It has been thought that the unmasking of former Trump National Security Adviser Micharl Flynni and the opeing of an FBI investigation of all things Russia in which Flynn was a prime target was retaliation for Flynn’s drumbeat of criticism of the foreign policy of an Obama administration he once served.
Friday, June 30, 2017
WAS FLYNN UNMASKING PAYBACK? Acting FBI Director McCabe should be investigating himself
Larwyn's Linx: Progressives Are Outraged At The NRA For Pointing Out Leftist Violence
Progressives Are Outraged At The NRA For Pointing Out Leftist Violence: FederalistScenes From a Collapse: Another ObamaCare Crisis Erupts In Nevada: Ed Morrissey
House passes Kate’s Law, as part of illegal immigrant crackdown: Fox
Illegalophilia and Islamophilia: Sultan Knish
CNN’s Latest Retraction Is Just The Tip Of The Fake News Iceberg: Mollie Hemingway
NYT Corrects Story Claiming 17 Intel Agencies ‘Agree’ On Russia: Holmes Lybrand
Melania Reminds Media The President Punches Back '10 Times Harder': WJ
Beware The Motives Of 'Progressive' Companies Acting Altruistically: Jonah Goldberg
Dissident Politics: The Z Man
Podesta Loses it on Air When Confronted With Russia Facts: RWN
In "Unprecedented Step" US Sanctions Chinese Firms Tied To North Korea: ZH
Stray Piece of Plastic Wrap Investigated as Hate Crime: Dave Blount
CBO: Treasury to Run Out of Cash in Next 3 Months: Ali MeyerAfter Yet Another Crippling Breakdown, Cuomo Declares MTA State of Emergency: Andrew Siff
California Democrats Kill Bill That Would've Saved Billions Of Dollars, Says Economist: IBTimes
Scandal Central
Obama Choked on Russia Long Before the 2016 Election: Eli LakeBlog: California Dems kill plan to audit Janet Napolitano's $175-million scandal: Thomas Lifson
Heartless Socialist Jane Sanders Tried to Evict Disabled People After Her Shady Land Deal: Sara Noble
Review: Mark Levin’s Rediscovering Americanism and The Tyranny of Progressivism: LITrump Supporters Teach Starbucks a Lesson: Paul Mirengoff
White House Spox Defends Mika Tweet: 'The American People Elected a Fighter': Breitbart
Present at the Destruction: How Rex Tillerson Is Cleaning Up a Bloated State Dept.: PoliticoParis Residents Unable to Sleep Through 'Intense' Overnight Mosque Loudspeaker Sessions: Breitbart
Video: Ex-Muslim explains the ways lying is allowed and encouraged in Islamic law: JihadWatch
Charlie Gard: Eurocrats Sentence Baby to Death: Dave Blount
Watchdog: Sarin Nerve Gas Used in Deadly Syrian Attack: VOA
German court: Sharia police may patrol streets: INN
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
Fentanyl is so strong it's putting first responders at risk just by touching it: CircaWannaCry: How We Created an Ideal Environment for Malware to Thrive, and How to Fix It: Jesse McKenna
The Origins of Human Language: One of the Hardest Problems in Science: Ancient Origins (2015)
Michigan couple, both 99, celebrates 80th wedding anniversary: ABC NewsMen Are Just Happier People: Woodsterman
‘Looks like the Batmobile’: Has a Redditor discovered a UFO on Mars?: RT
Image: ‘Looks like the Batmobile’: Has a Redditor discovered a UFO on Mars?
Sponsored by: My Beer Fund
By tweeting about @ChrisCuomo, @morningmika and @JoeNBC, Trump got them to stop talking about Russia--in favor talking about themselves.
