Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Top 20 Tweets Posts Tonight: Congrats to Public Servant Nancy Pelosi for her Quarter Billion Dollar Net Worth!

Sponsored by directorblue.substack.com. Follow us on Twitter @directorblue.



Sponsored by directorblue.substack.com. Follow us on Twitter @directorblue.


Anonymous said...

No matter how low you think the Dems will go, you will be way off. There is no bottom to the depth of their depravity and lust for power. They will lie, cheat and steal, and then some, to retain what they view as their rightful role.

Anonymous said...

#20 = The soft bigotry of low expectations

commoncents said...

BREAKING: Cook Political Report moves six states in Trump's direction (NV, AZ, GA, NH, MN, NE2)
