The votes are in. The anxious nominees' fingernails have been chewed down to the quick.

So we're more than pleased to announce the winners of the 2015 Fabulous 50 Blog Awards, the most prestigious new media awards in the conservative blogosphere.
Or, at the very least, in the 993 area code.
These awards recognize a variety of blogs and websites operating in the conservative hemisphere of the Internet, all of which have worked tirelessly to promote conservatism, free market capitalism, fiscal sanity, the sovereignty of the individual, and otherwise protect America from the cockroach-like Statists -- some in very unique ways.
So, without further ado, may I have the envelopes, please?
Best News Portal:
Drudge Report: the original conservative blogger and still the undisputed champion
Best Group Blog:
American Thinker: Thomas Lifson has continued to build an impressive roster of top-notch and thought-provoking contributors
FrontpageMag: one of the most important policy sites operating today
HotAir: Ed Morrissey and Jazz Shaw spearhead this longstanding stalwart
FrontpageMag: one of the most important policy sites operating today
HotAir: Ed Morrissey and Jazz Shaw spearhead this longstanding stalwart
Best Op-Ed Blog:
PJ Media: All grown up now and featuring some of the most powerful op-eds in the land
Right Wing News: John Hawkins' site combines syndicated columnists and up-and-comers and represents a wide spectrum of conservative thought leadership
Right Wing News: John Hawkins' site combines syndicated columnists and up-and-comers and represents a wide spectrum of conservative thought leadership
Best Blog Portal:
BadBlue: the only conservative news portal operating without any human editors, using algorithms to level the playing field between small blogs and large sites
Best All-Around Blogging:
Dave Blount's Moonbattery: Relentless, incisive and always valuable commentary
Glenn Reynolds' Instapundit: The Blogfather and his acolytes continue to punch out all of the critical news on what seems to be a minute-by-minute basis
Jammie Wearing Fool: Entertaining, important and sarcastic analyses that always cut to the chase
Jeff Dunetz: A prolific and talented blogger whose new site and layout have translated directly to increased traffic and relevance
Jim Hoft's Gateway Pundit: One of the earliest conservative bloggers and still one of the best
Sara Noble: Consistently thought-provoking, timely and comprehensive chronicles of the failures of the Socialist Democrat Party
Terresa Monroe-Hamilton: A tireless patriot who never hesitates to throw down against the Marxist Left
The XX Committee: Tracking important stories concerning intelligence, national security and strategy
The Z Man: Fast-rising star of the conservative ecosystem with a major league intellect
Warner Todd Huston: An all-star who seems to appear at all major center-right sites
Glenn Reynolds' Instapundit: The Blogfather and his acolytes continue to punch out all of the critical news on what seems to be a minute-by-minute basis
Jammie Wearing Fool: Entertaining, important and sarcastic analyses that always cut to the chase
Jeff Dunetz: A prolific and talented blogger whose new site and layout have translated directly to increased traffic and relevance
Jim Hoft's Gateway Pundit: One of the earliest conservative bloggers and still one of the best
Sara Noble: Consistently thought-provoking, timely and comprehensive chronicles of the failures of the Socialist Democrat Party
Terresa Monroe-Hamilton: A tireless patriot who never hesitates to throw down against the Marxist Left
The XX Committee: Tracking important stories concerning intelligence, national security and strategy
The Z Man: Fast-rising star of the conservative ecosystem with a major league intellect
Warner Todd Huston: An all-star who seems to appear at all major center-right sites
Best Columnist Working in Vintage Media:
Walter Williams: A Fabulous 50 Hall of Fame inductee, Williams continues to crank out important, compelling, and powerful work
Best Columnist Working in Mixed Media:
Larry Elder: A fearless truth-teller, never hesitating to speak truth to power
Best Columnist Working in New Media:
Daniel Greenfield: One of the most gifted authors working today
Best Captive Columnist:
John Derbyshire: politically incorrect and virtually always right
