could become reality: Sun
Google Word Coach, a fun word game in the search results: Barry Schwartz
Counterattack Hard Against Liberal Attacks on Our Gun Rights and Other Civil Liberties: Kurt SchlichterGood Monday Moanin’: MOTUS
Questions Emerge Over Florida Shooter's "Full Metal Garb": ZH
Sponsored by: YouTube continues to restrict many PragerU videos. Fight back!
Remember the time Donald Trump saw a bat wielding mugger and ran after him and stopped him:
— MARK SIMONE (@MarkSimoneNY) February 26, 2018
Monday, February 26, 2018
SCHIFF-SHOW: The Democrats’ Deeply Deceptive Memo
The Democrats’ deeply dishonest rebuttal to the congressional report on the Obama administration’s abuses of surveillance authority came out on the weekend as the House intel chief seemed to threaten to abolish the secret court that granted the abusive requests.
There is “clear evidence” that Democrats are trying to cover up their involvement in a massive plot to undermine the electoral process and that they colluded with parts of the government, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said mid-afternoon Saturday from the main stage at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) near Washington, D.C.
“We’re not going to have the [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court] much longer if the [Justice Department] and FBI continue to obfuscate like that.”
Larwyn's Linx: Tying Loose Threads Together: DOJ, FBI, DoS, White House: “Operation Latitude”
Tying Loose Threads Together: DOJ, FBI, DoS, White House: “Operation Latitude”: CTHAssessing the new Democratic intel memo: Byron York
Sorry, Gun-Banners, U.S. Isn't Even in the Top 10 For Mass Shootings: Investors
We could have shipping containers full of foreign nukes in our ports: J.M. Phelps
FBI Focuses on Millions Funneled from Australian Government to Clinton: WoW!
As Primaries Approach, Democratic Divisions Deepen: Josh Kraushaar
"Going Unbroke": The DNC's New "No NRA Money" Scam: Rising Serpent
Liberals See Only Opportunity in the Murders in Florida: Derek Hunter
School Shooting Plot Exposed: You Wont Believe who Set it Up: Onan Coca
Criminal Oakland Mayor Mayor Libby Schaaf warns illegals of possible ICE raids: KRON-4
Why Bernie Sanders’s stepdaughter is trying to unseat Burlington’s mayor: Lisa Rathke
Gun Training Classes for Ohio Teachers Sell Out After Hundreds Sign Up: GWP
Scandal Central
Truth About the Clinton Foundation Is Finally Being Exposed: Charles OrtelWhite House Lawyers: Trump Could Provide Written Answers To Mueller Probe: ZH
Lawyers For The DNC Argue That Primary Rigging Is Protected By The First Amendment: Elizabeth Vos
An Ode To The Great One, Mark Levin: Elliot FuchsPat Condell's YouTube Video About YouTube Censoring His YouTube Video About Censorship: BattleSwarm
Michelle Malkin: Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel Should 'Absolutely' Resign: Breitbart
Kim Dotcom Slams Obama, Hillary and Deep State For Destroying Civil Liberties in the U.S.: GWP
In Disastrous Interview, Broward County Sheriff Compares Himself to a President: GWP
Parkland Dad Slams Chris Wallace of Focus on Gun Control Instead of Security for 'More Ratings': Pam Key
It's Here: Opening Segment of Mark Levin's New Show: Scoop
It's Not All About the NRA: Amy Walter
Testosterone-Pumped Transgender Wrestler Wins State Title For Second Consecutive Year: Grace Carr
A Canadian appears to have been murdered by Iran and Ottawa shrugs: National PostNetanyahu and the Left's Israeli Deep State: Sultan Knish
Israel set to deport African economic migrants, Canada says wait (they want more): RRW
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
An amateur astronomer caught a supernova explosion on camera: Lisa GrossmanSamsung Galaxy S9 Plus vs Pixel 2 XL: Two of the best: Lanh Nguyen
Two-way communication is possible with a single quantum particle: Emily Conover
Gorilla Guru (pros and cons and civilians): SondrakistanDrone Snoopery: C&S
Curiouser & Curiouser: WRSA
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.@KyleKashuv, Florida school shooting survivor: "On the @CNN town hall, we had the sheriff who was virtue-signaling against the @NRA and against guns when he didn't even act properly. The armed officer outside... let my classmates die when he stood outside and waited."
