Saturday, March 11, 2023

Larwyn’s Linx: Tucker Carlson’s Naysayers Self-Identify for All to See

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 • Tucker Carlson’s Naysayers Self-Identify for All to See Stuart J. Cvrk
 • New Drops Confirm The Censorship Complex Isn’t A ‘Tinfoil Hat’ Conspiracy Federalist
 • Democrat Bill Would End Felony Murder Charge for Killers Under 25 MB
 • Director Wray Brags the FBI Broke the Law 84% Fewer Times Last Year CTH
 • Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) Fails, Now the Idiots Are Considering a Taxpayer Bailout CTH
 • Ranchers say their jobs are "1,000 times harder" in 2 years Biden has been in office NTB
 • ‘Fresh Air’: Unlike Chesa “Soros” Boudin, SF’s New DA Addressing Soaring Crime DC
 • The homeless industrial complex David Strom
 • ‘I’m Terrified’: NYC Residents Say City’s New Climate Law Could Ruin Their Lives DC


 • Biden admin further delays offshore drilling leases Jazz Shaw
 • Regulators Shut Down Silicon Valley Bank After Stock Collapses DC
 • Undeniable Proof that Climate Change Will End the World in 2024 If We Don't Act Now! Dom Lucre

Scandal Central

 • House Unanimously Votes to Declassify COVID Origins Intelligence Hannity
 • Media Cuts Live Feed From DeSantis Presser: Content From Books in Schools Too Explicit Granite Grok
 • DOJ/FBI reportedly FAILED to turn #J6footage over to defense as constitutionally required Twitchy


 • Tucker Carlson Outlines SVB Collapse and Ponders Impact of Cultural Marxism on Outcome CTH
 • NYT Reporter Torches the Left's Hopes for a Trump Indictment in Stormy Daniels Case Matt Vespa
 • Unhinged woke women attack Steve Forbes, conservative authors at book launch party Karen Townsend


 • The Chinese Are Making Kill Lists For Taiwan Sam Faddis
 • The Insufferable Samantha Power Now Focuses on Georgia, Bordering Russia CTH
 • In Israel, Austin says US disturbed by W. Bank violence, urges consensus on overhaul TOI

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

 • The Greatest Lie Told During Covid Brownstone
 • UNC Pediatric Medicine goes woke Nancy Andersen
 • House Republicans Advance Bill Banning Males from Competing in Female Sports Hannah Bleau


 • Wisconsin Indian Hostage Crisis Teeters On Violence Because Biden, Tony Evers Do Nothing Federalist
 • Teacher accused of sleeping with daughter’s schoolboy boyfriend 300 times Express
 • The Week in Pictures: Dem-olition Derby Edition Power Line


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