Thursday, September 12, 2024

EXPERIMENTAL #Top20Posts: Memes, Facts and Slap-downs - NO REFUNDS

These are experimental #Top20Posts - there are no refunds.

Hey extremist, why are you opposed to taxpayer-funded sex changes for prison inmates?

You'll see no right-wing memes about Venezuelans taking over apartment buildings in ---

Pudding --- it's not just for breakfast any more!

Reelect Kamala, so it's even harder to afford groceries or rent!

Puppy Break!

Sorry for the quick turn, but Kamala Recipes are below:

Democrats: Crime is Down!
Americans: lol

Well, that escalated quickly:

Trust government to spend your tax dollars wisely. Or else.

It's quite amazing how X has changed the entire media landscape by enabling free debate.

Looks like a lot of CO2 emissions to me. Wait - isn't CO2 the engine of photosynthesis?

Merrick Garland needs to turn this hilarious dialogue into a tight minute and sign up for Kill Tony.

Remember when Saddam had WMDs?

No one - seriously no one - could have predicted this:

Please send a sympathy card to Barack and Michelle Obama for their loss (circled in red):

I'm sure importing more Militant Quakers will help advance American society.

Democrats will always be thankful for their religion, no matter what befalls Humanity.


Please save our pets! Vote Trump!

The Felines have their own signs:

Democrats also have their supporters:


We'll get there.

Experimental post: no refunds.


elmo said...

Format is unreadable

directorblue said...

roger that - trying to fix

Average Joe Bro said...

Enough with the experiment, I prefer the "original" top 20 .....

waitingForTheStorm said...

I, too, prefer the original. If I try to click on anything on this page, it just loads a new instance of this page. The original provided live links to the information being displayed and was a good hour or more worth of finding valuable and interesting discussions on important topics. This appears to be static images that provide little opportunity to explore the posted information.

Sorry to complain, but your blog has been a daily visit for me for quite some time because it provided a window into the world, rather than a few static images. I look forward to that exercise every evening.

Anonymous said...

needs a lot of work. other format is much better than this version.

Anonymous said...

Ditto waitingForTheStorm

Veeshir said...

I like it better, it loads faster. Waiting on Twitt..... X to load takes a little while.
I would like to have links associated with each post so I could go there if I want, but I can find it if I really want to.

elmo said...

I never looked back. Not for even for a silly millisecond. Migrating to Substack (two years ago). And every single last file and Blog post made the trip, in a whole two seconds. Every one. With the literal push of a single button.

Give it a think Sir. Change? I despise it. But fear of change can be debilitating. One outage (less than an hour), in two years (likely DOS attack). AND … none of my posts just disappear into the ether (I had to backup EVERYTHING. And repost dozens of times)!

I'm guessing that a whole division at Gewge, rode shotgun on my every syllable.


Anonymous said...


Whoopie said...

FWIW I vote to go back to the old "Top 20" format.

Anonymous said...

I like this format a lot better. I read it at work on my desktop, so maybe that helps, I dunno, but still, I give it a thumbs up!
---fr in sc

Anonymous said...
