Friday, July 05, 2024

Larwyn’s Linx: Who Turned Off the Gaslight?

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 • Who Turned Off the Gaslight? Kunstler
 • Muslims Burn American Flags in NYC on Independence Day Todd Starnes
 • Rep. Hagemen Eviscerates Joe Biden and the Pretending all Around Him CTH
 • How they wound up with Kamala Don Surber
 • Joe Biden, 81, describes himself as a black woman during radio interview Daily Mail
 • Just call him President Hunter Biden Monica Showalter
 • Remembering the "manly principles of independence" on the Fourth of July Matt Taibbi
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 • Watch: Prominent Democrat Donor Unleashes On Biden; "We're In F**k City" Modernity


 • Unemployment Rate Jumps To Three Year High ZH
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 • Democrats No Longer Have an Excuse for Holding a Virtual Convention Ann Garrison, Black Agenda Report

Scandal Central

 • Back in the USSR. Are We the Soviets Now? Robert W Malone
 • Americans Want to Know Who is Really in Charge in the White House Fred Fleitz
 • Missouri AG Sues New York For Lawfare ‘Interference’ In Presidential Election Federalist


 • Reporters Blame “Right-Wing Media” for Their Failure to Disclose Biden’s Infirmity Turley
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 • New AP Spin: Biden's Sharp as a Tack! Occasionally! Ed Morrissey


 • Hezbollah drone and rocket barrage pounds Israel JNS
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 • Big Lies About Israel Robert Williams


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 • And now we go to The White House for an Independence Day Message from your President. Diogenes
 • The Day John Adams Predicted Don Surber
 • Friday Funnies: Democratitis Robert W Malone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who's in charge at the White House? Nobody, except perhaps the Marines who stand guard. Because it's empty, and has been since January 21, 2021. The "inauguration" was demonstrably a state funeral, just by military procedures and protocols.

If you're laughing, you probably also think Joe Biden is President. You've got a long ways to go, my friend, and are in for some major shocks.