— Fox News (@FoxNews) February 25, 2018
Sunday, February 25, 2018
TEXT VERSION: Devin Nunes Obliterates the Schiff Memo, Point by Point
CHARGE: “Christopher Steele’s raw intelligence reporting did not inform the FBI’s decision to initiate its counterintelligence investigation in late July 2016.” (p. 1)RESPONSE: As stated in the declassified GOP memo on FISA abuse, information about Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos “triggered the opening of an FBI counterintelligence investigation in the late July 2016 by FBI agent Peter Strzok.” Once underway, the investigation was fueled by Christopher Steele’s dossier, which the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) used to get a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant on Carter Page. DOJ and FBI’s reliance on the DNC- and Clinton-campaign funded dossier in court filings, not the overall investigation, is the focus of the GOP memo.
CHARGE: The Page FISA application “made only narrow use of information from Steele’s sources about Page’s specific activities in 2016.” (p. 1)
RESPONSE: Senators Grassley and Graham’s January 4, 2018, criminal referral of Steele confirms that “the bulk of the application consists of allegations against Page that were disclosed to the FBI by Mr. Steele and are also outlined in the Steele dossier.” Moreover, the Steele dossier was the FBI’s only source for the allegations in the initial application that Page met with particular Russians in July 2016.
Larwyn's Linx: Chairman Nunes Crushes Schiff's Memo With Point by Point Refutation
Chairman Nunes Crushes Schiff's Memo With Point by Point Refutation: GWPSebastian Gorka: Nunes memo has led to 'Obama-gate' scandal: Gabby Morrongiello
Nunes on Democrat Memo: Proves Dems, Hillary Colluded with Russians: Penny Starr
Policy Failure: Broward Sheriff Union President Notes “Promise Program”: CTH
Sheriff Scott Israel Last October: Nothing We Can Do To Stop a Gunman: DailyWire
To Prevent School Shootings, Fight Fire With Fire By Arming Teachers: Kyle Lamb
The president who plows through the gatekeepers: WND
Levin at CPAC: Take a Stand With Trump!: Katherine Rodriguez
Why We Need the Second Amendment More than Ever: Roger L. Simon
Paris Climate Accord fails to work as advertised: Leslie EastmanScandal Central
The Scheme Team: John SpiropoulosThe Silence of Susan Rice: Scott Johnson
Susan Rice says Obama admin kept info from Trump because of Mike Flynn: Scoop
Disproving the new leftist talking point, that a semi-auto rifle makes a person invincible: Thomas WictorThese heroic cops ran toward Florida school shooting: Post
Sanders Blames Clinton for Not Informing People About Russian Meddling: David Rutz
Maybe Then: Christian Mercenary
NRA Fires Back at Broward County Sheriff: Crowder
Gun Control Teen Activists Show Why We Shouldn't Listen to Children: Kim Quade
North Korea Condemns Sanctions, But Seen Open To Talks With U.S.: OAN"Don't Dare Sit with Us if You Want to Live": Raymond Ibrahim
Iran says attacks on ‘terrorists’ in Damascus suburbs to continue: agency: Foreign Desk
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
Incredible Hubble discovery in deep space could rewrite rules of physics: Colm GoreyNot even IBM is sure where its quantum computer experiments will lead: Engadget
Russia building world’s fastest combat helicopter: Asia Times
Because Good Fences Make Good Neighbors: MOTUSInsane surveillance video of mom daughter duo in shoot out with armed robber: Scoop
Because Evil Exists: Norman Hooben
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The headline you won't see, but which would be accurate: "House Democrats Release Memo that Backs Up Every Argument GOP Has Made About FBI Surveillance Abuse." #DemMemo
— Kimberley Strassel (@KimStrassel) February 25, 2018
Saturday, February 24, 2018
DECONSTRUCTING THE SCHIFF MEMO: From the First Bullet, a Litany of Lies and Disinformation

The abuse of FISA surveillance was legit, above board, nothing to see here, move along, peons.
