Snopes is fact-checking Babylon Bee. Everything is so stupid.
— Mary Katharine Ham (@mkhammer) August 30, 2017
Thursday, August 31, 2017
SNOPEFLAKES: Snopes Now Fact-Checking Satirical Sites
BOMBSHELL: Comey Drafted Memo Exonerating Hillary’s Illegal Behavior... Before Suspects Were Interviewed!
As FBI director last year, James Comey began writing drafts of a statement exonerating Hillary Clinton, even before all witnesses in the investigation — including Clinton herself — had been interviewed.
The Senate Judiciary Committee obtained the Comey memos as part of its investigation into his firing by President Trump, which occurred on May 9.
The revelation that Comey had begun drafting memos of his exoneration statement comes from transcripts of interviews given last fall by two FBI officials.
Larwyn's Linx: Trump To Congress: Don’t Blow This Chance to Pass Tax Reform
Why the Media are in a never-ending hunt for right-wing violence: Ann Coulter
Linda Sarsour Tries to Scam Hurricane Harvey Relief Money: BattleSwarm
Nancy Pelosi Denounces Violent ‘Antifa’ Protesters: ‘Unequivocal Condemnation’: RWN
After Pelosi, Paul Ryan Condemns Antifa As ‘A Scourge On Our Country': Alex Pfeiffer
Three Police Shot in Sacramento: Pacific
The Lost Chord: Camp of the Saints
Bill And Hillary Clinton Finally Sell Hamptons Mansion: Jim Treacher
The Militarization of the Hamptons: Joe Nocera
Yvette Felarca: Fascistic Warrior of the Left: John Perazzo
Sad Story: Anti-Trump ‘March on DC’ Loses Most of Its Marchers: Shifra
Ex-FBI agent battling Deputy Director McCabe: A 'cancer' inside FBI: Sara A. Carter
Why Economic Freedom Is the Best Weapon against Poverty: Daniel PressPresident Trump Springfield Missouri Speech on Tax Reform: Treehouse
Welfare recipients are going back to work...: Bluegrass Pundit
Scandal Central
AP, NY Times Have Ignored Wasserman Schultz-Dem IT Scandal for Over a Month: Tom BlumerSouthern Poverty Law Center Transfers Millions in Cash to Offshore Entities: Joe Schoffstall
Wasserman Schultz IT Staffer Banned From House Network Months Ago Still Has Active Account: Luke Rosiak
Climate, Energy & Regulations
Why Wasn’t Houston Evacuated?: TruePunditWaves roll across a Texas highway after Harvey brought worst rainfall in continental US history: DailyMail
Logging Business Crushed on Behalf of Locally Nonexistent Frog: Dave Blount
What The Main Stream Media Will Never Show Or Tell You About Antifa: Herschel SmithSarah Palin Should Appeal The Dismissal Of Her NYT Defamation Lawsuit: Federalist
Not So Fast, Why Palin Could Win on Appeal Against The New York Times: LawNewz
Here’s What Politico Thinks of Texas Storm Victims: Kyle Drennen
Missing Since Bannon Left The White House…: Treehouse
Hillary charges $750 for VIP access at book signing: Victor Skinner
Iran dismisses US 'dream' of military site inspections: Times of IsraelBolton: Israeli Strike Against Iran May Be Only Option to Stop Nuclear Program: Natalie Johnson
Czech Prime Minister: ‘We Do Not Want More Muslims in Czech Republic’: RWN
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
Google Has Become a Major Threat to Democracy in America: Michael KriegerAmazon is actually the weakest of the big U.S. retailers, Moody’s says: Ciara Linnane
Google, Don't Be Evil: Citizens Against Monopoly
Frederick Douglass, American: Lucas E. MorelNew Trump Painting Highlights Differences From Obama Administration: TPI
Rabbit Hole Wednesday: MOTUS
Sponsored by: My Beer Fund
QOTD: "Norm Macdonald has a great theory about why [Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump]: “People hated Hillary Clinton so much that they voted for someone they hated more than Hillary Clinton in order to rub it in.”" --Jim Treacher
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
NEWLY REVEALED EMAILS: Obama FCC Advanced Progressive Causes, Suppressed Conservative Messages
High-ranking officials at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) gave left-leaning groups a disproportionate amount of assistance compared to right-leaning groups in 2014, emails obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation show.
