Sunday, August 04, 2024

Larwyn’s Linx: Obamaites Take Over Team Kamala For Fourth Term Bid

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 • WaPo: Obamaites Take Over Team Kamala For Fourth Term Bid Ed Morrissey
 • Kamala Harris and the Masque of Magical Thinking Roger Kimball
 • The Etch A Sketch Nominee and the Mullahs’ Nightmare Clarice Feldman
 • Mark Levin: Harris Worst Israel-Hater and Islamist Supporter Ever to Seek Presidency Breitbart
 • Kamala Harris Chickens Out On Debate with Donald Trump in Pennsylvania Breitbart
 • The Crucible That’s Coming Eric Peters
 • Michaelah Montgomery Sets It Off at the Atlanta Trump-Vance Rally Jennifer Oliver O'Connell
 • Assassination Politics and the Abrupt Advent of Kamala Harris, a Query Victoria White Berger
 • Taliban Gets $239 Mil in U.S. Afghanistan Aid after State Dept. Fails to Vet Awardees JW


 • Dramatic 1-Day and 1-Week Changes in Bond Yields, What Happened? Mish Talk
 • National Debt Passes $35 Trillion – Are We Close to the End? Peter Reagan
 • Boiling the British frog Sam Bidwell

Scandal Central

 • CENTCOM chief in Mideast to mobilize against Iranian attack Joshua Marks
 • perception bias creating conflict bad cattitude
 • A Lifeline for Jack Smith in the J6 Case Against Donald Trump Julie Kelly


 • Turns Out We Were Right: Dems Were Playing The Long Con I & I Editorial Board
 • Hillary Clinton Gets Religion Daniel Greenfield
 • Kamala Camp's Response About a Fox Debate With Trump Shows Just How Unfit She Is RS


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 • Boom, Cont'd: Mole Hunt Raging in Tehran Ed Morrissey
 • England on the Brink: Starmer Vows Swift Action Against Anti-Immigration ‘Extremists’ Breitbart
 • After Unchecked Waves of Illegal Immigration, the British Are Now Strangers in Their Own Land Ward Clark
 • Britain's police need water cannons to beat rioting mobs Daily Mail


 • Elon Musk Reveals Astonishing Future: Neuralink, Telepathy, and Superhuman Abilities Rich Ord
 • The UN Migration Replacement Plan For Western Countries The UN [PDF]
 • Intel is laying off over 15,000 employees and will stop ‘non-essential work’ Verge


 • Ode to the Democrats Black Sabbath
 • Sunday Soothingness Diogenes
 • Memes and Musings Feral Irishman


The MUSEman said...

RE: "National Debt Passes $35 Trillion – Are We Close to the End?"

Handy tip: You can't eat gold and it makes lousy bull3ts.

Also: Remember when the Democrats seized gold by Executive Order(s) back in the 1930's? They could easily do it again, claiming we need to get back on the Gold Standard to "Defend Democracy!", fight "Climate Change", ensure "Equity", or some other well-worn trope.

Finally, debt is only a problem if (a) someone suddenly calls it all in, and/or (2) the interest on the debt exceeds the ability to pay. Based on that I would say the US is "close to the end". Sigh

Anonymous said...

Debt does not exist outside the fiat money system, and is in fact the very definition of it. But, if one believes that "credit" is being extended to you, despite the facts that you are actually the creditor AND that no consideration is exchanged in the process-- it's no surprise that the fear of debt is so widespread. Death and Taxes is an inculcated reality that enriches your fake creditors.