He is one of the few who can be said to regularly speak truth to power.
President Obama’s budget will probably be released in March, White House press secretary Jay Carney said Thursday, but has been delayed in part by “manufactured crises” including sequestration.
“The series of manufactured crises around budget issues, certainly has resulted at least in part in those experts in the administration who work on those issues having to spend a lot of time dealing with those crises rather than on that,” Carney said during his daily briefing. “But that’s part of the job and they’re working on the budget.”
(a) On or after the first Monday in January but not later than the first Monday in February of each year, the President shall submit a budget of the United States Government for the following fiscal year. Each budget shall include a budget message and summary and supporting information.
New technological advances may make it possible in the near future to engineer a coal-powered car so clean that it produces nearly no polluting emissions, including carbon dioxide...
“There are many exciting possibilities for the clean coal technology,” says Liang-Shih Fan, a chemical engineer and director of Ohio State University’s Clean Coal Research Laboratory. “We found a way to release the heat from coal without burning it. This could be applicable for many industries.”
Fan last week disclosed that he had discovered a way to get the energy out of coal without burning it, using iron-oxide pellets as an oxygen source, and contain the reaction in a small chamber from which pollutants cannot escape. The only waste product would be water and solid coal ash -- no greenhouse gases. As an added benefit, the metal from the iron-oxide is recyclable.
The energy creation process is commonly known as “oxidation,” and is the chemical combination of a substance with oxygen. The use of the process is envisioned by Fan and his colleagues as a replacement for old-fashioned coal power plants, which spew greenhouse gases.
If the technology can be successfully miniaturized enough to fit into cars, the fueling infrastructure needed to service them would not be all that difficult to develop, experts say.
Finally this age-old question is answered: Is giving birth more painful than getting kicked in the cojones?
Women always say that giving birth is much more painful than a guy getting kicked in the cojones.
They are wrong, and here's the proof.
A year or so after giving birth, a woman will often say, "It might be nice to have another child."
You never, ever hear a guy say, "You know, I think I would like another kick in the cojones."
Case closed.
I had a great relationship with Clinton’s communications team, less so with President Bush's press shop, and now -- for the first time in my career -- I told a public servant to essentially buzz off.
This can’t be what Obama wants. He must not know how thin-skinned and close-minded his staff can be to criticism.
We need a new slogan for the media. "Speak truth to power" doesn't quite describe what they do nowadays does it? Repeat Truth from Power is more like it.
QOTD: "Can you imagine Ronald Reagan sitting there and saying ‘Oh, by the way, I can’t do this because of some budget document?’
Or George W. Bush saying, ‘You know, I’m not going to invade Iraq because I can’t get the aircraft carriers I need’ or even Bill Clinton saying, ‘You know, I’m not going to attack Saddam Hussein’s intelligence headquarters,’ as he did when Clinton was president because of some budget document?
Under the Constitution, the president is commander-in-chief and employs the force. And so we now have the president going out because of this piece of paper and this agreement, I can’t do what I need to do to protect the country. That’s a kind of madness that I haven’t seen in a long time." --Bob Woodward, interviewed on MSNBS's The Morning Shmoe
Any of you that have read my posts know I'm rarely at a loss for words, in fact I find that I tend to get a bit long winded from time to time on subjects that I'm passionate about.
I was totally at a loss for words TWICE today.
A few months back I was out west shooting at what I thought was an old rarely used gravel pit on county land, I'd shot there a few times as there was a fair amount of evidence that others did too: boxes, cans, sadly some glass, etc. While I was putting a few rounds over the Chrony an old farmer in an Ford with a snow plow on the front pulls up, so I stop shooting & talk to him for a few minutes, turns out it's his property, he just lets the county stage gravel there for county road maintenance. Well at that point I'm figuring I'm about to get run off, but no, he says he was about to post it a while back till he noticed that after each time he saw my Jeep(it's a bit distinctive being Ex USFS light Green) there was less leftovers than the day before, so I was welcome to shoot as much as I wanted, just not before sunrise "as the missus has trouble sleeping sometimes & I like to let her sleep if she can..."