— Larry Elder (@larryelder) June 30, 2017
Thursday, June 29, 2017
Larwyn's Linx: CNN Tries To Move Forward After Its Latest Humiliation
CNN Tries To Move Forward After Its Latest Humiliation: Kurt SchlichterICE Director: Allow Victims of Criminal Aliens to Sue Sanctuary City Officials: CNS
Pence: Trump Will Repeal Obama's Health Law By Summer's End: Townhall
Trump’s Revised Travel Restrictions Start Thursday Night: RWN
Missed It By That Much – The Obamacare Enrollee Lie: Rick Manning
New York Times newsroom to walk out, decrying direction of paper: MarketWatch
Schiff Clams Up About Blocking Witness Testimony In Russia Probe: Kerry Picket
Sen. Claire McCaskill Caught Lying, Said She Never Met Russian Ambassador: InfLib
Unsurprisingly, Democrats Are Against Illegal Alien Bills: RWN
Illinois Bankruptcy Update: Powerball ticket sales end tonight: WGN
GOP Slams Media Double Standard on FBI Look Into Sanders’s Wife: The Hill
Sessions: Congress Must Pass Kate's Law And Make America Safer: Fox
Bill Would Require Food Stamp Recipients to Show Proof of Job Search: Rachel del GuidiceSingle-payer'll be awesome: Court rules hospital can withdraw life support for sick baby: CNN
Anthem’s Exit Creates Obamacare ‘Crisis’ For Rural Nevadans: Bloomberg
Scandal Central
FBI chief Andrew McCabe under investigation for possible Hatch Act violations: CircaCNN's Van Jones admits Russia-Trump collusion story is fake news: Paul Joseph Watson
Sarah Palin vs. the New York Times: Power Line
5 Statistics That Show Media Bias Is Real: Aaron BandlerCNN Uses Sesame Street’s Elmo As Immigration Propaganda Puppet: Joe Bilello
Scandal: Liberals Melt Down After Trump Compliments Reporter’s ‘Beautiful Smile’: JWF
Mattis Says Trump’s Warning Stopped Chemical Weapons Attack In Syria: Benjamin DecaturThe Islamic State finds a friend in Pakistan: Lawrence Sellin
Russia quietly begins building third military base in Syria: Asia Times
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
Inside Microsoft's AI Comeback: WiredYoung Texas boy invents device to prevent hot car deaths: Daniela Sternitzky-Di Napoli
What to make of the EU's absurd antitrust ruling against Google: SearchEngineLand
Gun Restrictions Punish the Rational and Responsible for Acts of the Irrational and Irresponsible: ObjStd (2013)The People's Cube makes #33 of the Top 100 Humor Blogs List: Cube
It’s Not Us It’s Them: MOTUS
Image: ‘Fall-down drunk’ Politico reporter walks up to group of Trump allies at a D.C. bar, really
Sponsored by: My Beer Fund
Editor's Note: Odd-hours publication of the daily link roundup will continue until mid-next week due to overseas travel and an incredibly lazy summer intern who you may know as Biff Spackle, if that is indeed his real name.
Wrestling’s new villain named himself ‘Progressive Liberal.’ via @LukeCoppen
— Ed West (@edwest) June 29, 2017
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
MARK LEVIN KNOCKS IT OUT OF THE PARK: 12 Ways Progressives and Americans Differ on Public Policy
- We believe in the Constitution, they believe in centralized government.
- We believe in individualism, they believe in conformity.
- We believe in private property, they believe in collective ownership of material goods.
- We believe in prosperity, they believe in redistributing wealth with them determining who gets ripped off and who gets the drips remaining after they've taken their cut.
- We believe in separation of powers, they believe in a monolithic, all-powerful, administrative state.
- We believe in eternal truths, they believe in ideologically meandering social engineering.
- We believe in cultural stability, they believe in never-ending transformation of our society.
- We believe in real science, they believe in social science (e.g., "environmental justice").
- We believe in the rights of man, they believe in the power of centralized government.
- We believe in the moral order, they believe in situational ethics.
- We believe in individual liberty, they believe in authoritarianism, with no limits ever defined.
- We believe in education, they believe in indoctrination.
- We believe in civil society, they believe in the federal leviathan.
You can find Mark's latest bestseller here: Rediscovering Americanism: And the Tyranny of Progressivism
Larwyn's Linx: Obama’s Criminal Enterprise Collapsing
Obama’s Criminal Enterprise Collapsing: Daniel John SobieskiTrump administration plans border wall models in summer: Fox
Mark Levin: ‘Republican Party has been conquered’ by progressivism: Times
The challenge of ending progressive policies: Rich Weinstein
IRS Report: Illegal Aliens Using Stolen SSNs of 1.4 Million Citizens for Tax Fraud: Matt Vespa
Mark Levin: Dems should be 'excited', 'Russian collusion' has been discovered: Blaze
Senile old Nancy Pelosi suffers multiple brain freezes: Mirror
Bernie Sanders: Capitalist Pig: Sultan Knish
Bernie Sanders rips FBI's 'pathetic' probe into his wife: Post
GOP Senator Says Mueller's Hiring Spree Taints Entire Russia Probe: LifeZette
Dems: Senate Health Bill Would Doom Senior Care System, Special Ed: RWN
It’s Finally Happening: Sarah Palin Files Suit Against New York Times: RWN
Democrat Party More Destructive to Economy Than Modern Chinese Communists: GWPScandal Central
Obama WH covering up billions stolen from Fannie and Freddie for Obamacare: TuckerSally Yates: couldn't defend Trump travel ban as it's based on religion: Exam
California bans travel to states that protect Christians from bigotry: Fr. Mark Hodges
CNN faced $100M lawsuit over botched Russia story: PostTucker Carlson Blows Up CNN's Deception: Michael Delauzon
New York Times bloodbath could include reporter jobs: Post
Mark Levin book condemning media, progressives, debuts No. 1 on Amazon: Paul Bedard
Snopes carries water for Muhammad: Robert Spencer
Rob Reiner calls for 'all out war' to 'resist' Trump: RWN
Police Coup in Venezuela?: SunMuslims in Bosnia preparing for jihad, expect to destroy Bosnian Christians in days: Geller
Starving Yazidi Sex Slave Unwittingly Ate Her Own Son After ISIS Butchered Him: Post
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
Print advert tells customers their foot type: SpringwiseThe future we're building -- and boring: Elon Musk
CIA Exploits Against Wireless Routers: Schneier
The Most Trusted Name in News: AceUs & Them: MOTUS
Colbert's Ratings Slip Back Behind Fallon's: Ace
Image: Trump administration plans border wall models in summer
Sponsored by: My Beer Fund
Takes too long to watch CNN newscast. Every time they do a story, you have to spend 20 minutes googling to see if it's true.
