Wednesday, May 01, 2013

THE MORNING MOE: MSNBC's Joe Scarborough Lectures Senator Ted Cruz About "Manners" and "Civility"

When I think 'conservative thought leader', the first name that pops into my head is the Morning Moe. Wait a second, I misspoke. That's the first name I think of when I'm constipated. You know, when I'm "leaning forward".

On Tuesday morning, Scarborough chastised Cruz for, “mocking members of his own party” surrounding the gun control debate in Congress. Scarborough and co-host Mika Brzezinski, who are no strangers to verbally attacking Cruz, described his actions as inappropriate:

The Texas freshman broke tradition on Friday by publicly discussing what went on behind closed doors when fellow Republicans criticized him for giving Democrats ammunition to portray the GOP as obstructionists.

As the segment continued, Scarborough accused Cruz of lying about discussions between Republican Senators during closed door meetings. Cruz claimed that:

We've had probably five or six lunches with a bunch of Republican Senators standing up and looking at rand and Mike and me and yelling at us at the top of their lungs. I mean really upset… They said, listen, before you did this, the politics of it were great. The Dems were the bad guys, the Republicans were the good guys, now we all look like a bunch of squishes. Well, there is an alternative. You could just not be a bunch of squishes.

...No one on the panel seems to understand that Senator Cruz campaigned on being an anti-establishment member of the Senate, someone who asks questions and challenges the mainstream in Washington.

In other words, he's doing precisely what he said he'd do on the campaign trail. Instead of realizing that Cruz is simply voicing concerns that he promised he would focus on prior to getting elected, Scarborough and the rest of the Morning Joe crew would rather demean and mock the senator, trying to shame him into silence and badger him into being a meeker, milder freshman legislator.

Unfortunately, this will likely not be the last time Cruz is verbally abused on an MSNBC set. Over the last few months MSNBC has trashed Cruz on a number of occasions, including MSNBC's chief blowhard Chris Matthews calling him the new Joe McCarthy as well as Scarborough saying Cruz acts, “like a carnival barker” and “ignorant” on gun control legislation.

Could someone drag Chris Matthews out of the bar, wake him up, wipe the spittle off his face, and remind him that Cruz is as accomplished a Constitutional litigator as there is in the U.S.?

As for the Morning Moe: you're a low-rent pipsqueak operating on the lowest-rent cable news network in operation. Your ratings hover somewhere between weather radar and sonograms. And you deign to insult Ted Cruz?

Hey, Moe: why don't you: (a) carefully read the resume of Ted Cruz; and (b) once you've accomplished one percent as much as he has in his career, then get back to us with advice?

Now here, take some government cheese and run into the corner and stop bothering us, you pathetic, inconsequential travesty of a "man".

Take action: Support a true Constitutional Conservative - Ted Cruz.

3 comments: said...

RINO Joe: a bought-off hack.

And bought-off rather cheaply.

Francis W. Porretto said...

Scarborough is insignificant compared to the accommodationists within the GOP itself. They're doing everything they can to suppress Cruz...and he's not cooperating, which raises questions about whether he'll receive party support in 2018.

Anonymous said...

The leftists see telling the truth, giving the facts, evidence as a breach of manners.

They are living in the la la world of wishes, feelings, whimsy and no reckoning (the debt) consequences (enforced law of government, immigration or science).

They have put lipstick on the pigs of socialism, Islamism, pansexualism (LBGTXYZ, gay marriage), globalism, and global warming. They punish anyone who dares to dissent with the PC line. PC really means Punitive Conformity.