About a month ago I was on my way back home & noticed him over at the house fighting with the snowplow mechanism. Seems it's been broken for some time, and he had a few rather steep quotes to fix it. I looked at it & it was going to need some work, but nothing too difficult, so I talked him into following me into town to my house where I could work on it(getting him to agree was no easy task), we got it in the garage & I sent him home in my Jeep, that was a Saturday morning, Sunday afternoon I called him & said when he got a chance come get it... I had all the pivot points rebuilt & re-enforced, a couple of supports re-welded & had the hydraulics working again. He asked what he owed me, told him, nothing, it was the least I could do, & still believe that. When he arrived we talked for a while & he grudgingly said that if they were better off financially he would have insisted on paying, but as it was he'd brought a couple boxes of beef, mixed steaks, roasts & burger(there was easily a hundred pounds of beef, worth more than I would have charged IF I were going to charge, but it was a situation where arguing it would have been disrespectful so I just said thanks you & we put it in the freezer).
Well time went by & I had stopped a couple other times when I saw him out & a couple weeks ago he invites me in for coffee, I notice an old Winchester 94 in the corner, so I ask if I can look at it, he says go ahead, it's obvious it hasn't been fired in a LONG time. I put it back & told him if you ever decide to sell it, let me know & I'll give you a fair price for it.
That brings us to now, Friday evening he called & asked if I'd come out to breakfast Sunday(today), there's a few things he'd like to talk about, and a couple things he'd like me to look at. I said sure I'd be there. So we had breakfast, he looks at his empty coffee cup & gets up, I figured he was just going for a refill, but he walks into the other rooms & comes back with the old 94, says "me & Betty talked about it & think this has been standing in the corner long enough, we think Danny would want you to have it..." This is where I go speechless the first time as what just happened sinks in, They're only son, Danny, died in the 75 during the evacuation of Saigon, the trifold Flag & his Purple Heart & Silver Star are on the mantle is the only reason I know this as neither of them talk about it, the 94 was his rifle & it stood in that corner for 40 years.
I think I stammered something about not deserving it, I got a look from Bud that said arguing wasn't going to fly along with a few insistent words from Betty.
A little while later Bud & I were looking at one of the trailers that had a few issues, mainly just needed a few welds reinforced where they were cracking & he goes quiet for a minute & looks like he's a long way off thinking, then he comes back, looks at me & says "Ya know, we get a couple agricultural deer permits each year, ain't used 'em in ages, I think it'd really make Betty happy if next fall you'd use 'em with Danny's old rifle & if ya fill em you could skin 'em in the shed..." Well, now I'm speechless for the second time in an hour, had to clear my eye, must have gotten something in it, all I managed to say, I think, is "I'd be honored"
I feel like I've just been adopted as the grandson they never had.
I don't want to beg, but I'm begging here.As I noted yesterday, I’m putting together the Nominees For The 11th Annual Blogger Awards (Sponsored by Right Wing News & TheTeaParty.net) at CPAC 2013.
There is one category... that will be voted on by the general public. That’s “The People’s Choice Award.” The voting in that category closes on Friday, March 1 at midnight. The winner will get special linkage at the top of TPNN’s newly designed website, 5 consecutive days of links at Linkiest next week and, of course, the winner will also receive a trophy at CPAC.
Congratulations to all the blogs that are up for an award (You can vote for your favorite here).
• Conservatives4Palin
• Doug Ross
• The Foundry
• Fire Andrea Mitchell
• Jammie Wearing Fools
• Jihad Watch
• The Mellow Jihadi
• Misfit Politics
• Moonbattery
• Nice Deb
• Patterico’s Pontifications
• Politichicks
• Protein Wisdom
• The Shark Tank
• Sweetness & LightOnce again, you can vote here.
Federal funding for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is up by more than half – in real dollars -- since 2008, according to calculations based on Treasury Department data.
In 2008, EPA funding was $7,938,000,000, according to the Final Monthly Treasury Statement for fiscal year 2008. That would be $8,464,894,460 in real 2012 dollars, according to the BLS calculator.
The same Treasury report said EPA funding climbed to $12,796,000,000 in fiscal year 2012. That’s a 51.1 percent funding increase from four years earlier.
QOTD: "List of Shame: Republicans Who Voted to Confirm Plainly-Unqualified Man to Lead the Defense Department... Remember them, and call them out as liars when they claimed they voted "against" Hagel. They did not.
Now that's the list of people who voted "Yes" on cloture (guaranteeing Hagel's confirmation) but then cast a covering, false vote on the nomination itself (a meaningless gesture made for political purposes).
Interestingly, some people voted the other way around -- voting "No" on cloture but then "Yes" on the nomination itself.
Among them? Rand Paul, who's attempting to both be a Mainstream Conservative and also play to his father's supporters with their, um... views on Israel." --Ace
A leaked internal memo from the National Institute of Justice --the research, development, and evaluation agency of the U.S. Department of Justice– shows that none of Obama’s gun proposals will work without registration and forced buybacks amounting to confiscation of Americans’ guns.