The preferential treatment transpired during a period when the public could post comments on the FCC’s forum for the net neutrality debate. Both major sides of the policy battle rushed to post as many remarks as possible in an attempt to show its viewpoint was more widely held. But some employees at the FCC worked overtime to tip the scale in favor of proponents of net neutrality by constantly accommodating and communicating with groups like Fight for the Future and other members of the larger coalition known as Battle for the Net.
Larwyn's Linx: Antifa: The New Ku Klux Klan
Antifa: The New Ku Klux Klan: Jeffrey LordThose Who Don't Fight Evil Fight Statues: Dennis Prager
Conservative PAC: It’s Time for McConnell to Go: TruNews
Trump Draws Huge Crowds During Texas Trip: Phillip Stucky
POTUS to Cheering Crowd: ‘Texas Can Handle Anything!’ After Harvey: Breitbart
President Trump and First Lady Melania Visit Texas: Treehouse
Levin: The Media Contribute to Tyranny in This Country: CNS
Air Force Vet Slams Paul Ryan For Defending Antifa: Infowars
Berkeley Mayor Calls for Antifa to be Classified as Crime Gang After Clashes: Newsweak
Yikes: Kelli Ward 47, Jeff Flake 21 In Arizona Primary Poll: Hot Air
Gorka: Bureaucrats, Policymakers Opposing Trump Agenda: Bill Gertz
How Ivy League Schools Discriminate Against Asians: WFP
When 5 × 3 ≠ 15: Dave BlountIllegal Aliens Were Running $100 Million Check Cashing Scheme: IACR
Sheila Jackson Lee (D) Repeatedly Confuses Sandy Hook And Hurricane Sandy: WZ
Scandal Central
Yes, There's An “Alt Left”—It’s Totalitarian and jas Captured Democrat Party: James KirkpatrickACORN Sues California To Allow More Illegals To Vote: Matthew Vadum
Ingraham: Time To Think About Designating Antifa A Terrorist Organization: Hot Air
Climate, Energy & Regulations
Pump fixed at Station No. 6 as Harvey pours rain on New Orleans: NOLALouisiana’s Dem Governor Praises Federal Gov’s Response To Hurricane Harvey: Amber Athey
New Orleans expects worst of Harvey on Katrina anniversary: NOLA
Houston Flood Update for August 29, 2017: BattleSwarm
Harvey floodwaters overflow Houston reservoir, separate levee breach reported: Travis Fedschun
Safe and Sound: IHTM
Judge rejects Sarah Palin lawsuit against The New York Times: FoxBizKathy Griffin "no longer sorry,' brings up Trump's son again: HotAir
Bolton writes in op-ed he can't get in to see Trump anymore: Eliana Johnson
New York Times Praises Profane Anti-Israel Poet: CAMERA
Kathy Griffin refutes severed Trump head apology: ‘I am no longer sorry... [my] outrage was B.S.’: BPR
Left Eats Its Own: Even Stephen King Denounced: Dave Blount
The Left Turns on Antifa: Daniel Greenfield
CBC plays down latest Antifa violence at UC Berkeley: Ezra Levant
Leftist filth Salon: Don’t donate to Houston because they voted Trump: Pacific
China Refuses to Condemn North Korea’s New Missile Launch: Charlotte GaoPope's Swiss Guards Say 'Only Matter Of Time' Before ISIS Attacks Rome, Vatican: Newsweek
Obama Admin Hid Key Intel on Iranian Militants in Syria to Push Nuke Deal: GWP
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
How to store data on magnets the size of a single atom: TheConversationThe Day an Army of Bots Turned on Bot Researchers: Joseph Cox
Statistics - The Last Dark Art?: ChiSquared
About a Dog: James LileksRifles In The Dark by Dark Triad Man: American Digest
The Makers Will Prevail: MOTUS
The Totalitarianism of the Now: Mark Steyn
Houston Survivor: Please Give. Harvey Devastation ‘Is Worse Than You Think’: Jesse Kelly
Sponsored by: My Beer Fund
They must have some internal polling showing these masked clowns are going to cause midterm headaches.
— Jason (@CounterMoonbat) August 30, 2017
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Larwyn's Linx: Shouldn’t Participating In Antifa Terrorism Get You Fired?