Entrepreneur of the Year:
Ben Shapiro is a repeat winner, this year for his leadership of DailyWire
Best Blog Improvements:
LidBlog, for a new site design that appears to be gaining traction
Most Innovative Blogger:
William A. Jacobson, for his leadership of Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion and its sister sites
Most Valuable Twitter Feed:
@AdamBaldwin: The pulse of the conservative ecosystem
@IowaHawkBlog (David Burge): There's no contest, Burge remains the single most talented humorist on Twitter
@RealJamesWoods (James Woods): Invariably right
@HeyTammyBruce (Tammy Bruce): The multi-media star seems to be on track, 24x7
@IowaHawkBlog (David Burge): There's no contest, Burge remains the single most talented humorist on Twitter
@RealJamesWoods (James Woods): Invariably right
@HeyTammyBruce (Tammy Bruce): The multi-media star seems to be on track, 24x7
Best News Site:
CNS News: A truly brave and uncensored source of the truth
Washington Free Beacon: Unwavering and outstanding reporting of critical issues from inside DC
Washington Examiner: Carpet-bombing America with truth from the heart of the Beltway
Washington Free Beacon: Unwavering and outstanding reporting of critical issues from inside DC
Washington Examiner: Carpet-bombing America with truth from the heart of the Beltway
Best Political Site:
Breitbart: Still a rogue site, offering refreshingly non-establishment takes on Beltway cronyism and corruption
Daily Caller: Exceptional, original reporting capable of disrupting the DC elites' narrative
Daily Caller: Exceptional, original reporting capable of disrupting the DC elites' narrative
Best Political Reporting:
Conservative Treehouse: The Last Refuge has redefined political analysis with its terrific investigative reporting on the GOP establishment's "splitter strategy"
Best Public Policy Blog
Daily Signal: Always insightful coverage of the key policy issues confronting the country
Best News Blog:
Weasel Zippers: Still one of the finest conservative news aggregators, operating at warp speed and sourced from around the globe
Most Valuable Blogger:
Michelle Malkin: Few have had as big an impact on the blogosphere as Ms. Malkin, who founded both Hot Air and Twitchy
Best Blogger in a Group Blog:
Jazz Shaw of Hot Air: Consistently excellent coverage of an impressively wide range of issues
Rookie of the Year:
DailyWire: another invaluable Ben Shapiro resource
Stop Shouting!: an astute and unique voice of reason in the war against progressivism
Stop Shouting!: an astute and unique voice of reason in the war against progressivism
Best Grassroots Blogs
Bookworm Room: Serious brainpower applied to the problems of the day
Captain's Journal: Herschel Smith's site is always worth a visit and a stay
Da Tech Guy: A cadre of seven bloggers orchestrated by syndicated radio host Da Tech Guy
Edward Klein: The author has offered us some stunning inside looks at the Clinton family and related skulduggery
Had Enough Therapy?: Stuart Schneiderman's site never fails to offer critical insights
Just One Minute: Mr. Maguire's blog roll may be stuck in 2004, but his site remains timely and always interesting
The Mental Recession: Rusty Weiss always peels back the onion to get at the truth
Poor Richard's News: An excellent cure for the disease of mainstream media pap
The PC Graveyard: Highlighting key news bytes that few bother to cover
Victory Girls: ladies who are all beautiful spirits and patriettes
Western Rifle Shooters Association: do you understand yet?
Captain's Journal: Herschel Smith's site is always worth a visit and a stay
Da Tech Guy: A cadre of seven bloggers orchestrated by syndicated radio host Da Tech Guy
Edward Klein: The author has offered us some stunning inside looks at the Clinton family and related skulduggery
Had Enough Therapy?: Stuart Schneiderman's site never fails to offer critical insights
Just One Minute: Mr. Maguire's blog roll may be stuck in 2004, but his site remains timely and always interesting
The Mental Recession: Rusty Weiss always peels back the onion to get at the truth
Poor Richard's News: An excellent cure for the disease of mainstream media pap
The PC Graveyard: Highlighting key news bytes that few bother to cover
Victory Girls: ladies who are all beautiful spirits and patriettes
Western Rifle Shooters Association: do you understand yet?