— MARK SIMONE (@MarkSimoneNY) June 28, 2017
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Larwyn's Linx: SCOTUS reinstates substantially all of Trump Travel Order
SCOTUS reinstates substantially all of Trump Travel Order: LITrump’s Doing A Lot of Winning Lately: EIB
Trump: "Unanimous Supreme Court Decision A Clear Victory For... National Security": ZH
Trump turns collusion charge on Obama for doing 'NOTHING' on Russia: Cody Derespina
Dem congressman caught on tape bashing Obamacare, DNC: Tim Walz
Not All Americans Are Grieving for Otto Warmbier: Thomas J. Craughwell
Fancy Names for Left-Wing Anti-Semitism: Charles Lipson
Texas Law Could Lead To “Immigration Police State” Or Something: RWN
Dems Face Identity Crisis: The Hill
Major Bad News For Gun Owners From SCOTUS: RWN
CBO: GOP Health Bill Reduces Deficit by $321 B, Lower Premiums 31% by 2020: WFB
Woman Will Drive To Mexico To Get Birth Control If GOP Health Bill Passes: RWN
Build a wall -- around the welfare state for non-US citizens: Exam"The City Knew Bad Minimum Wage Report Was Coming Out, So It Called Up Berkeley": Seattle Weekly
Obamacare Repeal Bill Cuts Taxes $701 Billion: ATR
Scandal Central
Judge: if These Alleged Emails Exist, Loretta Lynch Could Face 5-10 Years: Jason HowertonSecret Memo Suggests FBI Russia Probe Was Retaliation Against Flynn: Circa
The Bizarre Historical Connection Between Germany and Islam: AT
Climate, Energy & Regulations
Trump administration marks ‘Energy Week’: Timothy CamaMedia
Project Veritas captures a CNN exec agreeing that the Russia narrative is "bulls***": AlthouseComrade Bernie Dodges Reporter, Refuses to Answer Questions: Fox
Three CNN employees resign over retracted story on Russia ties: Ace
Terrorist Radicalises Inmates Who Vow Jihad on Release: Breitbart"They’re in such denial. It’s such a frightening thing to admit their country is being taken over.”: Geller Report
ISIS suicide bomber's belt explodes, killing 12 comrades.: IraqiNews
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
Leaked recording: Inside Apple’s global war on leakers: The OutlineMicrosoft Confirms Windows Code Leak, but Size, Details Disputed: AppyGeek
Compact IoT green wall cleans urban air: Springwise
Report: Fusion GPS, group behind fake Trump dossier, stonewalling Senate investigators: AceLiberal Conflation: MOTUS
Important Story From Vice: Straight Men Aren't Lining Up to Have Sex With Transexuals: Ace
Sponsored by: Rediscovering Americanism: And the Tyranny of Progressivism
QOTD: "Bernie to Associated Press: “No, that’s not what I’m talking about today.” (Associated Press, 6/26/17)
Bernie to Burlington’s WCAX: “It is nonsense…it would be improper at this point for me to say anything more.” (WCAX, 5/5/17)
Bernie to Fox News: “Where are you from?” (Fox News, 6/26/17)" --Bernie and Jane Sanders, under FBI investigation for bank fraud, hire lawyers
Monday, June 26, 2017
Larwyn's Linx: Mueller law team approaching size of entire US Attorney’s Office for Rhode Island
Mueller law team approaching size of entire US Attorney’s Office for Rhode Island: LIDems push leaders to talk less about Russia: Mike Lillis
Dems push leaders to talk less about Russia: MikeLillis
Bernie Sanders & Mrs. Lawyer Up As FBI Investigates Bank Fraud: Jeff Dunetz
The Real Lesson from Last Week’s Two Special Elections for Congress: Richard Baehr
An American sucess story in Missouri: DTG
The Hypocrisy of Democrats’ ‘Mean’ Attack on GOP Health Bill: Eddie Zipperer
Trump Skips Ramadan Dinner For The First Time In Nearly Two Decades: InfLib
Paper ballots are hack-proof. It's time to bring them back.: Glenn Reynolds
CNN refusing to comment to its own reporters about fake news scandal.: Breitbart
Dems push leaders to talk less about Russia: Mike Lillis
Rep. Biggs Calls on Robert Mueller to Recuse Himself from Russian Investigation:
TDS: NY Times Decides To Take Iran’s Side Against Trump: RWN
Prof ‘will not be rehired’ following Otto Warmbier remarks: Nikita Vladimirov
Teachers Union Boss Randi Weingarten: My Salary's Only $360K: MediaTrackers
Scandal Central
‘Deep State’ Leaks Secret U.S. Cyber Weapon To Undermine Trump’s Russia Options: Jeff DunetzSketchy firm behind Trump dossier is stalling investigators: Paul Sperry