AntiFa terrorists planning ‘Civil War’ and ‘overturn’ government on Nov 4: Pacific
Trump's Immigration Policy Working, Without Building a Wall: Debra Saunders
Not the Perfect Storm: Arnold Steinberg
Hurricane Harvey Previews Our Stormy Future Or Something: RWN
Gorka reveals how McMaster sees the threat of Islam and it’s just like Obama: Scoop
Joel Osteen Blasted For Not Opening 16,000 Person Church to Harvey Victims: Tribunist
New Poll Says Flake Is In Deep Trouble In Arizona GOP Primary: Alex Pfeiffer
Berkeley Counter-Protest Organizers Defend Black-Clad Antifa Terrorists: KPIX-5
US Town Experiences Huge Change After Border Fence Goes Up: RWN
Salon schmucks attack national anthem as "neo-Confederate symbol": Jefferson Morley
Liberals Aren’t Liking This Discovery: Photo of 1924 Democrat Convention: RWN
Trump’s no-lose gambit on the government shutdown: Logan AlbrightGet Ready For The Deluge Of Tax Cut Lies From Democrats: Investors
The Democratic Case for Restricting Immigration: T.A. Frank, Vanity Fair
Scandal Central
Court Concedes DNC Had the Right to Rig Primaries Against Sanders: Michael SainatoGOP Lawmaker Proposes Amendment to Stop Mueller Probe After 180 Days: GWP
New Report Reveals Obama Quietly 'Closed' Hundreds of Thousands of Deportation Cases: Cortney O'Brien
Climate, Energy & Regulations
Texas state climatologist: ‘Texas just broke all-time contiguous U.S. rainfall record’: WUWTTexas Gov: Trump Gets A+ For Hurricane Response, Said “Whatever You Need, You Got”: YoungCon
Why Houston Flooding Isn’t a Sign of Climate Change: WUWT
Gingrich Explains What the Media's Not Telling You About Trump's Approval Rating: Leah BarkoukisMore far-Left violence. Where's the media?: Dan Bongino
Harvey The Hawk Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things: Jazz Shaw
More #FakeNews: Trump Attorney’s Emails With Russian Contacts Are No Smoking Gun: Colin Kalmbacher
Bay Area TV Anchor: "I Experienced Hate First Hand Today In Berkeley" From Antifa: ZH
CNN's Ana Navarro Loses It After Republican Senator Calls Her a 'Liberal': Kristine Marsh
North Korea launches missile toward Japan: Anna Giaritelli5 Takeaways on North Korea's Ballistic Missile Overflight of Japan: Ankit Panda
South Korea tests bombs in response to North Korea missile launch: Fox
ISIS Stronghold Collapses After 8 Day Battle As Caliphate Crumbles: TruePundit
North Korea tensions at a ‘tipping point,’ China warns: Times of Israel
Bolton on Tillerson: “Excellent Example” of Obama’s Foreign Policy: Sara Noble
How to Get Out of the Iran Nuclear Deal : John R. Bolton
Netanyahu’s empathy for Trump: Caroline Glick
Iranian mystic sentenced to death: Lisa Daftari
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
Google’s Broken Promise to Cubans: WSJDark chocolate strengthens the heart: Spectator
Don’t expose yourself with your boarding pass: Sophos
Hillary Clinton Book Tour Coming To Milwaukee, Where She Never Campaigned: TPIBerkeley Mayor Is So Into Free Speech That He Asks College To Cancel Free Speech Week: William Teach
There Must Be Some Kind Of Way Outta Here: MOTUS
Sponsored by: My Beer Fund
Chuck Todd will give an Antifa apologist 12 minutes to make his case. What he won't do is show videos today of journalists being assaulted
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) August 28, 2017
Monday, August 28, 2017
EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS: Ex-President Obama Visits Storm-Weary Houston to Lend Support

Hahahhahahhahahahhahahahahahah *cough* hahahhahahahahahahhahah *wheeze* hahahhahahahhahahah *choke* hahahhahahahah *agh* hahha --- owww. I think I just wrenched my nimbus muscle.
IS THERE A FIRST AMENDMENT OR NOT? Time for the Federal Government to Crush Antifa
Freedom of Assembly is the first and most important right of the Bill of Rights. Today it is being denied in cities like Berkeley and Portland where local left-wing governments have contrived to deny rally permits while giving the masked thugs of their leftist Antifa allies a blank check to assault those whose views they oppose.
In Berkeley, Boston and San Francisco, the First Amendment doesn’t exist anymore.
The threat of violence that shut down the Patriot Prayer demonstration in San Francisco, an event scheduled to feature African American, Samoan and Latino speakers, is a case of fascism justifying itself by flying the false flag of “anti-fascism.” And it is the third such case this week – the others being Boston and Berkeley.
