
Court victory confirms: Illinois concealed carry on the way: Owens
Is Oregon writing the Worst. Gun. Law. Evah?: Hot Air
The Spot-On Quote Of The Day…: Camp o' the Saints
A Robust Defense of the 2nd Amendment: Patterico
Obama Front Group Holds "Massive" Vigil at NRA Headquarters: Nice Deb
Hey, Nice Try With the #DemandAVote Spambots, #p2! Jacked, Busted!: RSM
Texas moves to block police from enforcing federal gun laws: Breitbart
Scorecard: How Many Rights Have Americans REALLY Lost?: Washington's
Surprise: Most Miserable Cities in U.S. All Heavily Democrat: STACLUAmerica's Tragic Future In One Parabolic Chart: ZH
45 Gun, Ammo Suppliers Refuse Sales to 2nd Amendment-Hating State: CDN
Obama Pushes Amnesty Harder; Americans Not on Board: RWN
More gun companies not selling to law enforcement in anti-gun states: Hot Air
Spam accounts push Obama’s #WeDemandAVote gun control effort: Twitchy
Scandal Central
Obama, Holder Called Out for Not Enforcing Existing Gun Laws: NewsMaxU.S. Court of Appeals Rejects Hearing Obama NLRB’s ‘Ambush Election’ Appeal & More…: RS
Pressure Mounting on President, Attorney General Regarding Lack of Prosecutions for NICS Denials: NRA-ILA
Andrew Cuomo freaks out over a little hostile media coverage.: RSWoodward: Why is Obama still misleading everyone on the sequester?: Hot Air
Joe Biden: Ya Can't Make These Feces Up: Ayoob
Ted Cruz Sets the Record Straight on Guns: Lott
The Right should buy the Boston Globe…and staff it with conservatives: DTG
Carolina Review – The Shared History of African Americans and the Republican Party: CI
Ted Cruz Not Backing Down: Yes, Harvard Law’s Faculty Is Infested With Marxists: WZ
Ex-Secret Service Agent's Patriotic Speech Catches Fire: IJ Review
Law Student "Schools" Policeman On His Gun Rights: Co-IronWill
Imam Of Virginia Mosque Calls For Armed Jihad: WZAmerican Muslim Jurists: Offensive Jihad -- Not Yet: Mauro
An Islamic Coup in India – Mughalistan: NoisyRm
MUST READ – Walid Shoebat on Bible Prophecy: What lies ahead: Scoop
Sci-Tech (courtesy
Some Off-Shore Oil Rigs Have Been “Incapacitated” By Malware Thanks To Pirated Music and Porn: GizmodoAT&T-Mozilla "WebPhone" gives a glimpse of the dumb pipe future: Ars Technica
The Facebook mistakes people make after a date: CNet
Dirty Dancing: MOTUSSensitivity And Hand Guns…: That Mr. G Guy
Police find Range Rover, ID suspect in Vegas shooting: Fox
Image: Debra, Westminster, California
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Top 15 #DayOfResistance Photos You Will Never See in Democrat Media
QOTD: "[Illinois State] House Democrats were given a lesson in the real-world consequences of ignoring the Seventh Circuit ruling when the 180-day stay expires on June 8th.
The technical review staff (legal beagles) told the Democrats that Alvarez was all wet in her office’s pronouncement and that inaction on passing a carry bill would have dire consequences for gun control in Illinois.
Specifically, House Democrats were told that Illinois would effectively have “Constitutional Carry” where anyone who was eligible to own guns could carry them freely in public without training, licensing, qualification and precious little in the way of restriction.
After a lot of back and forth, one Chicago Representative asked if someone could carry a loaded rifle into the Statehouse. He was told “Yes”.
It was reported that you could hear a pin drop for an uncomfortably long time after that as a stunned silence came over the room." --JBoch
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Thanks so much, Doug.
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