Mueller adds yet another Obama lawyer to his growing team of left-wing lawyers: Marcia Coyle
Louise Mensch: Her Six Degrees of Separation From Reality: Liberty SpeaksMegyn Kelley first loses conservatives, now is losing liberals: Thomas Lifson
ABC Fake News' Chuck Todd asks Bernie Sanders zero questions about his FBI investigation.: StockMonster
Tennessee Trolls California Over Travel Ban: RWNPalestinian rejectionism means no deal: Richard Baehr
In Venezuela, prisoners say abuse is so bad they are forced to eat pasta mixed with excrement: WaPo
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2017: SciAmThe FAA Is Arguing for Security by Obscurity: Schneier
SpaceX launches and lands two rockets in a single weekend: Engadget
Poor Little Bitch Girl: MOTUSJapanese robot sumo wresting is incredibly fast: Kottke
In how many different ways can a 9-panel comic grid be used?: StackExchange
Image: Supreme Court to take case on baker who refused to sell wedding cake to gay couple
Sponsored by: My Beer Fund
QOTD:"You can keep your plan period"
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) June 26, 2017
"Average family will save 2,500"
"Premiums will be lowered"
Ring a bell?
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Larwyn's Linx: Democrats React To GOP Healthcare Bill With Assassination-style Hate Speech

Epidemic of lawlessness: Scott Johnson
Remain Calm Democrats, All Is Well: Daniel J. Flynn
They’re Wrong About Everything: Matthew Continetti
‘Mitch McConnell is a terrorist’: Could Bernie Sanders tone it down?: Twitchy
Supreme Court Limits Rights Of Property Owners: DC
McCabe's FBI Hosts Gay Pride Summit: AIM
Supreme Court - The terrifying and terrible prospect of Justice Kennedy retiring: WaPo
There are 8 Senators who could make or break the GOP health bill: Axios
Black Unemployment Reaches Lowest Level In 17 Years: RWNMark Levin: Obamacare 'Here to Stay', Single-Payer 'on the Way,' GOP Helping: Jeff Poor
Do Republicans Even Remember Why Obamacare Should Be Repealed?: Jim Jamitis
Scandal Central
Senate Judiciary Announces Probe Into Loretta Lynch's Behavior During 2016 Election: Debra HeineThe DNC Scams the Suckers and Contradicts the Feds on 'Hacking': Clarice Feldman
Sealing and transfer (to obama library!) of Susan Rice records angers House committee: Times
The Obamas' never-ending vacation: Tropical Bali edition: ATFake News: Z Man
Cast Of Trump Assassination Play Is “Exhausted, Nervous, And Fearful” Or Something: RWN
American prisoner released by North Korea dies after torture in captivity: James SimpsonPer Hizb ut-Tahrir Leader- A Clash is Inevitable.: Daily Mail
Suicide bomber blows self-up near Mecca : Yahoo!
Report: Trump Administration Considering Arab Peace Coalition Summit: Treehouse
Israel, American Jewry, and Trump's GOP: Caroline Glick
Video from the Battle for Raqqa: BattleSwarm
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
Killer whales are stalking boats and stealing their fish: VergeGot Robocalled? Don’t Get Mad; Get Busy.: Brian Krebs
6 Things Quantum Computers Will Be Incredibly Useful For: Mark Jackson
Ghost Candidates Sway Democrat Voters: C&SJoe Scarborough: “Mystified” Too Much or Not Enough?: MOTUS
Unlucky or just ill?: Sondrakistan
Image: Why the White House Is Reading Greek History
Sponsored by: My Beer Fund
QOTD: "The fact is that almost the entirety of what one reads in the paper or on the web is speculation. The writer isn't telling you what happened, he is offering an interpretation of what happened, or offering a projection of the future. The best scenario is that these theories are novel, compelling, informed, and based on reporting and research. But that is rarely the case. More often the interpretations of current events, and prophesies of future ones, are merely the products of groupthink or dogma or emotions or wish-casting, memos to friends written by 27-year-olds who, in the words of Ben Rhodes, "literally know nothing." There was a time when newspapers printed astrology columns. They no longer need to. The pseudoscience is on the front page.
