The National Review's Media Blog has created a stunning video that contrasts the GOP debate questions posed by MSNBC and Fox News. For those with limited time, I've listed the questions below. These aren't word for word, mind you, but certainly capture their spirit.

* Should we change our Constitution to allow foreign-born citizens to become President?
* What do you dislike most about America?
* Do you have a plan to solve the shortage of organs donated for transplant?
* Is Karl Rove your friend?
* Beside yourself, who do you think should be the Republican nominee for President?
* Did you watch Al Gore's documentary, An Inconvenient Truth?
* Do you find any faults in Mayor Guiliani?
* Would it be good for America to have Bill Clinton living in the White House?
Fox News

* Why should Americans continue to fight and die while Iraqi politicians dither?
* Since Iraq has a freely elected Government, how can you propose to require them to divide into 18 provinces and split oil revenue?
* Can you foresee any circumstances in which you would pull out of Iraq without leaving behind a stable situation?
* What would do to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue - and would you launch a preemptive strike against Iran?
* Critics have called you a "flip-flopper" for your positions on the "no new taxes" pledge. Isn't that a blatant appeal to the party base?
* Name three federal programs you consider wasteful - and what would you do to control pork and spending?
* As the baby-boomers begin to retire, would you reduce benefits -- even on wealthy Americans -- in order to pay for entitlement programs?
* You're pro-choice, pro-gay rights, pro-gun control, you supported Cuomo over Pataki... are those the standards of a conservative?
* You've been criticized for changing your position on some issues, you say it's a part of learning from experience. Can you point to an area where your 'learning from experience' led you to change to a position that is less popular with the Republican base?
* Many Americans feel that the billions of debt that China holds is a problem, that if the Chinese decide to convert those dollars to Euros, the value of the dollar drops. Do you see that as a security threat, and -- if so -- what do you do about it?
Boys vs. men. David Frum's comment was spot on: "FOX News distinguished itself... and made the Democratic activists who are trying to deny that it has any journalistic integrity look foolish."
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