A very public incident with Coach Knight
I'm a big RMK fan. Happened across this set of articles detailed Chancellor Smith's side of the story. Interesting reading.
"Richard Butler and I had finished lunch at Market Street (United) on 50th and Indiana and as we were about to leave at approximately 12:35 pm noticed the Athletic Director, Gerald Myers standing at one of the lunch venues looking upward at a menu. Richard and I approached him and began a casual conversation. Gerald and I specifically talked about the Lady Raider's game yesterday afternoon and he indicated he was surprised that I did not fly home with the team. I responded that I had actually driven to Austin because of other engagements scheduled during the weekend.
I expressed to Gerald my appreciation for Coach Knight's approach to the game (post our January 2, 2004 meeting in my office) and demeanor, specifically to include asking the student section to refrain from distateful chants during our game with the University of Texas. Gerald stated that it is great why don't you tell him yourself he has had a couple of "rough" days and he would enjoy the positive feedback. I asked Gerald to share my comments with Coach Knight. Gerald stated that Coach Knight was in fact at the salad bar in Market Street and recommended that I tell him myself. I followed Coach Myers to the salad bar as he had requested and at his insistence..."
Chancellor Smith's 'A Public Incident with Coach Bob Knight'
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