Sunday, August 18, 2024

How Biden and Harris Detonated Our Current Economic Nightmare

Let's take a quick look at the St. Louis Federal Reserve's historic inflation rate chart:


OMG, what happened in 2021 to touch off a historic spike in inflation?
Seems as though energy prices skyrocketed when Biden took office! But why?


"Joe Biden’s Cancellation of the Keystone Pipeline Is a Landmark in the Climate Fight" -- January 2021


NBC - "Biden suspends oil-drilling leases in Alaska's Arctic refuge" - June 2021


I can go on.

In 2021, on their first days in office, the Biden and Harris White House body-slammed the economy by declaring war on clean American energy sources like natural gas and nuclear.

Many of our country's current -- and existential -- threats emanate from radical Democrat policy positions like these.
Afghanistan, Ukraine, Israel, the Houthis, Iran --- all of this unrest was fomented under the policies of Biden and Harris.
Now who's the Flat Earther again?

Follow me to freedom on X @directorblue. Hat tips: JB and LB.

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