Blog Posts of the Year:
"An Open Rant Aimed at Those Who Would Repeal the Second Amendment", by Charles C.W. Cooke
"The Barbarians Are Inside, And There Are No Gates", by Mark Steyn
"The Poisonous Obama Years", by Noah Rothman
"Why Islam is a Religion of War", by Daniel Greenfield
"The truth about gun deaths: numbers and actual solutions", by Jazz Shaw
"The Barbarians Are Inside, And There Are No Gates", by Mark Steyn
"The Poisonous Obama Years", by Noah Rothman
"Why Islam is a Religion of War", by Daniel Greenfield
"The truth about gun deaths: numbers and actual solutions", by Jazz Shaw
Best Video Blog:
Trifecta by Bill Whittle, Stephen Green, and Scott Ott: compelling analysis -- laser-targeted and heat-seeking
Best Newsletter:
The RedState Morning Briefing, which is chock full of newsworthy nuggets. That said, the last such briefing I received was on November 17th, so I'm wondering if it's been discontinued. That would be a real shame.
Best Online Magazines:
City Journal: Key public policy issues from an urban perspective
Ricochet: Editor Jon Gabriel serves up a raucous buffet of ideas and analyses
Ricochet: Editor Jon Gabriel serves up a raucous buffet of ideas and analyses
Best U.S. Econ Blog:
The American Enterprise Institute: An unflagging champion of free markets and capitalism
Best Global Econ Blog:
ZeroHedge: Rapid-fire reportage from around the world on all things economic
Best Survival Blogs:
Survival Blog: A veritable encyclopedia of prepping
Survival Mom: Well-designed site focused on helping families prepare for the day when things go wrong
Survival Mom: Well-designed site focused on helping families prepare for the day when things go wrong
Best Blog for Entrepreneurs:
Both Sides of the Table: Mark Suster's expertise on venture capital and startups
Startup L. Jackson: entertaining advice for those interested in startups and technology
Startup L. Jackson: entertaining advice for those interested in startups and technology
Best Talk Radio Host Website:
Best Designated Blogger:
Doug Powers, a repeat winner, continues doing yeoman's work on
Best Investigative Reporter:
Sharyl Attkisson: Fearless -- and feared by those who have something to hide
Best Investigative Reporting:
Judicial Watch: Still the investigative champ, running circles around the Republican "oversight" leadership in both chambers
Project Veritas: What 60 Minutes once was
Project Veritas: What 60 Minutes once was
Best National Security Correspondent:
Bill Gertz of the Washington Free Beacon; the dude is wired into all the right places
Best Independent Investigation:
Sharyl Attkisson: For her discovery of a meth lab operating inside a federal agency
Best Anti-Corruption Site The best grass-roots investigators operating today
Best Voter Integrity Blog:
True the Vote: A monumentally important and patriotic project
Best White House Coverage:
Keith Koffler of White House Dossier: Entertaining and unique (in that it's honest) coverage from in and around the White House
Best First Lady Blog:
Michelle's Mirror: nothing butt the naked truth behind FLOTUS with the best comments section east of the Mississippi
Best Blog-Ring:
The Watcher's Council: A repeat winner, all 2015 Council members qualify for this award. The longest running blog-ring of its kind, the Council's weekly winners are always must-reads
Best Latin American Coverage:
Babalú Blog: Dedicated to exposing the bloody dictatorship in Cuba
Fausta's Blog: The single best news portal to catch the key events occurring in Latin America
Fausta's Blog: The single best news portal to catch the key events occurring in Latin America
Best Legal Writer:
Andrew C. McCarthy: As dogged a defender of the Constitution as he was when acting as a federal prosecutor; an invaluable truth-teller
Best Firearms Blogger:
Bob Owens: Always relevant and timely summaries of the current state of firearms, political posturing, and cold, hard reality
John R. Lott, for his work at A world-renowned economist destroys the repeated lies and failures of gun control advocates head on
WeaponsMan: Weapons and much more
John R. Lott, for his work at A world-renowned economist destroys the repeated lies and failures of gun control advocates head on
WeaponsMan: Weapons and much more
Best Gun Blog:
Bearing Arms: Still the best source of unvarnished reporting on Second Amendment issues
Extrano's Alley: A great resource for all things firearms and crime
