Menendez's political career was handed a massive setback today. One of his key partners -- Dr. Salomon Melgen -- was convicted on all 67 counts of Medicare fraud. It's now apparent that Menendez’s days in the Senate are numbered... possibly in the single digits.
Florida eye doctor guilty on all counts of Medicare fraudIt's probably best that Menendez resign, issue some mea culpas, and retire to some far-off land before Leavenworth comes calling.
Associated Press
Curt Anderson & Terry Spencer
April 28, 2017
A prominent Florida eye doctor accused of political corruption was convicted of Medicare fraud Friday, increasing the odds that federal prosecutors could pressure him to testify against New Jersey Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez.
Dr. Salomon Melgen was found guilty on all 67 counts and could spend the rest of his life in prison if he doesn't strike a deal before his sentencing, scheduled for July 14. Menendez denies any wrongdoing.
The 62-year-old doctor collected more money from Medicaid than any other physician in the nation — $21 million — at the height of the fraud in 2012.
He faces trial with Menendez this fall in New Jersey on charges the doctor bribed the senator for a variety of favors, including intervention in the fraud probe.
Prosecutors convinced jurors that the doctor stole up to $105 million from the federal medical insurance program between 2008 and 2013 by performing unneeded tests and treatments on his mostly elderly patients.
Hat tip: BadBlue Real-Time-News.
menendez will never ever retire or quit, as a democrat he will lie, cheat and threaten anyone involved. I don't see anything happening to him from this affair
If he leaves before his term is up Gov Chris Christie will be able to appoint his replacement until the 2018 election. Schumer won't let that happen.
Sure, the honorable thing to do is resign; however, I'm sure he has learned the Clinton Lesson: A liberal democrat cannpt be removed from office unless he confesses. So: lie, lie, lie and the media will insure your survival.
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