Nor are the empty conjectures and worthless hypotheses limited to Donald Trump. Yes, pretty much the entire world, myself included, assumed he would lose to Hillary Clinton. Indeed, a not-insignificant segment of the political class, both Democrat and Republican, thought the Republicans would not only lose the presidency but also the House and Senate. Oops! I remember when, as the clock reached midnight on November 8 and it became clear Trump would be the forty-fifth president, a friend called. "Are we just wrong about everything?" he asked." --Matthew Continetti
Saturday, June 24, 2017
NOT SO SPECIAL COUNSEL: Time for POTUS to fight fire with fire
John Eastman, law professor at Chapman University, writes in American Greatness this week that the powers invested in Special Counsel Mueller to investigate "Russian hacking/collusion/obstruction poses grave dangers to our body politic and our liberty." His advice to President Trump: Fight fire with fire. Turn the law and the courts back on your opponents. Trump is being investigated without any probable cause of a crime. The Obama administration, in contrast, is a target-rich arena of criminal activity.
Larwyn's Linx: 30 GOP Congressmen Have Been Attacked or Threatened Since May
30 GOP Congressmen Have Been Attacked or Threatened Since May: Alex GriswoldHouse To Vote On Illegal Immigration Laws Next Week: RWN
Democratic Party Leader Caught Wishing Rep. Scalise was “F***ing Dead”: Jeff Dunetz
Geriatric Socialist Is Worried About Trump’s Authoritarianism Or Something: RWN
Deported MS-13 Gangsters Keep Sneaking Back Across U.S. Border: Breitbart
U.S. Border Agents Warn of 'Open Warfare' with 'Grenades' at Texas Border: Breitbart
The Ultra-Left Progressives Are Pushing Us Into The Next Civil War: Ray Gano
Mark Levin: We've started on the road to single-payer health care: Chris Pandolfo
FBI Closing In? Bernie Sanders’ Wife Gets A Lawyer: Joe Cunningham
We are Witnessing the Implosion of the Democrat Party: Brent Smith
Businesses Sue Baltimore For Leaving Them Defenseless During Riots: Amber Randall
Judge Frees Illegal Immigrant MS-13 Member Because Of ‘Rights Violations’: CNS
1.4 million illegals working under stolen Social Security numbers: TimesMcDonald's hits all-time high as Wall Street cheers replacement of cashiers with kiosks: CNBC
Influx of Immigrants Causing Housing Shortage in American Cities: Margaret Menge
Scandal Central
Senate Judiciary Panel to Probe Loretta Lynch’s Involvement in Clinton Email Investigation: WFBBarack Obama: Turning the Intel Community Into Democrat Goon Squad: Jim-Kouri
Prior to Snowden, NSA Had No Clue How Many Were Approved to Download Top Secret Info: WFB
Civility: Hillary says GOP Becomes the 'Death Party' With Obamacare: RWNKamala Harris goes silent when confronted with true sex-based oppression: Paul Mirengoff
President Trump Rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa --- Full Speech: Treehouse
Venezuela: Humanitarian Crisis Spilling into Brazil: HRWThousands of Venezuelans fleeing to the US: CNN
Venezuela crisis: Doctors flee as medical shortages become more severe: USA Today
BOMBSHELL: Trump told Saudis to stop funding terror: Ricky Twisdale
China, U.S. Agree On Aim Of ‘Complete, Irreversible’ Korean Denuclearization: OANN
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
How Not to Win an AI Arms Race With China: Patrick TuckerHow the CIA infects air-gapped networks: Ars Technica
NSA's use of 'traffic shaping' allows unrestrained spying on Americans: ZDNet
Justice Anthony Kennedy To Retire As Early as Monday (Report): TPIRed Tide: MOTUS
CNN Has to Completely Retract a Major Anti-Trump Story: Erick Erickson
Image: Liberals Suddenly Silent When Man Arrested for Murder of Muslim Girl is… Illegal Alien
Sponsored by: My Beer Fund
QOTD: "Larwyn's Linx will be publishing on an irregular schedule for the next 10 days due to overseas travel. We've been publishing the Linx every single frikkin' day since January of 2009 and are hoping to continue that streak, despite spotty connectivity in the African bush." -- Me, just now
Friday, June 23, 2017
Larwyn's Linx: Fifteen Lawyers in Search of a Crime
Fifteen Lawyers in Search of a Crime: Mark SteynWhy the White House Is Reading Greek History: Michael Crowley
Sorry Ladies, You’re the Wrong Kind of Muslims: Thomas J. Craughwell
FBI Briefing On The GOP Shooting Couldn’t Have Been More Bizarre: Mollie Hemingway
