Curated by BadBlue News, 24 x 7 uncensored news
Once again, the elite are exempt from mask rules while everyone else has to mask up.
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) February 6, 2022
— The Partyman (@PartymanRandy) February 6, 2022
The success of this organized assault on Joe Rogan goes to show that the right to free speech is meaningless in a society that no longer values free expression, or worse, is terrified by it.
— Lafayette Lee (@Partisan_O) February 5, 2022
In the history of cancel culture the mob has never once accepted anyone's apology. There isn't one case of someone saying "I'm sorry" and the mob responding "We forgive you." If that isn't enough to convince you to stop apologizing to these gutless freaks, I don't know what will.
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) February 6, 2022
— Haleigh Hoffman (@HaleighHoffman) February 5, 2022
More than double this number have died of COVID under Biden. So what is the logical conclusion of this tweet?
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) February 6, 2022
Rogan is the man. If they cancel him just end your Spotify subscription.
— Shane Gillis (@Shanemgillis) February 6, 2022
They want to totally control you.
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) February 6, 2022
Switzerland protest in memory of the children who died from the vaccine. How heart breaking 🥺😤
— leslie ☀ (@missreadit) February 5, 2022
Spotify is up to 100 deleted episodes of @joerogan podcasts now.
— James Todaro, MD (@JamesTodaroMD) February 5, 2022
Give an inch to cancel culture, and they will take a mile. Spotify is going to get rekt.
Two Hall of Famers, one incredible dunk contest.
— SportsCenter (@SportsCenter) February 6, 2022
34 years ago, Michael Jordan and Dominique Wilkins put on a clinic with MJ winning the title 🤩
She’s on to us, comrades!
— Truckistan Amb. Poso 🏁 (@JackPosobiec) February 6, 2022
This is why they want to put a kill-switch in every vehicle by 2024-26.
— James 2.0 🚛🚚 (@SgtJames13) February 4, 2022
This is why Howard Stern clips like the one from above -- and so many other worse ones from him over many, many years -- don't matter and why nobody is trying to get him off the air. He has the right politics, fitting in perfectly with the NBC/CNN/NYT axis and all their pieties:
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) February 6, 2022
In 1973 there were roughly 13,000 homeschool students in America.
— Jeremy Wayne Tate (@JeremyTate41) February 5, 2022
Today it is over 5 million.
views aqui na mami
— aria rita 🧜♀️ (@ariranhita) February 4, 2022
Biden administration cabinet members present for the briefings included Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley,
— Jacqui Heinrich (@JacquiHeinrich) February 5, 2022
Joe Rogan has been calling out Joe Biden's obvious cognitive issues for two years. They want him gone.
— thebradfordfile (@thebradfordfile) February 5, 2022
Only half? Onward to a utopian future.
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) February 6, 2022
Don’t look to why so many people trust joe Rogan, look to why so few people trust the mainstream media
— Whitney Cummings (@WhitneyCummings) February 6, 2022
The Rock is officially a jabroni
— Truckistan Amb. Poso 🏁 (@JackPosobiec) February 6, 2022
Enough said ⬇️
— i_Do11face 🇺🇸 (@i_Do11face) February 5, 2022
The silence of your friends stings worse than the attacks from your enemy.
— Cernovich (@Cernovich) February 5, 2022
I think @JoeRogan needs to double-down and have Donald Trump on the podcast.
— Andrew Pollack (@AndrewPollackFL) February 6, 2022
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) February 6, 2022
So, @donwinslow tried to get @joerogan cancelled for saying the N-word.
It turns out that in his books Don winslow has used the n-word a lot... and I mean a **LOT**
So here is a **VERY** long thread of times Don Winslow has used the N-word in his books.
Curated by BadBlue News, 24 x 7 uncensored news
If that picture of Obama isn't the epitome of thin skinned, I'd like to see one that fits that description better. Obviously they've told him something that he didn't want to hear and he's all POed about it.
Guy is building a multi million dollar home on a Hawaiin Beach and he's got a hair up his butt.
What a fookin' douche.
RE: "Once again, the elite are exempt from mask rules while everyone else has to mask up.", showing a photo of Barack Obama-Llama-Ding-Dong inspecting his multimillion dollar secluded, walled, gated, secure, armed luxurious beachfront mansion on the island of Hawaii without wearing a face mask while all around him are wearing theirs as required by law.
Perhaps the people around the former pResident are wearing masks because they don't want to become infected with Liberal Hypocrisy from an avowed Socialist?
Obama-Llama-Ding-Dong seems to be looking at the photographer who caught him inspecting his multimillion dollar secluded, walled, gated, secure, armed luxurious beachfront mansion on the island of Hawaii.
IMHO it's odd a pResident who was caught weaponizing the NSA, FBI and IRS to spy on his own law-abiding citizens would be upset at law-abiding citizens legally keeping an eye on him.
Privacy Anyone... ???
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