The memo illustrates this by showing why high capacity magazine bans, gun buybacks, and “assault weapons” bans have failed to work in the past.
For example, according to the memo, the high capacity magazine bans that were in place from 1994-2004 had little impact because the bans contained too many exemptions. The memo says one of the key errors was that “the 1994 ban exempted magazines made before 1994 so that the importation of large capacity magazines manufactured before 1994 continued [throughout] the ban.”
Moreover, the memo points out that while the price of the magazines rose sharply, it was not driven up far enough to make them “unaffordable.” ... According to the memo, for a high capacity magazine ban to succeed Obama needs to ban not only the manufacture and sale of said magazines, but also the importation and possession. There also must be a federal buyback of all high capacity magazines already in circulation to ensure private owners haven’t held on to any covered by the ban.
....the memo says the first “assault weapons” ban failed to work for many of the same reasons magazine bans and gun buybacks failed to work–there was simply too much wiggle room for gun owners. Moreover, the memo says that because “assault weapons” are used in such a low percentage of crimes, the only way a ban can be effective is if it eliminates every “assault weapon” in the country.
According to the memo, the only way to fix it is to couple a ban with “a gun buyback and no exemptions.”
...wondering about how to carry? What kind of holster you should use? Location on your person?
What kind of clothes work best...?
If any of those ... questions (and more) have piqued your interest or come across your mind as you prepare to take personal defense into your own hands then there’s a pretty simple and easy to understand new resource out there for you...
Beretta USA has just published a short 10 step eBook to help get you started on your journey to arm yourself. Just click on the photo above/right, enter your name and email address and you can download the short, to the point and easy to read tips for concealed carry (CCW, CHL, CWP) permit holders today!
[Our findings imply] that perimeter security efforts are “crunchy on the outside” effectively stopping some of the threats. Shifting the focus to internal applications, the findings show that security is “tender on the inside”, with 97% of the vulnerability exploit logs found in only 10 applications (out of 1,395 found). Nine of these applications are considered high-value assets; they are internal or infrastructure related applications that are integral to many business functions. This data indicates that the strategy of attacking critical resources from inside the network continues to become the rule and not the exception, and will force enterprises to monitor their internal traffic for threats in addition to the perimeter.
...attackers will ... heavily modify and customize their communications not only to confuse traditional security, but also for more functional purposes. Malware will regularly modify peer-to-peer protocols in order to create their own resilient commandand-control communications. For example, the Zero Access botnet (and its rootkit) is one of the most popular pieces of malware in the wild, and likewise was the leading malware observed in our data. This particular malware uses customized peer-to-peer traffic as well as other customized UDP and TCP traffic for communicating with its command and control infrastructure. This traffic is critically important to the reliability and survivability of the botnet in the wild. The malware, having delivered its payload, is sacrificed and the botnet survives to execute the next phase of the attack.
...However while this traffic works perfectly well from the attacker’s point of view, it does not match any known applications, and was thus classified as being custom or unknown traffic ... The analysis clearly shows that customized or modified traffic is highly correlated with threats. This indicates that proactively controlling or blocking “unknown” traffic could easily provide a powerful and untapped strategy for controlling modern threats.
Unlike a presidential campaign, Organizing for Action has been set up as a tax-exempt “social welfare group.” That means it is not bound by federal contribution limits, laws that bar White House officials from soliciting contributions, or the stringent reporting requirements for campaigns. In their place, the new group will self-regulate.
Officials said it would voluntarily disclose the names of large donors every few months and would not ask administration personnel to solicit money, though Obama aides will probably appear at some events.
...Giving or raising $500,000 or more puts donors on a national advisory board for Mr. Obama’s group and the privilege of attending quarterly meetings with the president, along with other meetings at the White House. Moreover, the new cash demands on Mr. Obama’s top donors and bundlers come as many of them are angling for appointments to administration jobs or ambassadorships.
“It just smells,” said Bob Edgar, the president of Common Cause, which advocates tighter regulation of campaign money. “The president is setting a very bad model setting up this organization.”
...White House spokesman Jay Carney fielded real questions from the White House Press Corps today, if you can believe it... I think the corps is angry that they got shut out of the golfing trip last week. They asked if a $500,000 check to Organizing for Action bought special access to the president. Carney shuffled his feet.
