1. 2003: Enhanced Interrogation of Khalid Sheikh Mohammad Results in the Nom De Guerre of bin Ladin's Courier...
2. 2004: Enhanced Interrogation of al-Qahtani Confirms the Nom De Geure of bin Ladin's Courier...
3. 2006 (?): Enhanced Interrogation of an Al Qaeda Captured in Iraq, Ghul, Produces the Real Name of the Courier...
4. 2006-2009: NSA Begins Furiously Intercepting Any And All Communications Made By Anyone "al-Kuwaiti" Has Ever Known...
5. Late 2010 (?): al-Kuwaiti Places a Very Ill-Advised Phone Call... "[conversing] with someone who was being monitored by U.S. intelligence... the courier [then] unknowingly led authorities to a [bizarre] compound in the northeast Pakistani town of Abbottabad..."
6. 2011: Surveying Abbottabad, We Grow Confident We've Found Bin Ladin's Hideout...
7. April 29-May 1 2011: Obama's Team Tells Him They Have High Confidence Bin Ladin (or at Least His Most Trusted Courier) is In the Compound, and Obama Agrees, and Orders the Raid; On May 1 It's Executed By SEAL Team 6...
8. May 2011: Begin a Disinformation Campaign To Convince the Public That 2003-2008 Never Happened...
Which leads to commenter Dan disclosing the new, MSM/DNC-approved timeline (not that they're trying to politicize this, mind you).
1. 1/21/09 OB gathers his inner circle and tells them that there is this real bad guy that Bush totally forgot about and didn't care that he secretly murdered 3,000 people early in Bush's administration and OB wanted him found ASAP.
2. 2/14.09 OB kicks out Bush incompetent an replaces him with super sleuth Leon Panetta because of his vast experience in espionage and fabulous motivational skills.
3. 2/15/09 OB tells Panetta that I'm 95% confident OBL is in Pakistan, probably somewhere just North of Islamabad in a house with high walls and maybe three stories and two security gates.
4. 2/21/09 OB tells Panetta that he intercepted a call from a guy who is really close to OBL and to drop everything else and totally focus only on him.
You know, a bigger man would humbly thank President Bush, Vice President Cheney, SecDef Rumsfeld, and all of our brave military and intelligence personnel for capping Bin Laden.
But then a bigger man wouldn't be a Narcissistic, Marxist ideologue with a penchant for parties, endless campaigning and golf.
Cartoon: The incomparable Michael Ramirez. Linked by: Michelle Malkin. Thanks!
Reading today that nobody can confirm whether enchanced interrogation revealed the name of the courier. Nobody, including Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. Yet you post a detailed timeline. So what's up with that Doug? Are they all full of shit, or is it you?
There's this new convention called a "hyperlink" above the timeline.
Click. Read. Learn.
p.s., This is why you're a liberal.
Trolling anonymously: this is why you are a douche-nozzle.
Let Obama take all the credit and attention, al-Quaeda will have less targets that way when they retaliate.
What puzzles me about the left is they Oppose wiretapping terrorists. They Oppose rendition. Oppose Waterboarding. Oppose holding terrorists in Gitmo without trial and even oppose Military tribunals. But they have no problem with entering a nation illegally then into a mans home without a warrant and shooting an unarmed man in the head. No trial. Summary Execution. ( Which I have no problem with myself).
Khalid Sheik Mohammed gave the name of the courier. KSM was waterboarded over 180 times. How do you think the information was extracted? Libs have no common sense.
The kill of Bin Laden.
Hollywood's Jihad terrorism conducted 2000-2008 against Republican president proves that if America wants Constitutional right to National Security then we must all Submit to electing Democrats-only or we will Die.
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