The Truth About Guns: The king of firearms news and reviews
Extrano's Alley: A great resource for all things firearms and crime
The Truth About Guns: The king of firearms news and reviews
Best Global Issues Writer:
Victor Davis Hanson: Consistently brilliant commentary on American and world affairs
Walter Russell Mead: Timely analysis of important issues others often overlook
Walter Russell Mead: Timely analysis of important issues others often overlook
Best Science Blog:
Wait But Why: Tim Urban's phenomenal site is unique and, at times, literally mindblowing
Best Climate Blog:
Climate Audit: Steve McIntyre's site is unsettling the science on a daily basis
The Pirate's Cove: The layman's favorite climate news portal
Watts Up With That: Still the world's leading website for climate coverage
The Pirate's Cove: The layman's favorite climate news portal
Watts Up With That: Still the world's leading website for climate coverage
Fabulous 50 Hall of Fame Award Winners for Lifetime Achievements
Rush Limbaugh for his decades of contributions to advancing conservatism, capitalism and free markets
Mark Levin for his tireless efforts to restore the United States Constitution
Mark Levin for his tireless efforts to restore the United States Constitution
Best Blog on the Culture Wars
Robert Stacy McCain, The Other McCain: A one-man wrecking ball, bringing devastating truths to a bevy of amoral savages
Best State-focused Reporting
Best Cartoonist
Chris Muir, Day By Day: Dazzling, sexy and startling
Stilton Jarlsberg, Hopenchange: Wickedly funny
Michael Ramirez: No contest; pound-for-pound the finest political cartoonist in the world
Stilton Jarlsberg, Hopenchange: Wickedly funny
Michael Ramirez: No contest; pound-for-pound the finest political cartoonist in the world
Best Newspaper Op-Ed Page
Investors Business Daily: A repeat winner, IBD features the finest collection of original editorials in the world
The Ronald Reagan Award for Best Anti-Communism Blog: A one-man juggernaut following in Reagan's footsteps
The Golda Meir Award for Best Israel Blogger:
Caroline Glick: A rare voice of reason in the Middle East
Israel Matzav: Honest coverage of Israeli issues from the heart of it all
Israel Matzav: Honest coverage of Israeli issues from the heart of it all
The Geert Wilders Award for Best Anti-Jihad Blog:
Creeping Sharia: Documenting the uncomfortable truths that the Democrats and Leftist Media seek to conceal from the American public
Gates of Vienna: Global news, often from grassroots journalists, documenting the true nature of an ideology rooted in world domination
JihadWatch: An unwavering chronicler of the war against Western civilization
Pamela Geller: America's single most fearless and dogged advocate for rationality when dealing with a religious, political and military hybrid
The Religion of Peace: An indomitable and invaluable reference site, chock full of comprehensive data, reporting, and analysis
Vlad Tepes: Bringing unique and global insights to the world's oldest war
Gates of Vienna: Global news, often from grassroots journalists, documenting the true nature of an ideology rooted in world domination
JihadWatch: An unwavering chronicler of the war against Western civilization
Pamela Geller: America's single most fearless and dogged advocate for rationality when dealing with a religious, political and military hybrid
The Religion of Peace: An indomitable and invaluable reference site, chock full of comprehensive data, reporting, and analysis
Vlad Tepes: Bringing unique and global insights to the world's oldest war
The General George S. Patton Award for War-Blogging
Long War Journal: Important and timely takes on the longest war in history
Strategy Page: A one-stop shop for tracking conflicts around the world
Strategy Page: A one-stop shop for tracking conflicts around the world
Best Media Watchdog Blog:
MEMRI: The raw truth straight from the Middle East; an invaluable source of real reporting that America's mainstream press often ignores
NewsBusters: The ultimate reference site for diagnosing media falsehoods and omissions
NewsBusters: The ultimate reference site for diagnosing media falsehoods and omissions
Best Audio/Video Site:
Media Equalizer: Tremendous, high quality coverage of key sound bites that matter
The Right Scoop: Top-notch, sweeping coverage of the real media
The Right Scoop: Top-notch, sweeping coverage of the real media
