Friday, August 02, 2024

BREAKING: Biden and Kamala Execute A Diplomatic Coup!

Someone other than Joe Biden secured the release of hostages from Russia's Putin regime. And all but one of the hostages were snatched under Biden's administration. Quite the victory lap.

Strangely, no one told us what was exchanged for these hostages. Maybe it was more of America's Uranium Reserves (see: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton). That said, whoever got the hostages released wasn't named Biden. Watch a few seconds of this:

Who is actually running things?

The Democrats have - for lack of a better term - broken the Constitution. Who is running the Executive Branch? Beyond the Democrats' relentless and reprehensible attacks against the Supreme Court... beyond their insane support of Islamic terrrorists... beyond their "progressive" (i.e., Soviet) ideology... beyond all of that... we have an Executive Branch without a Commander-In-Chief.

The Democrats have snapped the spine of the Constitution.

The entire Democrat Party is a disgrace. Every member needs to be flushed from office. If they want to run again, they need to pass a test on the U.S. Constitution.

Editorial note: much appreciated if you can follow me on 𝕏 @directorblue.

1 comment:

commoncents said...

Trump Assassination Update - Shocking New Sniper Video Changes Everything (Ep. 2299) - 08/01/2024