Illinois Man Arrested For Threatening To Assassinate Trump: Breaking911
This Is What Hate Speech Looks Like: GayPatriot
The Scourge of White Nationalism: NavyJack
Bipartisan support for some gun proposals, stark partisan divisions on many others: Pew
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Accuses Top Obama Official of Lying: DC
The “Young Democratic Socialists” Club Calls for Beheading Republicans: Right Edition
A Solution to Illinois: Dave Blount
NYT: GOP Healthcare Bill Is Tax Cuts For The Rich Or Something: RWN
Senate's Obamacare Bill Is Primarily Designed to "Fix," Expand Obamacare: AceSenate Releases Healthcare Reform Bill – Only 142 (Easy to Read) Pages: Treehouse
Sears Canada Announces Bankruptcy; Fires 2,900: ZH
No repeal at all! Mark Levin interviews Daniel Horowitz: Chris Pandolfo
Judicial Watch Sues for Obama Family Travel and Secret Service Costs: JW
Day 2: Illinois House and Senate adjourn special session after only 23 minutes: Illinois Policy
Scandal Central
U.S. Ruled by Executive, Legislative, Judicial Branches… and Richard Cordray: Jon CassidyMr. President, Meet Avner Shapiro: Saboteur From the DOJ Swamp: J. Christian Adams
Scalise Shooter 'Liked' the Terror-Linked SPLC, Which Repeatedly Attacked Scalise: Tyler O'Neil
Climate, Energy & Regulations
It’s Said That ‘97% of Climate Scientists Agree’ About Global Warming – But Do They?: Neil FrankMedia
Most Americans (On All Sides) Now Agree Bias Infects The Media: Andrew MalcolmJohn Oliver Slapped With Defamation Suit over ‘Last Week Tonight’ Takedown of Coal Exec: Ronn Blitzer
Can Nancy Pelosi Keep Power Now That She Has Lost Cher?: Toni Williams
Trump Haunts the Political Press: PPD
Elise Jordan Says Defending Trump ‘Like Hugging a Suicide Bomber’: Aidan McLaughlin
Harvard’s “black only” commencement: Paul Mirengoff
Josh Horwitz On Insurrectionist Rhetoric: Herschel Smith
Data: Media Covered Giffords Shooting Double The Scalise Shooting: Federalist
‘Meanness at the core:’ Obama jumps back into political fray to slam Trump, GOP on health care: WaPo
US Navy ballistic missile intercept test fails: DefenseNewsRefugees from socialism: The next migrant wave won't be from ISIS: Monica Showalter
Sweden: 150,000 women undergo FGM, authorities admit large areas under Sharia rule: JihadWatch
High Noon in North Korea: Is Trump Ready for War?: Gordon G. Chang
Special Forces Soldier Shatters Sniper Record – Kills ISIS Fighter From 2 Miles Away: Tribunist
Egypt’s police kill seven in connection to violence against Christians: Reuters
Defending Israel and Fighting Anti-Semitism: Daniel Greenfield
Integration Policy Flopping in Germany: AmInt
Swedish Police: 61 "vulnerable areas" are out of control: SPEISA
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
Is the Universe Conscious?: NBC NewsAre you ‘old’ yet? The cut-off has shifted: Futurity
WannaCry Virus Shuts Down Honda Factory for a Day: Bill Howard
China Leapfrogs U.S. in Critical Strategic Technology: Spengler
Amazon reveals plan for huge, city-center drone-delivery towers: Ethan Baron
NSA Insider Security Post-Snowden: Schneier
Leaker James Comey Spotted Entering The New York Times’ Office: GWPStevie Wonder: ‘Can’t Claim Black Lives Matter, When You’re Killing Each Other’: RWN
Canadian Gun Porn Friday: MOTUS
Image: Trump questions special counsel Mueller's objectivity
Sponsored by: My Beer Fund
QOTD: "The FBI’s briefing appears so contrary to the facts as to be insulting. When a man with a history of hating Republicans cases a location, takes pictures, verifies the targets are Republicans before opening fire, has a list of Republican politicians in his pocket, and shoots and nearly kills Republicans, it’s hard to swallow the FBI’s contention that the shooting was “spontaneous” with “no target.” The agency should reconsider whether it wants to troll Americans about something this serious." --Mollie Hemingway
Thursday, June 22, 2017
HOLY CRAP: Debbie Wasserman Schultz Accuses Top Obama Official of Lying to Congress
Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz accused ex-DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson of lying under oath when he said the DNC refused the help of the DHS in their hacking scandal.
Johnson said during testimony in front of the House Intelligence Committee Wednesday that the Democratic National Committee refused DHS help with Russian hacking and opted not to turn over their hacked servers.