Larwyn's Linx: The Slow Death of the Republican Party
Republicans brace for September chaos as Trump puts himself before party: Exam
Gorka Compares Battle Against Globalist Cabal to Rebel Alliance: Matthew Boyle
Homicidal Rhetoric Increasing Likelihood of More Widespread Violence: David Codrea
Hundreds Of Antifa In Berkeley Chase, Beat People In Street, Police Stand Down: WZ
Border Patrol discovers tunnel in San Diego after arresting 30 illegals: Breaking 911
25 Reasons to Reassign General H.R. McMaster: Ryan Mauro
Danny Tarkanian leads RINO Dean Heller by 20% for Nevada GOP primary: Pacific
Kasich: Democrats Are Blowing ‘Golden Opportunity’ to Win Elections: David Rutz
In Search of a Chocolate Babka in New York City: Jim Quinn
Protesters Plan 10-Day March from Charlottesville to DC: RWN
Leftists’ Goal Is To Wear Us Down: Susan Stamper Brown
Chicago’s ruling class thrives amid city’s decline: DTGSears Death Spiral Accelerates: ZH
Ford To Abandon "Traditional Credit Scores" For Underwriting As Sales Stall: ZH
Scandal Central
Ryan, McCain silent on Obama pardoning terrorist Oscar Lopez Rivera: PacificOops: Podestas Provide Files to Feds Days Before Mueller Probe Subpoenas Podestas: GWP
Chaffetz Drops Bomb on Democrats and Wasserman Schultz: Imran Awan Was Not a ‘Lone Operator’ : GWP
Snapshot USA: Decency in Houston; Indecency in Berkeley: Bookworm
California Moves To Jail People Who Refuse To Use Transgender Pronouns: Jazz Shaw
Class action lawyers take a big hit for ‘worthless’ class action settlement over Subway sandwiches: AT
Climate, Energy & Regulations
Houston Suffers Catastrophic Flooding: BattleSwarm20 Intense Pics of Hurricane Harvey’s Houston Flood: RWN
Pride of Texas: Treehouse
Joy Reid Tweets Nazi ‘Joke,’ Creates Twitter Firestorm: ShifraABC News: Majority of Americans Say Democrats Stand For Nothing Except Being Against Trump: Lookout
Univision Takes Corporate Stance Against Texas Anti-Sanctuary Law: Jorge Bonilla
When Obama Refused to Declare Texas Wildfires a Disaster for 3 Mos.- Then Joked About It: GWP
Book Review: Dinesh D’Souza’s The Big Lie: LI
Donald Trump Is Boosting Border Patrol While Media Criticizes “Uncertainty”: Joe Scudder
Hunger eats away at Venezuela’s soul as its people struggle to survive: Emma Graham-HarrisonRome, September 1st, Islamic gathering at the Colosseum: “We want it as a place to pray”: RORATE CÆLI
Ukraine releases rare footage showing arrests of North Korean nuclear spies: Joseph Fitsnakis
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
Is Your Mobile Carrier Your Weakest Link?: Krebs5 ways 3D printing could totally change medicine: Andrew Trounson-Melbourne
NASA Made This Technology for Space—Now, It Will Improve What We Eat: Vanessa Bates Ramirez
Rename Locations Named After Colors: Cube“Night After Night They Display Knowledge”: MOTUS
A Couple Good Videos Worth Sharing: Feral Irishman
Sponsored by: My Beer Fund
.@DailyMail on Antifa in Berkeley. They just don't seem like US troops at Normandy.
— Byron York (@ByronYork) August 28, 2017
Sunday, August 27, 2017
PRESIDENTIAL PARDONS: Sheriff Arpaio vs. Traitor Manning
Arizona Sen. John McCain’s limited understanding of the law and the Constitution was on display when he falsely claimed that President Trump’s pardon of former Maricopa County Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio undermined the rule of law. McCain was joined by his Arizona colleague, Sen. Jeff Flake, who is up for reelection in 2018:
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) blasted President Trump over his pardon of former Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio on Friday, arguing it “undermines his claim for the respect of rule of law.”
