Saturday, September 14, 2024

Tonight’s #Top20Posts: "Cut off the nonprofits, cut off the corruption"

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Anonymous said...

Governor Abbott of Texas shows Red State governors how it is done. Ship the illegals to blue states and let them deal with the consequences. Keep Red States Red!

MMinWA said...

Yeah Gov Abbott is sure a go to kinda guy...wait..wut? Why did he allow millions of illegals to cross the Texas border??? The first month in Jan/2021 when The Biden "administration" used EOs to facilitate 100s of 1,000s of illegals pouring into our country every month through Texas, Gov Abbott should have sent the Texas National Guard to the border.

He didn't. And still hasn't. But Boy-O-Boy flying few 1,000 to Chicago or where ever sure showed every one what a no nonsense Gov he is!