But, thanks to the Timeline of Treason, we can easily find the contradictions, fabrications, and propaganda woven throughout the Schiff document.
Larwyn's Linx: Broward Sheriff’s Office Did Not “Miss Warning Signs” or Make “Mistakes”
Broward Sheriff’s Office Did Not “Miss Warning Signs” or Make “Mistakes”: CTHBroward, Miami-Dade school policies behind tragedy--and others: TheLastRefuge
A Massacre Demonstrating Why We Cannot Rely on the Police Alone: Jim Geraghty
When Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel Was Accused of Corruption... : Robby Soave
Sheriff's hiring of political supporters under fire: Brittany Wallman
Second person accuses CNN of scripting narrative at gun town hall: Katelyn Caralle
The Contemptible American Left: Steve McCann
Trump Warns CPAC: "Don't Be Complacent," Dems Will Kill 2nd Amendment: ZH
Dereliction: 4 Broward Deputies Stayed Outside School, Nearby Police Were First In: CTH
Rule By Sociopath: The Z Man
Illegal immigrants dealt kilos of fentanyl in Miami County, feds say: Mark Gokavi
DCCC Attacks Democrat Candidate As Trump’s Approval Rating Increases: TPI
Fraud and Failure in D.C. Public Schools: Max Eden Lindsey BurkeA Total Failure of the State: Mark Steyn
Cryptocurrency Exchange Nebula to Launch, With Unique Reputation System: NewsBTC
Scandal Central
Bolton: ‘This is the First Attempted Coup D’etat in America’s History’: 100%Mueller Unseals VA District Indictment Forcing Manafort To Defend Two Fronts: CTH
FBI was told by someone close to Nikolas Cruz that “he’s so into ISIS”: Robert Spencer
7 Incredibly Shocking Quotes From Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger: LifeNewsAmerica Needs a Civil War: Christopher DeGroot
I Thought America Hated Donald Trump: Brian C. Joondeph
President Donald Trump Delivers Speech To CPAC Audience: CTH
Mentally Disturbed CNN Aims Anger at Trump, NRA: EIB
My name is John Bouchell and I am not a bot: John Bouchell
French Movies that can put you in Prison: Postcards From ParisGermany: Muslim migrant thanks “Mama Merkel” for being able to practice polygamy on benefits: JihadWatch
Taliban, IS Claim Deadly Attacks Across Afghanistan: VOA
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
USA, USA, USA: America's 4G Network Is Ranked 62nd 'Best' In The World (Behind Macedonia): ZHAbout that New Antidepressant Study: Neuroskeptic
Strip Clubs, Lambos and Hackers: A Tale of Two Bitcoins: Ariel Deschapell
I’m a military man and I think we should ban assault weapons: Ralph PetersTry enforcing existing gun laws before launching new ones: Andrew Malcolm
What, Exactly, Do You Do Here?: MOTUS
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Police are systemically racist.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) February 23, 2018
Police act stupidly.
Police are overmilitarized.
Give the police all your guns.
Hey, guys, you can't expect armed police to charge mass shooters.
All of these statements are being promulgated by the same people.
Friday, February 23, 2018
28 YEARS OF SCHOOL SHOOTINGS? Thank Democrats and Thank Joe Biden
Joe Biden is reportedly pondering a 2020 run against President Donald Trump, who has been accused of having blood on his hands regarding the high school shooting in Parkland, Florida by, among others, David Hogg. Hogg is one of the surviving students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and has become the media face of those pushing increased gun control after the tragedy:
The Republican Party currently controls the White House and both chambers of Congress, while the Supreme Court has a 5-4 conservative majority – something David Hogg, a student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, pointed out during an interview with his classmates on Sunday's "Meet the Press."
Responding to Trump's tweet, Hogg said: "How dare you. You are in that exact position right now, and you want to look back on our history and blame the Democrats? That's disgusting.
