Punt the Pulitzers! Flush those stinking Nobel Prizes! Emmys? I spit on the Emmys. And forget the Oscars! Has-beens and never-was'es, especially since Jason Statham hasn't ever won for his magnificent
Transporter performances. No, there's only one award ceremony worth watching... and it's coming within the next few days.

Every year at this time we are pleased to announce the winners of the
Fabulous 50 Blog Awards™ (
Note: until the award ceremony, this link refers to last year's winners), recognizing the year's 50 most important blogs and websites in the conservative world. There are no judges. No debates. No voting. No nominations. Just facts. Immutable truths, chiseled in stone and then forged in molten steel on the Anvil of Zeus for posterity. No prize carries more panache, more prestige, or more raw sex appeal than a Fabulous 50 Award, save something you might find in the dumpster behind Denny's.
If you are a winner, click the award badge that you would like to use, then copy the text in the HTML block below to paste into your template. Losing blogs are free, of course, to utilize the bold, fresh
LOSER badge.
300 x 400 Deluxe | 200 x 267 Midsize |
180 x 241 Intermediate | 160 x 212 Mini | 200 x 267 LOSER |
HTML to use in your template:
2015 Fabulous 50 Blog Award Winners
2014 Fabulous 50 Blog Award Winners
2013 Fabulous 50 Blog Award Winners
2012 Fabulous 50 Blog Award Winners
2011 Fabulous 50 Blog Award Winners
2010 Fabulous 50 Blog Award Winners
2009 Fabulous 50 Blog Award Winners.
And be sure to press your browser's Reload button continuously from now until the announcement (now planned for shortly after New Year's Eve) to make sure you don't miss this epic event, which is definitely slated to be televised live on ESPN 8, "The Ocho".
Amanda Nunes vs. Ronda Rousey Fight Recap | UFC 207
They never seem to notice mine, but that's fine. Flying under the radar works for me.
Hey Max, if you never tell anyone about your blog, it's going to fly under the radar.
Every day, the link roundup requests news tips.
Best, Doug
If you are taking nominations, Gatestone Institute has done good work this year. For example:
Need loser awards for 2018 onward!!!!!!
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