Friday, July 26, 2024

Larwyn’s Linx: ‘Proud’ Barack Obama Endorses Kamala Harris for His Fourth Term Figurehead

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Anonymous said...

The widespread belief that there is a former president puppetmaster for whomever is "in office" will crash and burn when it's disclosed that NONE of the Dems even remotely close to the office are the actual person-- ALL of them are actors in masks, AI or CGI. That's the reason for the scramble that media is increasingly failing at hiding.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I don't think we're looking at AI-generated politicians, even if we know there's an "Oval Office set" near the actual Oval Office. Although, it is a little odd the Joe Biden who recently emerged from the White House appeared to be about 5 inches taller than the Biden who spoke in Las Vegas a few days before. Or maybe DOCTOR Jill Biden shrunk by the same amount?

Anonymous said...

Au contraire, mon ami...very few of most of elected and appointed gov't are the actual people. MS Azure was the platform for their labored-over Buyden AI module, hacked and stolen. CS was ordered to track and trace the exfiltration-- an extreme nat'l sec issue, the AI prez in the hands of godknowswho-- but in a rush job CS released a bad driver that bricked millions of MS workstations. Apply the scale of that and you'll grasp the coverup. Think McAfee, Castle Rock, JA...

commoncents said...

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