Larwyn's Linx: The Paradoxes of the Mueller Investigation
The Paradoxes of the Mueller Investigation: Victor Davis HansonWhat gun-grabbers don’t want to debate: Daniel Horowtiz
The Failure to Confront Evil in Florida Shooting: Emina Melonic
County Sheriff Cowered Outside School; Refused to Confront Parkland Shooter: CTH
Sheriff’s Officer At Parkland Who Did Nothing To Stop Shooter, Resigns: Tammy Bruce
Broward Sheriff makes excuses for why CAIR/Hamas leader is his Deputy: FPM (2015)
Don't Attack Lefty Human Shields: Daniel Greenfield
The Real Donald Trump You Won't Hear About from the Liberal Media: Wayne Allyn Root
200 Murders by MS-13 in 22 States since 2012, Claims Report: Breitbart
The Dangers of Amazon’s Dominance: Diane FrancisLaPierre: “European Socialists” Are Taking Over The Democratic Party: NoisyRm
Duterte to China: 'if you want, just make us a province': Asia Times
Scandal Central
Nellie Ohr: Woman in the Middle: Diana WestMueller indicts lawyer Alex van der Zwaan. MSM scream: the evil Drumpf is about to fall! : Vachel Lindsay
Were FBI 302s altered or revised by Strzok or McCabe to create a 'lie' that never existed?: Vachel Lindsay
Shooting Survivor Says CNN “Scripted Questions” During Politically Constructed Town Hall: CTHCNN Denies Student’s Assertion That Town Hall Questions Were Scripted: Shifra
NRA’s Wayne LaPierre SCORCHES Media/Dems over Florida Shooting: Crowder
Roseanne Barr has a Request: Thomas WictorEuropean leaders: Begging To Be Blackmailed: Benjamin Weingarten
A staggering divergence in views on #Israel vs the Arabs: Benjamin Weingarten
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
Is Bitcoin the Best Investment in the World Right Now?: Kinsey GrantAmazon, Apple, Facebook, Google: Let's Play Monopoly (video): DomainMondo
Mabl emerges from stealth with AI-powered testing solution: Jenna Sargent
Positivity: George Washington and a Little-Known Turning Point in American History: BizzyBlog40 years ago, the Muppets told the truth: @skjultster
Demon-slaying Hennessey Exorcist Camaro hits top speed of 217 mph: DigitalTrends
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This week’s gun control argument in a nutshell: because government failed at every level, you need to have your rights the government that just failed at every level.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) February 23, 2018
Thursday, February 22, 2018
MYSTERIOUS: During the financial crisis, Nancy Pelosi somehow tripled her net worth to $100 million
I wonder if Jake Tapper will convene a town hall to discuss Washington's unerring ability to rape the taxpayer while enriching themselves.
Hat tip: BadBlue Uncensored News
Anti-Semitism's New Home in America
A recent Pew poll indicates a staggering divergence in views on #Israel vs the Arabs of Palestine between Republicans and Democrats in America. Increasingly, Israel is becoming a one-party, Republican, issue. How and why did this happen? THREAD
— Benjamin Weingarten (@bhweingarten) February 22, 2018
Larwyn's Linx: Surviving The Coming Storm Attacking Your Rights
Surviving The Coming Storm Attacking Your Rights: Mark WaltersSchool Shooting Survivors Praise Trump: DC
If Gun Control Advocates Are Serious, They Must Primary Democrats: John McCormack
Pelosi Proposes 'Mowing the Grass,' Fences as Alternative to Border Wall: Breitbart
MS-13 Resurgence: Enforcement Needed to Take Back Our Streets: Jessica M. Vaughan
Rep. Zeldin (R-NY) Introduces Bill To Strip MS-13 Members of Citizenship: Tom Knighton
Amazing New Breakthrough to Reduce Mass Shootings: Ann Coulter
On Russia, Democrats Try To Rewrite History: David Harsanyi
Make the Deep State Pay — It's the Only Way: Mark Ellis
"Alt-right" figures banned for "disinformation" on Medium: Paris Martineau
Supporters urge Flynn to withdraw guilty plea after judge's actions: Alex Pappas
New California declares 'independence' from CA in bid to become 51st state: Josh Hafner
Scandal Central
Federal Judge To Mueller Team: Give Michael Flynn’s Defense What You Have: RSAssault Weapons Not Protected by Second Amendment, Federal Appeals Court Rules: NBC