Larwyn's Linx: Gary Cohn Says Antifa Just ‘Standing Up For Equality And Freedom’
Gary Cohn Says Antifa Just ‘Standing Up For Equality And Freedom’: TruePunditMaryland: Imam bankrolled purchase of weapons for jihad massacre inside U.S.: Geller
DC Rejects Right-To-Carry Because… “We’re Different”: Jazz Shaw
The future of Bannonism: Economist
Roy Moore won’t support Mitch McConnell as Senate majority leader: Chris Pandolfo
Obama Pardons American Traitors, Media Silent.: RWN
Podesta Group Updates Filings to Disclose Lobbying Done for Vladimir Putin: Ace
It's On: Christian Group Sues SPLC and Amazon Over 'Hate Group' Designation: PJM
SPLC - Hate group hits jackpot: Power Line
To the Barricades! : We Will At Least Be Less Bored: Fred Reed
Sheriff Arpaio Did Not Commit a Crime. He Enforced the Law: Daniel Greenfield
House Speaker Paul Ryan Stands Against Arpaio Pardon: Treehouse
First-ever water tax proposed to tackle unsafe drinking water in California: Press-TelegramScandal Central
3 Ways Kathleen Sebelius Sabotaged The Rule Of Law: Christopher JacobsWhy Is Congress Not Investigating Obama's Unprecedented Political Espionage?: DC
Arpaio Says He Will Reveal Obama Admin’s Abuse Of Justice Toward Him: Randy DeSoto
Climate, Energy & Regulations
Seven Reasons for ‘Inconvenient’ Sequel’s Stunning Fail: Christian TotoStorm chasers captured the fury of Hurricane Harvey as it made landfall: Circa
Key oil and gas facilities along the Texas Gulf Coast have shut down as Harvey pounds the region: Circa
How fake is CNN? At least this fake: GayPatriotCNN: From Fake News to Fudging Ratings?: Peter Barry Chowka
Jesse Watters: Arpaio Pardon Not a Big Deal Because Obama Pardoned ‘Crack Dealers’: Justin Baragona
The NYT Finally Finds One Type of Refugee to Worry About: Steve Sailer
President Trump Is 100% Right – The Media’s Feeding Hate And Division: Wow!
San Francisco Was So Into Free Speech That They Walled Off Park To Stop Patriot Prayer: RWN
Looks Like Italians Are Largely Fed Up With The Flood Of Refugees: Jazz Shaw
Two Soldiers Stabbed in Brussels By Somalian Shouting "Long Live the Confederacy!": Ace
Kosciuszko 200: Poland Embassy Endorses Hot Air Proposal: Ed Morrissey
“El tonto Trudeau” and not so happy Canadians: Silvio Canto Jr.
Two Police Officers Protecting Buckingham Palace Wounded by Man Wielding Knife: Ace
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
Pamela Geller: Silicon Valley's war on free speech: Ezra LevantGoogle Asks, ‘Are You Depressed?’: Zye Angiwan
Were the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel Ever Lost?: Cam Rea
Hard Truths and The Biggest Duty You Have: Patrick Henry SocietyDid Iran Fund North Korea's Secret Chemical Weapons Deal?: Ace
University Professor Urges Democrats to End Their ‘Identity Politics’ – ‘It’s Disastrous!’: RWN
Sponsored by: My Beer Fund
With Mexico being one of the highest crime Nations in the world, we must have THE WALL. Mexico will pay for it through reimbursement/other.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 27, 2017
Saturday, August 26, 2017
ARPAIO-GATE: The 15 Most Insane Obama Pardons
Over the course of eight years, Barack Obama pardoned scores of hard-core offenders.
Predictably, many committed crimes after being pardoned.
Here's just a taste:
Introducing America’s Most Notorious Hate Group
Riddle: What does a Democratic National Committee member say the moment he wakes up from a sound sleep?
Answer: The same thing he says during all his other waking hours, and the same thing DNC members have been saying for many decades: “Conservative racists and white supremacists are lurking everywhere.... Yeh-yeh-yeh … everywhere, everywhere.”
Consider the DNC's latest pathetic ad campaign, which reads: “If Trump wants us to believe he does not support white supremacy, tell him to fire the enablers of white supremacy working for him in the White House.” What's remarkable is that while the imaginary “white supremacy” of Trump's aides and advisers makes Democrats squawk with fiery indignation, the DNC not only countenances a number of very real, impossible-to-miss racial supremacists of its own, but it actually celebrates and honors them.