We have written before about the new charitable organization associated with President Obama, which was launched over inauguration weekend. We reported that OFA (as it is being called) appears to be essentially a vehicle for businesses and wealthy individuals who seek to curry favor with the administration. If one wants to get in in front of the President one had better be ready to write a big check to the organization. It’s all tax deductible of course.
QOTD: "At a meeting in Seoul Korea, March 2012, with then Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, US President Barack Obama leaned toward Medvedev, thinking he was off mike and said, “On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this can be solved, but it’s important for him [Prime Minister Vladimir Putin] to give me space.” He added, “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.”
That was the single most important statement made by Obama in his entire first term of office.
The destruction of the US nuclear deterrent and the American military has been Moscow’s, Beijing’s and Havana’s number one dream for decades.
It is what Obama’s communist mentors such as Frank Marshall Davis, Alice Palmer and Bill Ayers, have always worked relentlessly towards. Now their protege has the power to make that hellish fantasy a reality.
At last some in Washington seem to be taking the US’ looming national suicide seriously." --Trevor Loudon
Say goodbye to that 2-liter bottle of Coke with your pizza delivery, pitchers of soft drinks at your kid’s birthday party and some bottle-service mixers at your favorite nightclub.
They’d violate Mayor Bloomberg’s new rules, which prohibit eateries from serving or selling sugary drinks in containers larger than 16 ounces... Bloomberg’s soda smackdown follows his attacks on salt, sugar, trans fat, smoking and even baby formula.
...The city Health Department last week began sending brochures to businesses that would be affected by the latest ban, including restaurants, bars and any “food service” establishment subject to letter grades... And merchants were shocked to see the broad sweep of the new rules.
...Typically, a pizzeria charges $3 for a 2-liter bottle of Coke. But under the ban, customers would have to buy six 12-ounce cans at a total cost of $7.50 to get an equivalent amount of soda... It will also trash more plastic into the environment.
...And if you’re looking for a night of bottle service at a Manhattan hot spot, be warned: Spending $300 on a bottle of vodka no longer entitles you to a full complement of mixers... The carafes in which mixers are typically served hold 32 ounces, and the most common mixers — sodas, cranberry juice and tonic water — will be limited. Only water and 100 percent juice will be unlimited.
The liberal organization Progressive USA Voters, which is housed in the same progressive Denver office building as a chapter of the infamous left-wing astroturf group ProgressNow, is offering an hourly wage of between $9 and $11 to join its gun-control campaign in Chicago, according to a flyer that was photographed and posted to Reddit Friday... “Join the Campaign to Stop Gun Violence” reads the flyer, which also notes, “Hourly Wage: $9-11/hr.”
...Progressive USA Voters is specifically focused on the April 2013 special election for Jesse Jackson Jr.’s vacated House seat in Illinois’ Second Congressional District. The group is targeting Democratic primary candidate Debbie Halvorson, who accepted more than $10,000 from the National Rifle Association, according to the Progressive USA Voters website... Halvorson is running against former state representative Robin Kelly, who has received the endorsement of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s super PAC, Independence USA, which is also attacking Halverson on the issue of Gun Control.
...Progressive USA Voters is a project of Progressive USA, which claims to “advocate for sensible policy solutions, hold our nation’s elected officials accountable for their actions and take head-on the flawed policies and hypocrisy of the radical right.” The group does not list its staff or directors on its website, and does not disclose its donors to the Federal Election Commission.
Progressive USA is based in Denver, Colorado, at 1536 Wynkoop Street, according to its Facebook page. The building at 1536 Wynkoop Street is owned by the Alliance for Sustainable Colorado. The building, known as the “Alliance Center,” houses various nonprofit organizations, including ProgressNow Colorado, a chapter of the notorious national left-wing astroturf organization ProgressNow.
QOTD: "[Illinois State] House Democrats were given a lesson in the real-world consequences of ignoring the Seventh Circuit ruling when the 180-day stay expires on June 8th.
The technical review staff (legal beagles) told the Democrats that Alvarez was all wet in her office’s pronouncement and that inaction on passing a carry bill would have dire consequences for gun control in Illinois.
Specifically, House Democrats were told that Illinois would effectively have “Constitutional Carry” where anyone who was eligible to own guns could carry them freely in public without training, licensing, qualification and precious little in the way of restriction.
After a lot of back and forth, one Chicago Representative asked if someone could carry a loaded rifle into the Statehouse. He was told “Yes”.
It was reported that you could hear a pin drop for an uncomfortably long time after that as a stunned silence came over the room." --JBoch