Monday, August 12, 2024

Larwyn’s Linx: Our Three Silent Mice

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 • Our Three Silent Mice Victor Davis Hanson
 • The Establishment Are Fighting Like Cornered Rats David Strom
 • Top Biden Aide Knows Who Tanked Joe's 2024 Re-election Effort Matt Vespa
 • In 2021 9/11 Speech, Tim Walz References 'Being on the Tarmac at Bagram' RS
 • Don’t Let The Camo Hat Distract You From Tim Walz’s Radical Record John Hinderaker
 • Tell us More About Those Falling Crime Rates in Los Angeles Jazz Shaw
 • Elon Musk and President Trump To Meet Live on Trump’s Twitter (X) Account CTH
 • Desperate for Escalation, Zelensky Bombs Zaporozhye Nuke Plant in Frustration Simplicius
 • The Wider Middle East War That Only Hamas Wants Peter Berkowitz


 • After Promising Taxes on Tips, Harris Recites Trump’s “No Tax on Tips” Pledge Word-For-Word CTH
 • Minnesota bar owner whose business was torched in 2020 riots rips ‘criminal’ Gov. Tim Walz Post
 • 15 States Sue To Block Federal Government From Expanding Obamacare To Cover Illegal Immigrants ZH

Scandal Central

 • Clyburn Explains Walz Endorsement, a Volunteer Advisor for High School Students with Sexual Identity Conflicts CTH
 • ‘Beatdown’ for GOP Candidate: How Michigan Combats Election ‘Misinformation’ Fred Lucas
 • The Scramble For Europe John Hinderaker


 • Britain Is Now a Totalitarian State C.A. Skeet
 • Media supports censorship Don Surber
 • Journalists should be forced to wear clown suits John Ruberry


 • There’s a CIA/DoS Escalation Effort Underway in Ukraine CTH
 • CNN: Sinwar Wants to Play Let's Make a Deal Ed Morrissey
 • 'Elite Capture,' Tim Walz and How I Met Deng Xiaoping Roger Simon


 • Election 2024's cyber chaos is kicking in Sam Sabin
 • Some Issues with Electric Vehicles, 95 Issues in Total, in Fact! John McLean
 • A Note from Our Newsroom Bari Weiss, The Free Press


 • Sumatra: Former U.S. Marine Michael Herrera’s harrowing encounter with a UAP and covert forces Sqauk
 • Awww Monday Woodsterman Style ~ 464 A Woodsterman
 • Sunday Smiles Hot Air

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