Larwyn's Linx: Reports: Globalists in White House Oppose Trump’s Border Wall, Reforms
Reports: Globalists in White House Oppose Trump’s Border Wall, Reforms: Neil MunroElites to Trump: Stand Still While We Punch You: George Neumayr
Here’s The Real Reason Trump Is Angry With McConnell And Ryan: Robert Donachie
Illegal Aliens Land on San Diego Shores, 12 Arrested: Toni McAllister
US Town Experiences Massive Change After Border Fence Goes Up: Kimberly J Smith
Trump pardons Joe Arpaio: Anna Giaritelli
Why They Hate Trump: Monty Pelerin
Trump, McConnell and Ryan: The Art of the Fail: Strident
Trump signs order for Pentagon to curb transgender military service: Travis J. Tritten
Maps: Sanctuary Cities, Counties, and States: CIS
Say No To Marxism Event Cancelled, Organizer Destroys Antifa “Protesters”: RWN
Globalist/Fascist George Soros Floods Local DA Races in Philly: Joe Schoffstall
Levin on ‘Big Lie’ in DC: If Debt Ceiling Is Not Raised, US Will Not Default: Michael MorrisHere's How Many Americans Are Living Paycheck To Paycheck (It's A Lot): ZH
22 Retailers Closing the Most Stores: 24/7 Wall Street
Scandal Central
Why Are Trump’s DOJ Appointees Protecting the IRS?: Hans von SpakovskyDemocrats Pressure the Federal Government to Support Racial Discrimination : NR
Hurricane Harvey Is Racist Or Something: William Teach
The Never-Ending Liberal Bait And Switch: John Hawkins
Sen. Menendez’s corruption trial request gets the shredding it deserves: Doug Powers
Menendez trial may sideline senator just as Dems plot Trump resistance: Alex Pappas
Climate, Energy & Regulations
CNN’s Acosta Plays Politics with Potentially Deadly Hurricane: ShifraU.S. Has Gone a Record 142 Months Without a Major Hurricane Strike: Susan Jones
Hurricane Harvey: Widespread Evacuations Ordered in Texas: Weather Channel
WSJ editorial board eggs on Congress to ignore Trump and break promises: CRMedia fear Trump will inspire violence against reporters: Eddie Scarry
In Late Night Email, WSJ Editor Tells His Employees to Cover Trump Fairly: Cortney O'Brien
Jeff Dunetz to the Rabbis: Stuart Schneiderman
Frank Bruni Wants Christians Punished and Put Out of Business: Erick Erickson
Sebastian Gorka quits White House, slams Trump in resignation letter: Anna Giaritelli
Nazism is socialism, and socialism is totalitarian: Alberto de la CruzTrump Hits Maduro Regime With New Financial Sanctions: Will Racke
The advantages of socialism in Cuba’s Venezuela: Alberto de la Cruz
Al-Andalus Will Be Ours Again!: GoV
North Korea Has 1.2 Million Troops But Cannot Feed Them: Yahoo!
‘I told you two years ago!’ Farage fury as EU warned terrorists could come in migrant boats: Express
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
Wikipedia study warns even good robots are unpredictable: DailyMailNew Russian stealth fighter jet revealed: Allison Barrie
“The Future Soldiers” Are Weaponized Drone Battalions: Activist Post
San Francisco Leftists Plan to Combat Free Speech With Feces: Dave Blount|Feminist Professor Is Appalled That Women Don’t Want to Be 100 Pounds Overweight: Dave Blount
Sponsored by: My Beer Fund
People who have never visited Arizona are experts on my former sheriff.
— jon gabriel (@exjon) August 26, 2017
Friday, August 25, 2017
5 Reasons Hurricane Harvey Could Be Far Worse Than Anticipated
Preparations and evacuations are currently taking place along the Gulf of Mexico as Hurricane Harvey — now a Category 4 storm — readies to slam into the Texas coast. The United States has been mostly spared from any major hurricane damage in recent years considering the last time a major (Category 3 or higher) hurricane made landfall in the continental U.S. was in 2005 when Wilma wreaked havoc on Florida shortly after Hurricane Katrina decimated New Orleans over 4,000 days ago.
But this time around, the sensational claims from meteorologists and media outlets alike may have more credibility.
U.S. MARINE SLAMS WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: "Islamophobia" Ain’t Why The Awans Should Be Locked up
A Marine who provided key evidence in the FBI case against Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s former IT employee said he is appalled by her claim that Islamophobia led U.S. Capitol Police to frame the former staffer.
Also Wednesday, two of Imran Awan’s relatives went on the record to say they think he would do anything for money.