David Clarke: Fla. students' gun control push has 'George Soros' fingerprints all over it': Hill
Jaw Dropping-Washington Post Attacks Reverend Billy Graham Hours After He Dies: CTHCPAC Cancels Panel on Social Media Censorship – Blocks TGP’s Jim Hoft from Speaking: GWP
China Uses The Same Excuse As This CNN Analyst To Censor Social Media: Ryan Pickrell
CNN doxxes elderly woman, claiming she ‘unwittingly’ helped Russians during election: CR
The Very Fair And Balanced “Students Stand Up To Evil Gun Owners” CNN Town Hall: Hot Air
Dana Loesch Decimates Broward Sheriff’s Arguments At CNN Town Hall: Jennifer Van Laar
Creepy “World Government Summit” Targets America, Freedom: Alex NewmanObama's Feckless Foreign Policy Emboldened Russia: GOP
China’s great leap forward in science: Guardian
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
Did Russia Just Send Su-57 Stealth Fighters to Syria?: Joseph TrevithickTech companies should stop pretending AI won’t destroy jobs: Kai-Fu Lee
Drones that dodge obstacles without guidance can pursue you like paparazzi: MIT T-R
Nevertheless She Persisted: MOTUSHave You Heard The Story About The Worst Roommate Ever?: John Sexton
Comrade Michael Moore Attended Glorious Russia-Backed Anti-Trump Rally: Jim Treacher
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I'm waiting for Kamala Harris to be forced to attend a town hall with victims of sanctuary cities and defend thwarting federal law and national sovereignty.
— Daniel Horowitz (@RMConservative) February 22, 2018
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Larwyn's Linx: Nunes Demands Answers from Senior Obama Officials on Steele Dossier
Nunes Demands Answers from Senior Obama Officials on Steele Dossier: Sara CarterFatal Bureau of Investigation: Lloyd Billingsley
Liberals Fail, Volume XXXVII: Kurt Schlichter
Pelosi Tries to Extend Tax Breaks for Her Multi-Million-Dollar Homes: Susan Crabtree
Illinois: Hamas-linked group launches hijab propaganda billboard campaign: JihadWatch
Violent crime in Chicago Loop up 97%, so Rahm cuts cops there: Thomas Lifson
Clarence Thomas scolds fellow justices after refusing to hear gun rights cases: Scoop
Levin: GOP ‘chorus to the radical-left progressives’ on guns: Chris Pandolfo
Hey Liberals, Armed Guards In Schools Was Bill Clinton’s Idea: Jeff Dunetz
Banks could intervene in gun sales if Congress doesn't act: InsiderUnions Appeal Right to Work in Kentucky: Bill McMorris
Moscovici: Greece '99 percent' there to get new bailout: EUobserver
Scandal Central
Meet The Former Feinstein Staffer Brokering Access To Christopher Steele: Sean DavisChairman Devin Nunes Interview With Tucker Carlson: CTH
FBI Might Avoid Turning Over Documents in Texas Attack Lawsuit: Todd Shepherd
Mark Levin's new Fox News program to launch Sunday night: Joe ConchaApple removes Good Friday, Easter from calendar for iPhones: Steve Jalsevac
Student Anti-Gun Activist Featured In CBS News Story - Six Months Ago: Dan Lyman
U.S. to Deploy Attack Drones in Korea: Yu Yong-weonEurope’s Future Nightmare: The ‘Baby Muhammad’ Jihad: Raymond Ibrahim
Macron and Islam: "Appeasement and Dialogue": Yves Mamou
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
Should gender dysphoria be treated with drugs aligned to genetic sex?: BookwormThe Car of the Future Will Sell Your Data: Bloomberg
AnyVision's facial recognition cameras are being installed in 'smart cites' everywhere: MassPrivateI
Ted Cruz Owns Celebrities on Gun Control in TMZ Video: Nichole CooperPeople Who Live In Glass Houses…: MOTUS
Curling: Stunned Canada Out Of Women’s Competition: OAN
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I’m in the @Twitter ad gulag. Things such as defending the Bill of Rights are way too controversial for the snowflakes at @Twitter and @TwitterSupport
— Dan Bongino (@dbongino) February 21, 2018
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
RUSSIAN MEDIA BOTS: CNN, MSNBC Aired Hourly Celebrations of Russian-Funded Anti-Trump Rallies
CNN and MSNBC cheered and praised an anti-Trump rally that has now been revealed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation to be the work of Russian operatives seeking to meddle in American politics.
