Sunday, September 01, 2024

The Time Has Come

By Bill Ackman on 𝕏

Consider that Hamas chose to execute an American hostage with a bullet to the back of his head during the last two or three days (along with five other hostages) whose parents just spoke at the DNC less than two weeks ago, while hostage negotiations were underway. 

Consider that the U.S. strategy over the last 330 days has been to pressure Israel to achieve a ceasefire in Gaza, including through the withholding of weapons from @Israel, and by periodically leaking our failure to support our ally to the media in the midst of hostage negotiations. 

Consider what pressure if any the U.S. has brought to bear on Hamas and our friends in the region who harbor Hamas’ leadership? 

Why?  Why has our leadership adopted this failed strategy?

Because @POTUS Biden (who has been on vacation for 16 days) and @KamalaHarris, who also just skipped a ceremony at Arlington Cemetery to honor 13 fallen soldiers from the failed Afghanistan withdrawal, along with their advisers in the DNC, believe they will lose important votes in certain key swing states and from Hamas supporters on campuses. 

It has been proven time and time again that the only thing that terrorists understand is brute force. Rather than pressure Israel, the United States should have put more pressure on our other allies in the region to help, and done everything we can to help Israel defeat Hamas and recover the hostages, but unfortunately this was not good politics for Biden/Harris and some of their supporters. 

By being weak and lacking resolve, we failed our captured, now dead citizens, and the other hostages and their families while emboldening terrorists around the world. 

The result:

It has become much less safe to be an American since October 7th because of our failed leadership. 

It has become much less safe to be a member of the free world since October 7th because of our failed leadership.  

We are in desperate need for a change in leadership so our enemies once again fear the United States and think twice before they act against us and/or our allies. 

The time has come.

Follow Bill Ackman on 𝕏


MMinWA said...

Don't tell me, tell Rep Clyburn. yaknow, the guy in charge of the steals in 2020 and 2022. The guy who is RIGHT NOW, making the rounds to the EXACT SAME COUNTIES IN WI, MI, GA and NC(I might have missed a visit to PA & NV) that shut down on election night with DJT waaaay ahead and then...well you know.

They're going to do it again. Right in our faces. And dare us to do something. Just like in 2020. This is the one they need to cement the treason in.

directorblue said...

MM - looks like Clyburn is being tracked very carefully. If you've been following CTH, there are _several_ countermeasures being deployed.