Monday, August 19, 2024

Top 20 Tweets Posts Tonight: There Is No Joy In Mudville... or the DNC

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Tell Stephen to do his job!

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MMinWA said...

Everything that costs money to create anything including any service is called the Cost of Goods Sold. That includes all taxes & fees. Including a corporate income tax.

When any cost increases, sellers can either raise prices or reduce their ROI or a combination of both. At some point, their sales drop so much they just figure it's not worth the effort.

This is exactly the reason we're seeing massive business closures right now. Increase the corporate income tax by 33% and that rock is gonna gather a shitload of moss as it accelerates down the hill.

Anonymous said...

Harmeet, try a bichon frisรฉ or maybe a mix bichon poodle, as hypoallergenic hair instead of fur. Energy without yapping, and good companion dog.

Anonymous said...

Our Havanese meets all of those criteria, so sweet besides!