Andre Taggart alerted the FBI to damaged hard drives and a cache of electronics tied to Imran Awan, a former IT specialist for dozens of House Democrats. Awan is the central figure in a criminal investigation of suspected procurement fraud and violations of the congressional IT network, including diverting data to an off-site server.
Larwyn's Linx: Alt-Left Leader Vows to “Crush Skulls” With Baseball Bat
Alt-Left Leader Vows to “Crush Skulls” With Baseball Bat: Paul Joseph WatsonANTIFA thugs chant: “George Soros! Where is our money?”: BNI
We Live in Fear of the Online Mobs: Megan McArdle
Another Poll Confirms: Mitch McConnell's Favorability Is Now Smoldering Garbage: Hot Air
Dan Bongino blasts ‘foie-gras-eating’ Mitch McConnell: CR
Paul Ryan Not Worried About Raising the Debt Ceiling: Mary Chastain
Dumbest, er, ‘Most Informative Tweet of the Week Award’ Goes to… Kamala Harris: Shifra
AntiFa racist arrested for ‘allegedly’ sucker punching black Trump supporter: Pacific
How to Report Illegal Aliens: FAIR
CAIR Is Hamas: UTT
Phoenix Police Arrest Protester That Got Shot In The Groin In Viral Video: InfLib
Women Push Back Against Crossdressing Men in Female Prisons: Dave Blount
Why the Delay on a Tax Cut?: ALRBreaking Up Is Hard to Do: Steven Greenhut
California’s Latest Delusion: Calexit: Ben Boychuk
Scandal Central
Photos: Iran Flying Soldiers to Syria in Civilian Craft, Violating Nuclear Deal: The TowerThe Search For Fusion GPS’ Mysterious Republican Client: Chuck Ross
Average Transgender Soldier Unable to Deploy for 238 Days: Elizabeth Harrington
Climate, Energy & Regulations
Busted: All Recent U.S. Warming Found To Be Faked By NOAA!: RWNMedia
CNN: If You’re White And Voted For Trump, You’re A White Supremacist Or Something: William TeachLevin: If Exposing Media Is Only Thing Trump Does, He Will Have Been Successful: CNS
Report: Deadpool 2 producers may have cost inexperienced stuntwoman her life: Rebel
Levin likens anti-Trump media to Barnum & Bailey 'clown show': Jordan Schachtel
Mark Levin: Day 10 With No Mention Of 'Russia Collusion' But Now It's 24/7 Racism: Tim Hains
LOL: 61% of Reddit socialists live with their parents, nearly half unemployed: Rebel
CNN: If You’re White And Voted For Trump, You’re A White Supremacist Or Something: William Teach
CBS Hypes Comparison of Colin Kaepernick to Rosa Parks, Muhammad Ali: Scott Whitlock
Boxing Legend George Foreman on How Trump Saved Him From Bankruptcy: 100% Fed Up
ISIS proves it doesn't need territory to be deadly: Russel ReadIn response to Trump, Pakistan claims no terrorist groups operate on its soil: Bill Roggio
With Mattis’ Visit to Ukraine on Its Independence Day, the US Sends a Message to Moscow: WFP
Omission of Sins: NYT Turns Away From Deeper Truth on Yemen: Chris Floyd
Donald In the Great Game: Matthew Continetti
“Take four steps yelling ‘Allah hu ackbar’ and get gunned down,” says Venice mayor: Victor Laszlo
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
Mathematical mystery of ancient Babylonian clay tablet solved: Phys.OrgStudy: Eye Test Could Predict Alzheimer's Disease Years In Advance: Denisse Moreno
Tech Blacklisting of Counterjihadists Is What Muslim Brotherhood Seeks: PJM
ESPN removes Robert Lee from calling game due to his name: CubeJim Brown Gives Us 'The Real Deal' On Colin Kaepernick, Flag, Activism: ThePostGame
Who's had the most combined college football and basketball success in the last decade?: Joe Boozell
Sponsored by: My Beer Fund
The lower courts are beyond the pale
— Daniel Horowitz (@RMConservative) August 24, 2017
Thursday, August 24, 2017
ENDGAME: 10 Reasons the Swamp is Freaking Out

Why have all several hundred white nationalists and Neo-Nazi kooks in the entire country suddenly received national attention after 40 years?
Also: why are historical statues that have gone unnoticed for a century suddenly a controversial issue?
And -- most importantly -- why has the media ignored the greatest presidential feat in history, when President Trump was able to stare directly into the eclipse without blinking or damaging his magnificent eyes?
