Monday, December 02, 2013

IT'S OFFICIAL: David Gregory and NBC's Meet the Press finish transformation into complete laughingstocks

Just when you think David Gregory and NBC "News" have hit bottom, they break out a jackhammer and start digging a new sub-level.

Hat tip: BadBlue News Service.

2 comments: said...

The guy looks like a monkey -- and acts like one, too.

Does anybody but useful idiots watch this clown anymore?

mtp said...

No wonder why millions of Americans are withdrawing their consent and are talking about the illegitimacy of these fools running our country into the ground. The political connections and shared idiocy of the clowns running things and clowns like this guy in the state run spin media is beyond ludicrous.

Where do these people come from?
In all my years, in the entire sphere of my life, I do not know a single person who remotely resembles these political hacks and consummate bullshit artists.

Words can't exemplify how simply stupid these people are.

Totally mind boggling.