That crack, Internet-savvy web team at Obama Central is really on the ball. Since January 12th, 2008, an Obama campaign blog posted by a racist crackpot ("blu") has advocated a "perfect solution" for neocons and the "Israel lobby": putting them in formaldehyde.
What Israel, her Israel Lobby, and her neocons desire is to successfully manipulate America to permit and support Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine (which takes care of her internal enemies, the Palestinians) while manipulating America to illegally attack any nation Israel and her Israel Lobby sends us to attack (which takes care of her external enemies)......What workable plans do Israel and her Israel Lobby have for the Palestinians and peace in Palestine? The Likud/Netanyahu extremist Israelis running Israel have put the dead Palestinians in a jar of formaldehyde on the shelf - preserved dead forever...
...I say the neocons have suggested their own perfect solution - we put the neocons and the Israel Lobby in formaldehyde and we put it up on a shelf and teach generations of Americans what crimes, disasters, and holocaust they have wrought upon the world, America, and the Palestinians...
But wait! There's more!
...I love that Samantha is at the Kennedy School of Government along with Stephen Walt - Walt being the coauthor of the seminal work on 'The Israel Lobby' along with Mearsheimer. Samantha is a perfect choice for stopping our neocon-led phoney war on terror EVERYBODY KNOWS is really a 'war of terror for Israel' but just about everybody in academia or politics simply don't have the cojones to say. Edwards and Samantha are visionary enough to have the guts to overcome the 'Israel Lobby's' kibosh on discussing these truths. [EVERYBODY KNOWS? Jeez, I was out of the loop on that one.]
At the very core of our involvement in Iraq and Iran is our support for the slow genocide of Palestine that the Israelis have been carrying out for the last 60 years in blatant violation of UN Sec Co Resolutions 242, 194, 338, the Geneva Conventions, and International Law...
Historical revisionism and virulent hatred at a presidential candidate's blog: now that's change we can believe in!
Update: Obama's campaign has reportedly hired web specialists to "fight web smears." He might want to spend some of that money on cleaning up his own blog first.
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