Larwyn's Linx: Field Report From The Left-Wing Violence in Arizona
Field Report From The Left-Wing Violence in Arizona: Larry SchweikartThe Leftwing Media’s Dangerous and Divisive Lie: Michael Brown
Gays For Trump Leader Assaulted As Police Stand Down: Kari Donovan
Book: Hillary 'put up with' Bill Clinton's sexual 'grabbing, groping women': Paul Bedard
Trump Met With GOP Senate Prospects About Challenging “The Flake”: Hot Air
Manhattan DA: We Can’t Have National Reciprocity Because of ISIS: Dana Loesch
Poll: Roy Moore Is Heavy Favorite In Alabama Senate Runoff: David Thornton
Blaming Others for Dastardly Deeds: David Hunter
Dem Rep Dodges Questions On Arrested House IT Staffer: True Pundit
Mark Levin: It’s time to make ‘mob boss’ McConnell ‘heel!’: Chris Pandolfo
Endgame: Mitch McConnell's job approval falls ... to nine percent: Hot Air
California Kindergartners Undergo Transsexual Brainwashing: Dave Blount
Two New Totalitarian Movements: Radical Islam and Political Correctness: A. Z. Mohamed
The Origins of Political Correctness: Bill Lind
San Diego State College Republicans Called 'Hate Group': Tom Knighton
Trump's Wall Is Already Paid For: Daniel John SobieskiScandal Central
Affirmative Action And The Managerial State: Z ManEx-Prosecutor: Feds' Bizarre Indictment Against Arrested DWS Staffers Omits Major Facts: Guy Benson
Trial Looms For Sole Defendant In 2012 Benghazi Attack That Killed Ambassador : NPR
Alt-Left Is Planning a Civil War Nov 4 to Overturn US Government, Media Blames Trump: Sara Noble
CNN: Everyone Who Voted For Trump Is A ‘White Supremacist By Default’: Henry Rodgers
Federal judge blocks further implementation of Texas' voter ID law: James Barragán
Predictable: NY Times Figures Out Way To Slur Trump On Afghanistan Plan: William TeachAntifa terrorist punches black Trump supporter in Phoenix – media silent: Pacific
Former CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson wants to buy Twitter to kick Trump off: Alix Hines
Fake News Overdose: Reuters Call Leftwing Rioters ‘Peace Activists’: JWF
CNN Gets Steamrolled By Their Own Charlottesville Antifa Panel: "The Media Is Not Being Honest": ZH
Students are the new masters – and the result is campus tyranny: Brendan O'Neill
CBS: Injuries To US Diplomats In Cuba Worse Than First Reported: Ed MorrisseyIran Caught Shipping Soldiers to Syria on Commercial Flights in Violation of Nuclear Deal: Adam Kredo
Praise Continues To Roll In For President Trump’s Foreign Policy Speech: GOP
Trump’s Sting Against Deep State Almost Complete: Dystopia
Government Warns North Korean Cyber Attacks Continue: Bill Gertz
Russian ambassador to Sudan found dead in swimming pool: Reuters
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
Google Doubles Down on Purging Conservative Speech: Chriss W. StreetYour best photos of the 2017 total solar eclipse: Popular Science
This insane nanochip device can heal tissue just by touching the skin once: ScienceAlert
Rabbit Hole Wednesday–August 23, 2017: MOTUSAlleged Video Of Mass UFO Sighting That Took Place in Phoenix 2017: Collective Evolution
Russian air strikes annihilate 200 ISIS terrorists: RWN
Sponsored by: My Beer Fund
Maybe CNN should follow ESPN's lead & remove Wolf Blitzer for resembling Confederate General Robert E. Lee like they did that sportscaster.
— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) August 24, 2017
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
FREEDOM CENTER WARNS CNN: Retract the Lies of the SPLC, a Radical Communist Hate Group, Or Else
Editor's Note: Below is a letter that the David Horowitz Freedom Center’s legal team sent to CNN on August 21, 2017, regarding their publishing of an article, The Southern Poverty Law Center's list of hate groups, on August 17, 2017 (updated on August 18) listing the Freedom Center as an SPLC designated hate group. The SLPC’s “hate map” is a malicious and defamatory attack that deliberately crowds together neo-Nazis with the conservative political organizations it opposes. CNN has attacked freedom of speech and exposed itself to legal consequences by running the SPLC’s smear. And the Freedom Center won’t take it lying down.