The protest, held mere days after President Donald Trump's victory in the November presidential election, enjoyed enthusiastic, hourly coverage by MSNBC and CNN, analysis by documents:
"A check of their November 12 coverage showed both CNN and MSNBC gave enthusiastic coverage to the Russian-organized anti-Trump rally that day, with live reports every hour. Correspondents celebrated the idea that it was "a love rally," and repeated the marchers' anti-Trump mantras, such as: ‘We reject the President-elect.'"
MSNBC framed the rally as a protest against Trump's alleged racism, sexism, homophobia and hate. "The energy here is electric," MSNBC Correspondent Morgan Radford proclaimed, adding that the protesters were fighting against the "license to carry in terms of hate" prompted by Trump's election.
Larwyn's Linx: How A Michael Flynn Plea Reversal Could Uncover Federal Corruption
How A Michael Flynn Plea Reversal Could Uncover Federal Corruption: Margot ClevelandSharyl Attkisson Interviews Devin Nunes: CTH
Too Funny: Mueller Patched Together His Russia Indictment from News Articles: CTH
Thoughts On The Mentally Ill: WRSA
School Shootings Pit Liberty Against Security, A Debate Long Settled: Robert Tracinski
7 Constitutional Things We Can Do to Prevent Another School Massacre: Jeff Sanders
End the 9/11 Syndrome at the FBI: Disasters Happen With No Accountability: John Fund
We Must Secure The Border And Build The Wall To Make America Safe Again: DHS
Ohio Sheriff Offers Free Concealed Carry Class to Teachers: Kacie Burnett
Understand the Disinformation Campaign: Stealth Jeff
The Podesta Factor: Mike Cernovich
A non-alarmist reading of the Mueller Russia indictment: Byron York
Uber Wants to Make It Illegal to Operate Your Own Self-Driving Car in Cities: Marc ScribnerRestoring Federalism to the Fight against Poverty: Robert Doar
Anonymous trader buys $400 million in bitcoin: MarketWatch
Scandal Central
School Shooting Was Outcome of Broward County School Board Policy: CTHThe five states without a paper trail of votes: Shannon Vavra
Unrepentant Mall of America Stabber Gets Light Sentence: Clarion
When Will We Have the Guts to Link Fatherlessness to School Shootings?: Susan L.M. GoldbergRoss Douthat’s Latest Gun Control Proposals Completely Miss The Mark: Sean Davis
Texas Sheriff Who Allows Teachers To Carry Firearms Leaves MSNBC Stunned: Sheeple
Iran tests an aggressive strategy against Israel, but comes up short: JNSScoop: Skirmish in Beijing over the nuclear football: Jonathan Swan
$15 billion of Israeli natural gas to be sold to Egypt in landmark deal: JNS
The Bear Out There: Rising Serpent
Swedish politician: There are already small civil wars in our country, we need zero immigration: VoE
Islamic Invasion: They're here to conquer, and they all know it: RPJ
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
Hey, Alexa, Siri, and Google — Are You Indoctrinating My Kids?: Marlene JaeckelNew blood test can detect autism in children | The Independent: Jennifer Cockerell
Why Glock Dominates the Handgun Market (And Better than Sig Sauer and Beretta): Kyle Mizokami
What Do All Sane Americans Hate?: Thomas WictorCT Lottery security chief on paid leave following review of botched raffle draw: Lottery Post
100 Chicago Professors "Propose To Exclude Viewpoints They Find Objectionable": ZH
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Mueller indicted foreign citizens for trying to influence the American public about an election because they did not register under FARA nor record their $ expenditures to FCC. So when will Mueller indict Steele, FusionGPS, PerkinsCoie, DNC & Clinton Camp?