The Senator John Blutarsky Award for Conservative Blogging:
Ace o' Spades: Pricking the Leftist thought bubble
The Daniel Simpson Day Award for Best Satirical Blog:
Duffel Blog: The armed forces answer to The Onion
The Broken Lizard Award for Best Blog Implosion
A repeat winner, Little Green Footballs continues its longterm meltdown (accepting the award for LGF is The Diary of Daedalus, which is attempting to hold an intervention)
The Andrew Dice Clay Award for Political Incorrectness:
Angry White Dude: Politically incorrect is putting it mildly
Cold Fury: Politically incorrect and littered with entertaining, ehm, colloquiallisms
Cold Fury: Politically incorrect and littered with entertaining, ehm, colloquiallisms
The Family Guy Award for Best Graphics:
IOTW Report: A creative blunt instrument capable of wreaking havoc on Democrats
The People's Cube: Remains the finest purveyor of anti-Leftist illustrations in the world
The People's Cube: Remains the finest purveyor of anti-Leftist illustrations in the world
The Salvador Dali Award for Most Creative Blogging:
American Digest: The Internet's free general store
Curmudgeonly & Skeptical: Savagely funny
Sondrakistan: Always a unique take on current events
Curmudgeonly & Skeptical: Savagely funny
Sondrakistan: Always a unique take on current events
The GOPe Panic Attack of the Year Award
• William Kristol for threatening to start a new party if Donald Trump wins the Republican nomination (hint: you can call it the Stupid Party, schmucks)
• George Will for "If Trump wins the nomination, prepare for the end of the conservative party"
• George Will for "If Trump wins the nomination, prepare for the end of the conservative party"
Hypersensitive GOPe Columnist of the Year
Kevin D. Williamson of National Review, for blocking both myself and summer intern Biff Spackle on Twitter for some mild criticism and parody.

The Matthew Yglesias Award for the Year's Dumbest Blogger:
Jennifer Rubin of The Washington Post, a purported "conservative" whose year-long assault on Ted Cruz has been (predictably) a SCOAMF.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Award for Helping to Destroy the Republican Party by Disenfranchising the Base
• The Wall Street Journal, for its senseless attacks on Constitutional Conservatives
• Karl Rove, a "moron [who] wasted $430 million on political campaigns and lost 100%"
• Karl Rove, a "moron [who] wasted $430 million on political campaigns and lost 100%"
The Melvin Keynes Award for World's Funniest Economist (Economedian):
Paul Krugman for claiming to "have been right about everything", when even a cursory review by a primate-level intellect reveals that his record is uniformly awful
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Okay, I won. Where do I get my damn award badges?
A: Right here. If you have questions about installing your badge, ask 'em in the comments.
Q: *Sob*. I didn't win. Can I use one of the badges anyhow?
A: Yes, we've included a spiffy new LOSER badge just for you.
Q: You suck -- I didn't win.
A: That's not a question.
Q: Where are the previous Fabulous 50 Award Winners listed?
A: The prior awards are listed here:
• 2014 Fabulous 50 Blog Award Winners
• 2013 Fabulous 50 Blog Award Winners
• 2012 Fabulous 50 Blog Award Winners
• 2011 Fabulous 50 Blog Award Winners
• 2010 Fabulous 50 Blog Award Winners
• 2009 Fabulous 50 Blog Award Winners.
WTH? Where is Doug Ross @ Journal in this award list. C'mon Man! Not taking away anything from the others but Doug Ross should be in this list somewhere! It's my go to site first - each and every morning
yeah, I just farted.
Amazing sites all! But I have to mention BareNakedIslam as a worthy contender for the Anti-Jihad Blog award. Otherwise, thanks for acknowledging most of my everyday reads & mentioning some new sites I've missed.
Thank you for the prestigious award! And of course, I'd like to thank all of the people who really made this possible - the lamebrains in Washington without whom my cartoons wouldn't be necessary (grin).
From all our us at Victory Girls Blog, thank you so much! We LOVE being "grassroots!" And it's so nice to be recognized by you for our efforts. :)
video - fourwordsalluppercase - Worst Wifi Password Ever
I wasn't aware you could be held in such high regard as some of these blogs on the list that just cut and paste from other blogs and news sources, and offer absolutely nothing original?
YOU ROCK! Happy New Year!