However, in a Thursday interview on CNN, Wasserman Schultz accused him of being “misinformed,” and said the DNC was never even made aware that their network had been compromised.
DEMOCRAT #RESISTANCE: Mobilizes Against... Nancy Pelosi
I wanted to highlight one specific criticism Rep. Kathleen Rice (D-NY) made about her party’s leadership today, particularly in light of Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s self-righteous rant a few minutes ago.
For a party that constantly makes sanctimonious charges against Republicans for being stuck in the past, it sure doesn’t sound like the Democrats’ current leadership is open to change – or input from anyone under the age of 65 who hasn’t been in power for decades.
Larwyn's Linx: Great Again
Great Again: Conrad BlackMueller’s Empire: Bottomless Budget, Limitless Jurisdiction: Andrew C. McCarthy
What’s in that briefcase, Senator? Shameful secrecy surrounding health care bill: CR
Concealed Carry Reciprocity Has 200 Backers in Congress: Autumn Price
Half of Oregon's criminal illegals held for sex crimes, 83% are Mexican: Paul Bedard
Minnesota: Terror Recruiting Capital: Meira Svirsky
Anger Privilege: Only Leftists are Allowed to be Angry: Daniel Greenfield
Gohmert: Obama Holdovers Refuse to Label GOP Shooting Terrorism: InfLib
Even NYT's Brooks Admits Russian Collusion Story is a Scam: Matt Vespa
Pelosi Says History is on her Side, Prepares to Take Power in 2018: RWN
Pelosi faces growing doubts among Dems after Georgia loss: Politico
Arkansas bar to decide on potential discipline against Hillary Clinton: Times
Ted Cruz, Key Negotiator Has No Idea What’s In Senate Health-Care Bill: Hot Air
Congress Wants Own Right To Carry Concealed Firearms Anywhere, But Not You: WZ
For the GOP, Step Up or Become an Irrelevant Majority: David Prentice
Scandal Central
Scalise Shooter Was In Contact With Both Illinois Senators: Daily WireAntifa: Use 'All Manner of Physical Violence' Against Trump Supporters and Capitalists: HeatSt
Judicial Watch: POTUS Can Obtain Susan Rice Unmasking Records From Obama Library: GWP
Climate, Energy & Regulations
The Environmentalists’ Human Shields: Ross KaminskyRenewable energy cost and reliability claims exposed and debunked: WUWT
My Bold Pajama Boy Prediction Comes True: EIBLiberal Professor Who Made Belligerent Appearance on Tucker Gets Bad News: RWN
Russian Election Interference? Pass This Law!: Politopinion
German Authorities Raid Homes of 36 forMarco Rubio and U.S. Trying to Criminalize Free Speech - Again: Judith Bergman
Russia cancels talks after US imposes new sanctions over Ukraine conflict: Guardian
N. Korea Open to Negotiating with Trump, Halting Nuclear Testing: TruthFeed
China Proposes Halt to U.S. Military Exercises in South Korea at Talks: Bill Gertz
Obama-Era Troop Cuts Caused ‘Critical Shortfalls’ Among U.S. Troops in Afghanistan: Natalie Johnson
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
The Lone Star Tick That Gives People Meat Allergies May Be Spreading: WiredElectronic cigarettes can be used to hack your COMPUTER and steal all your secrets: The Sun
3,400-year-old ancient Egyptian tomb found containing mummies on an island in the Nile: The Sun
Don’t Axe Me Bro!: MOTUSStinky Fish Challenge: Woodsterman
Woman raped at Vanderbilt cries as she faces former college football player for the first time: DailyMail
Image: Half of Oregon's criminal illegals held for sex crimes, 83% are Mexican
Sponsored by: My Beer Fund
QOTD: "...the narrative with Bernie Sanders is he's for the people, he just wants everyone to get a fair break, he thinks the rich take advantage of the middle class and the poor and people should have free healthcare and free college and so forth and so on. Bernie Sanders is a radical Marxist who believes in violence, there I said it -- every radical Marxist believes in violence, every radical Marxist believes in violence. Can you think of one country where the radical Marxists have taken over the governments that isn't violent? Oh I know they preach humanity and compassion and equality and helping the poor, and the middle class, and all -- but can you show me one Communist country that is any of that, that is any of that. Show me one Communist country that is not in effect a police state. You going to show me China? It's a police state. you have no free access to the internet, there's no free speech and so forth and so on. You're going to show me Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea? What? And yet socialism is an off shoot of Communism, it certainly is. They're different degrees and they are violent -- the communists." --Mark Levin
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
The Complete List of Nicknames for Veep's Jonah Ryan

During the course of the series, Jonah Ryan -- tall, geeky, socially awkward, and (weirdly) also possessing delusions of grandeur -- makes the transition from low-level White House staffer to... Congressman.
