Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Tonight’s #Top20Posts: The Only Kamala Policy Is... BBQ Sauce, Not Inflation or Immigration

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commoncents said...

Live Stream Presidential Debate #1 Trump vs. Harris . . . OOPS! Donald Trump Town Hall 9PM ET

Anonymous said...

Item #17 - And Kamala is the reason her grandmother was going town to town preaching with a bullhorn.

Anonymous said...

Brazil was one of Hillary Clinton's topics. She slipped and mentioned some power alliance then attempted to cover up her true intentions.
The plans have been underway for a long time, and normies get a glimpse before the media steps in to misdirect.

Veritas said...

Nations commit suicide. I can see the Dhimmies doing all they can to destroy this nation and slashing the vital veins and arteries that supply freedom's lifeblood.