— Nick Short 🇺🇸 (@PoliticalShort) February 20, 2018
Monday, February 19, 2018
Where Are the Indictments of Obama’s Foreign Colluders?
The indictments are in.
Team Mueller indicted a bunch of Russians associated with a troll farm for interfering with an election in the United States. Russian troll farms generally don’t follow United States law. But foreigners are not allowed to interfere with elections in the United States. Unless they’re named Christopher Steele.
The Clinton campaign employed a British foreign agent who used Russian intelligence sources to put together opposition research meant to interfere with the results of a United States election. Collusion between the Clinton campaign, Steele and the Russians doesn’t require an endless fishing expedition.
Larwyn's Linx: Russia Launches ‘Information’ War, U.S. Responds with Lawsuit and Self-Destruction
Russia Launches ‘Information’ War, U.S. Responds with Lawsuit: Andrew C. McCarthyThe Charges Mueller Could Have Brought Against The Russians But Didn’t: Hot Air
General Flynn Should Withdraw His Guilty Plea: Sidney Powell
We Can’t Have A Debate About Guns If Liberals Keep Lying About Them: David Harsanyi
No, It’s Not Cowardly to Be Conservative on Gun Rights: David French
6 Reasons Your Right-Wing Friend Isn’t Coming To Your Side On Gun Control: Fed
Understanding the California Mind: Victor Davis Hanson
Former Prosecutor on Collusion Narrative — ‘It’s Over’: TruePundit
Illegal Alien in Fla. Drug Bust Deported 3 Times, Easily Reentered U.S.: JW
Democrats struggle with rising popularity of GOP tax law: Al WeaverOccupational Licensing Blunts Competition and Boosts Inequality: Slashdot
Billionaire Bill Gates says he should pay "significantly higher" taxes: CNN
Scandal Central
Mueller Patched Together Much of His Indictment from 2015 Radio Free Europe Article: GWPRussian Pro-Trump Rallies Total: 31 People… Russian Anti-Trump Rallies Total: 10,100 People: GWP
New Talk Of Impeachment, But Not For Trump: Jazz Shaw
Black Panther’s Circle of Hype: Armond WhiteNY Times Skips Facts to Claim New Indictments Make Trump 'Hoax Claim Harder to Sell': NB
Shocker! WaPo Fact Check Agrees With Rubio’s Statement On New Gun Laws: Karen Townsend
Trump Derangement Syndrome: Max Boot Edition: BattleSwarm
Trump Says Obama Didn’t Stop Russian Meddling, Media Erupts : Deanna Fisher
Look who is calling IP2P “unprofessional”: IP2P
Turkey Threatens to Invade Greece: Uzay BulutNigeria: Muslims wipe out 15 villages in mass slaughter of Christians, government does nothing: Robert Spencer
Israel destroys Hamas tunnel following rocket fire: JPost
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
The state of AI: 10 eye-opening statistics: Carla RudderWhat Is the Most Underutilized Trend in Data Analytics? Q&A with Ken Kelley: Nicole D'Angelo
Dad uses 3D printing to convince kids he stole the moon in hilarious prank: 3ders
One Jew’s Red-Pill Journey – Part 3 of ? : RPJHappy Presidents’ Day, And Yes, He Is Your President: MOTUS
Last Thread from Imperator_Rex: EgyptDay
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— Jordan Schachtel (@JordanSchachtel) February 19, 2018
-Putin invited guest at Clinton Foundation events
-Reset Button
-Uranium One
-Trump-Russia dossier sourced to Russian nationals
-Obama ceded Mid East, Crimea to Russia
-Iran Deal
"Trump-Russia" was always nonsense. It is the Left that has long tried to appease RU.