The staffer I was schmoozing with said that Ryan's unlikely ascendancy, through a bizarre series of events, was entirely plausible. He said most Congressmen he knew were complete dunces and made Ryan look like Einstein.
Pajama Boy, Democrats and Media Limp Into 2018

• Forward: "Republicans Panic As Polls Show Ossoff Pulling Upset!"
• Reuters: "In House race in Georgia, Democrats look for new path to power!"
For every reporter who covered this race as a referendum against President Trump and his agenda, it’s time to refocus your stories.
Larwyn's Linx: Trump’s Way Out of the Progressive Labyrinth
Trump’s Way Out of the Progressive Labyrinth: Victor Davis Hanson13 Percent of Syrian Refugees Support ISIS: Poll: Meira Svirsky
Illegal Aliens Made Up 66% of Criminal Alien Convictions in Texas in 6 Years: NUSA
Dems choke in Georgia after record spending on failed Ossoff campaign: Brent Scher
Democrats are incapable of learning from Georgia Special Election loss: LI
Trump Right Again: Study Reports 5.7 Million Illegals May Have Voted: RWN
Action and Reaction: Mark Steyn
Clinton labor secretary raising money
Eric Holder joins anti-Trump resistance — and mulls presidential campaign: Yahoo
Hey, GOP, the GA-6 win is not a mandate to keep being liberal idiots: Daniel Horowitz
Levin on Hannity: Mueller can't prosecute Trump, according to DOJ: CR
Democrats Lose Again: Suffer Crushing $26 Million Georgia Defeat: Brendan Kirby
Illinois’ unpaid bill backlog grows to more than $15B: Marianna SchmiesingMinimum Wage Madness Begins to Kill Off California’s Restaurant Industry: Dave Blount
Iowa Obamacare's Last Health Insurer Raising Premiums At Least 43%: Mary Chastain
Scandal Central
Real Scandals The Trump-Obsessed Media Are Ignoring: IBDSenate Judiciary leaders will meet with Robert Mueller to avoid any potential conflicts: Circa
Fred Fleitz: 'North Korean Government Murdered' Otto Warmbier as 'Obama ... Did Almost Nothing': Breitbart
Hillary Clinton Told FBI's Mueller To Deliver Uranium To Russians In 2009 in Secret Meeting: ZH
How ‘Sanctuary Cities’ Are Helping Immigrants Outwit ICE: John Carlos Frey
Virginia: Muslim girl a victim of illegal alien’s road rage, not hate crime: Creeping
Climate, Energy & Regulations
The New ‘Consensus’ On Global Warming: shocking admission by “Team Climate”: WUWTMedia
Wonder Woman Ban Spreads Across Arab World: HRVNY Times Op-Ed: Deport Americans, Invite Migrants: Breitbart
In Just 4 Minutes, Thomas Sowell Obliterates 100 Years of Liberal Thought: RWN
Conway Thanks Those Who ‘Snarkily’ Called Georgia Race a ‘Referendum’ on Trump: David Rutz
Report: DNC Staffer Seth Rich Likely Targeted by Experienced Killer, Not Random Robbery: Ronn Blitzer
Patagonia Devotes Itself to Moonbattery: Dave Blount
Trump called Otto Warmbier's death a 'disgrace' and said he should have come home long ago: CircaISIS Setting Up Support Networks to Move Terrorists to Europe, Asia: Bill Gertz
Coming Soon To North Korea: Operation Enduring Covfefe?: Hot Air
White House says it retains right to self-defense in Syria; Moscow warns Washington: Reuters
Armed Russian jet comes within 5 feet of US recon jet: Lucas Tomlinson
Fresh terror in Brussels: DailyMail
Germany Agrees to Show “Censored” Documentary on Anti-Semitism as Public Pressure Grows: Tower
Stamford Hill on lockdown as police clash with youths ‘brandishing machetes’: Thomas Hunt
CENTCOM confirms Islamic State’s ‘Grand Mufti’ killed in airstrike: Thomas Joscelyn
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
DNA Replication Has Been Filmed For The First Time, And It's Not What We Expected: Bec CrewIt’s Time To Break Up Amazon: Douglas Rushkoff
Lenovo's pro workstation is as light as a MacBook Air: Engadget
Certain Conditions May NOT Apply: MOTUSSooo… how’d today’s elections go?: Sondrakistan
Tuesday Links and Open Thread: Johnny Dollar
Image: Why Jon Ossoff’s loss is bad news for Democrats’ 2018 hopes
Sponsored by: My Beer Fund
QOTD: "So the Department of Justice has written 'a sitting President is constitutionally immune from indictment and criminal prosecution' ...
Thus, this entire preposterous discussion about whether Trump obstructed justice (which he did not) is entirely irrelevant for criminal investigative purposes." --Mark Levin