From Mr. Pinko -
OMG, I don't know what to say! Thank you sooooo much!
This IS the most prestigious award in the intertoobs!
I can't find my notes, butt I would like to thank all the people who made this possible: Lady M and Big Guy, of course, the Lame Stream Media, DNC, GOPe and all our overlords who know how we should live our lives better than we can and are happy to mandate that we do so.
I hear the music, so I know I'm going on too long, butt before I give up the microphone, I want to thank Doug Ross, you've helped me more than you will ever know, and my entire comment section which is, if I may graciously beg to differ, the best comment section east OR west of the Mississippi!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Charles Foster Johnson of littlegreenfootballs wins again! His slide for having a great blog to his current post-divorce/post-bike accident world is amazing. Couldn't happen to amore deserving prick!
penis penis penis lol
Muchas Garcias from Angry White Dude! Politically incorrect? I got yer politically incorrect right here!
Great work again, Doug!
AP shouldn't have banned me.
Charles @green_footballs Johnson is the only 62 year old with a magical jazzy ponytail who made the cut. Kudos.
Someone who's into software-talk should write to the Malwarebytes staff. They inadvertently blacklisted BadBlue, which, along with Drudge, is one of my first two go-to sites. I fixed it by using an un-updated PC with Malwarebytes turned off, in order to figure out the URL of BadBle, then white-listed it in Malwarebytes. But that was a pain and some folks might not get that far. Even at that, I cannot get to the subsections in BB's ribbon bar, such as "guns," without going through the entire white-listing process again.
Thanks very mush for this great post. Increasingly I will be dependent upon it, as the truth comes through an ever-narrower funnel.
I'm with Ghostwriter-this site is my go-to first thing every morning-so in my book, you're #1 Doug.
What, no The Lame Cherry? We've got a Prophetess of The Lord God Almighty, who knows all (and believe me, there is information in her blog that nobody will report; if you don't believe that, check out her archives) loves America as much as anyone, and will gladly answer any and all who are attracted to her little group she calls the Communion of Saints. Remember, God, The Father of Jesus Christ is good, the Only Good in all Creation, and He's trying to clue you in through this Blessed Sister.
Cowboy said... I would suggest for anyone interested in a day to day scorecard of terrorist activity in the Middle East and elsewhere, is the place to start. A conservative site, once you begin to access the site you are hooked.
OOps. That's not Rantberg.
Where the hell is Thomas Sowell in this list! needs to be on this list. Keeping up with Muslim atrocities, invasions, outrages, & falsehoods worldwide. This site has had over 100,000,000 hits
on their counter. I check them every day, along with the justifiably honored Outstanding, both of them.
Thank ya, Doug! :)
I echo Ghostwriter: "WTH? Where is Doug Ross @ Journal in this award list. C'mon Man! Not taking away anything from the others but Doug Ross should be in this list somewhere! It's my go to site first - each and every morning"
Ross is on my short list every morning,too.
Never underestimate the power of the blogging Ring Around
Hi Doug,
Thank you very much! Such a great honor, but I'm with the others, put Doug Ross @ Journal up there!!!
As one of the seven at, I'm honored to be a small part of this.
..thanks for this list. In fact, I am grateful I was routed here. I was growing stale on a steady diet of Hot Air -- so to speak. Nothing wrong with Hot Gas, just that I had forgotten all of the wonderful *other* bastions of conservative punditry out there.
(In fact, glad I bumped into you as well!)
Thank you Doug! It's an honor to be listed in such highly esteemed company.
bad link on instapundit
David A. - why, no, it was, uh, fine. The whole time. No (voice cracking), really.
*** linked fixed, thanks ***
I'm bummed, no intellectual frog legs?!?
Why isn't listed as the best niqqer bashing site? Ever since ceased to exist, is the best.
Sweet thing!
Why doesn't this site recognize Alex Jones Infowars for anything? The guy has millions of followers internationally and has broke innumerable important stories over the years providing the fodder for many of your "winners" to reproduce, provide commentary on and use to promote their own sites. Very disappointing.
I love Richard Fernandez's Belmont Club. He and VDH are the greatest intellects on the conservative planet. Why is his name not here?
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