Friday, May 31, 2024

Free Guilty Verdicts For Everyone!

I wonder if the various state attorneys general or other prosecutors are examining the alleged criminal activities of one Joe R. Biden, Hunter F. Biden, William J. Clinton, Hillary R. Clinton and several others.

A quick blast from the past this Friday evening...

Good question.

I do wonder if the various state attorneys general or other prosecutors might be examining the alleged criminal activities of Hillary R. Clinton.

Related: Fork in the Road.


Phuc Dims said...

Those folks are too afraid that the O'Biden doj will come after them. None of our spineless, emasculated, empty nut sack repub leaders will do more than poke holes in air with their finger to help President Trump. Main stream repubs are worse than democrats.

Dan said...

Anyone...and I mean ANYONE, who has the spine to go after ANY members of the leftist criminal cabal will be rapidly and utterly destroyed by the lefts Schutzstaffel..the DOJ/FBI. Everyone who is part of the system, even remotely, is aware of this fact. The system...the entire system is broken beyond repair. Irredeemably, irretrievably corrupt.

Anonymous said...

FL, MO and TX have shown some balls.
more will join them.