Saturday, July 25, 2020

Larwyn’s Linx: Are the Brookings Institution and Lawfare Among the Criminal Coup Collaborators?

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Are the Brookings Institution and Lawfare Among the Criminal Coup Collaborators?: Julie Kelly
The Problem in Portland Isn’t the Law—It’s the Lawlessness: David Harsanyi
In 100 days, communists could be set to run the White House: Carol Brown

Democrat MN A.G. Keith Ellison: “We Are Not Interested In Apprehending Rapists”: RS
Biden Supporting Rioters in Seattle Break Into Businesses, Loot, and Set Fires: Epoch Times
18 Facing Federal Charges After Riots Outside US Courthouse in Portland: Zachary Stieber

Goodbye, Washington DC.: Daniel Turner
Black Police Officers Shocked At Racist Screams of BLM Protestors: Glenn T. Stanton
DHS chief slams Pelosi for calling federal law enforcement ‘stormtroopers’: Adam Shaw

Oakland Mayor Victimized By BLM Vandals She Supported Now Turns To Police: Lord
Biden, Obama criticise Trump's coronavirus response in 'socially distanced' chat: ST
The Silent Majority Won't Be So Silent Come November: Larry O'Connor


Trump signs executive orders aimed at lowering prescription drug costs: Cassidy Morrison
Why the CDC Is Stressing the Importance of Schools Reopening This Fall: Matt Vespa
Brutal anti-semitic Bias and bigotry on the Syracuse University campus: JNS

Scandal Central

Democrats continue to lay the groundwork for Resistance II: The Civil War: Andrea Widburg
Meet the Steele Dossier's 'Primary Subsource': Fabulist Russian at Democrat Think Tank: Paul Sperry
Wayfair denies Reddit human sex trafficking conspiracy theory: Jeanette Settembre

Indictment of Former Democrat Congressman Widens Voter Fraud Case in Philadelphia: Fred Lucas
New Jersey’s All-Mail Vote Debacle Is a Warning for November: Jason Snead
Chinese-Made DJI Drone Apps Found With Ability To Spy On Users: John Sexon


The New York Times' Dark History of Slave Ownership: Ken Blackwell
Nick Sandmann Has Just Won Another Lawsuit, Gets a Big Settlement From The Washington Post: RS
Watch: Don Lemon Takes Cognitive Test On Air to Own the Orange Man, Screws It Up: RS


Chinese Officials at Houston Consulate Engaged in Espionage and Cyber Theft, Senior Officials Say: WFB
China’s Three Gorges Dam At The Brink: Rod Dreher
Trump Continues to Be Exceedingly Tough on Russia: Jeff Davidson

China Consulate To State Dept: You Can’t Make Us Leave: Ed Morrissey
How to Prepare for a Communist Coup: Judith Acosta
Mysterious seeds sent from China to Utah: Adam Herbets

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Dr. Birx Says These Four Coronavirus Hotspots Are Beginning to Plateau: Bronson Stocking
Dogs can sniff out coronavirus infections, German study shows: ST
China goes on biosafety lab building spree: AT


2020 is Bogus, But the New Trailer for ‘Bill and Ted Face the Music’ Looks Excellent: Alex Parker
Weekends and Wonder: MOTUS
News At Tan: Stilton’s Place


commoncents said...

Fall? Motorcycle accident? Suicide = COVID deaths? - I-Team: Deaths incorrectly attributed to COVID-19 in Palm Beach County

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