Sunday, September 01, 2024

Larwyn’s Linx: Bill Maher Slams Pelosi's Insane Proposal of Free Down Payments for Illegals

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Anonymous said...

When it is explained to you that the power of human thought is the strongest of any energy on the planet, will you make excuses for yourselves with "I was just...?"

Understand that the evil suggestions are planted as seeds, and your entertaining them, writing and speaking about them, is your building that reality for them.

That's what Mass Formation Psychosis and the Mockingbird media is all about, and why they used verifiable science to create it-- and the phrase "conspiracy theory" so you would deny it.

You had better wise up and stop the "fear porn," or the reality you're portraying is the one you'll be irretrievably STUCK in, with no chance to change it.

Justin_O_Guy said...

Yeah, my mom told me if I kept making that face it would stick one day, too.
Your magical thinking is silly. Acknowledging what is happening doesn't create it for the future. It allows people to see ,understand and deal with it.
If The Bully takes your lunch money and you Say Nothing
Because YOU didn't perpetuate it by talking about it it will
Never happen again?

Anonymous said...

So, the screenwriters just made that stuff (that came to pass) up? And prepping the public for a war to gain their acceptance, lies as they likely were, didn't assist in bringing it to pass?

They put in your head what they want, and you help them build it. Unwittingly or not.

It's not magical thinking. Either you're aware of the programming, or it worked.

Justin_O_Guy said...

No. Seeing what they are doing and talking about it is how you stop it.

MMinWA said...

The CCA here in WA fookin' burns my ass. Every time I get gas, I multiply the gals. by .50 and with my truck, that's 22 gals or $11/week for utter bullshit.

Utter bullshit you say MM? I heard Inslee at some gala opening of an EV CHARGING STATION telling us how the CCA made it possible. Why in the fuckity uck fuck are we the tax payers responsible for installing charging stations for EVs??? How many gas stations has WA needed to build?

Good grief.